View Full Version : How to add border on custom template

11-20-2007, 11:54 AM
Hello everyone,

I have a new VB board, and need some help with a custom installed template.

I downloaded the template here http://vbskins.com/theme/trigo.html

I have it installed here http://www.campercommunity.com/forum/?styleid=2

I modified the Header, Header include, and footer code in style manager, so that it would include my sitewide header and footer. That worked great, but you can see that when i do that, i lose the "border" or outer edges that would normally extend to the same length as my header graphic. you can see what I mean here, i added the same code to the Default VB template, and it all aligns with my header http://www.campercommunity.com/forum/?styleid=3
The white edge/border is what i am referring to there.

Is there a way i can modify something to give me a border like this using the trigo template?
Before I modify the Trigo code, there is a light green border there, as seen here http://vbskins.com/forums/?styleid=28 but it goes away when i apply the code for my header and such. I would like to maintain that if possible.

Thanks for any help.

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figured it out