View Full Version : What is the "acceptable range" for installing styles from different versions?

11-15-2007, 02:01 PM
I see a lot of styles which are simply fantastic on the site. However, many of them are versions 3.6.4 or below, while the most recent version of vBulletin is 3.6.8. I'm wondering if it is "safe" for me to install these lower version styles, and if so, when does it become "unsafe", if at all?

For example, I don't want to load a style that is version 3.6.0 only to see that it skews the forum into a visual jigsaw, or removes essential links from the top navbar, or causes nuclear tensions between Iran and Israel... get my drift?

So I'm curious - what is a good range to stay within when installing styles with versions different than the official vBulletin version? 0.0.4 variance? 0.4.2? 3.141592654? (Kidding on that last one... dunno if anyone caught that. :D).


11-16-2007, 11:53 AM
do not install styles of different versions unless you know what you are doing (html, editing templates, etc)

every version is slightly different from the prior - you should always install styles made for the version you have installed

11-20-2007, 01:35 PM
So installing a style made for 3.6.8 on a forum that is 3.6.5 is not advisable?

vertigo jones
11-21-2007, 01:18 PM
The best way to use it would be to install it, upgrade the changed templates in the admin section, and then try to manually redo the necessary changes.