View Full Version : wiki vbulletin manual ???

11-07-2007, 03:03 PM
There are some usefull articles here on how to code (or learn to code) vbulletin script.
Some of them are out-of-date some are half-done etc.

Would be nice to have some wiki article system here so that we can build up and share customization manual, codes etc. together.

I dont want to suggest platform, it can be wiki media or other, but the best implemented and suited solution for this might be NuWiki. I run it for the same purposes on my board and it serves me well. You can ask Bert at NuHit, I think he will be happy to assist you with this and maybe give to .org free of charge. If not, I will buy the license for vb.org myself :)

What do you think?

King Kovifor
11-07-2007, 10:47 PM
I would doubt that the administration would do this as the articles here are meant to be the sole property of the author. It is up to the author to keep an article up to date, or for another member to create a new article. Collaboration would remove the "copyright" and ownership of the article from the original poster.

11-08-2007, 09:47 AM
I am not saying that current article system should extinct :)

I just think that it would be nice if we can pile up more info together than to wait for one person to write complex articles and how-tos.

Those two platforms can live together. And if you want to keep it more author-copyright like maybe that can be replaced with blog system... with article category (predefined by admin - this feature is not implemented in vbBlog yet though)