View Full Version : Remove/discard single posts from 'Unread Posts' without having to read

11-06-2007, 09:38 PM
Is there a mod (or can someone come up with an easy solution) so you can click a discard icon on the 'Unread Posts' page instead of having to read each and every post (preferly using ajax).

E.G: Read what you want and click discard on the posts you want to ignore.

Getting hundreds and hundreds of posts a day and members are complaining of getting swamped in unread posts.

Would consider paying for it to be done if no one can come up with an answer.


11-06-2007, 11:04 PM
How is this different from hitting Mark Forums Read?

11-07-2007, 08:00 AM
I only want to discard single posts (from the unread posts page) rather than having to click on the post (and then click on unread posts again) to remove it 'as read'. I don't want to remove a whole forum's worth of posts.

The whole problem stems from when members login and have 3,000 unread posts (which our members quite often do). You can go to the 'unread posts' and be selective over what threads they want to read (to save time: it's a bit like when you go though your email account and weed out and discard emails you know are SPAM).


11-08-2007, 01:37 AM
I would love something like this too.