View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Easy Access - easily access functions in your ACP

11-04-2007, 10:00 PM
Easy Access

http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/5985/ezaccessnt0.jpg http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/2338/ezaccess2rj9.jpg

This is an admin control panel navigation menu that allows you to have easy access to many functions in your ACP, many of which normally require many clicks to get to the proper option menu.

For instance, I always found it somewhat annoying that, in order to edit a template, I had to click on "Styles & Templates," then "Style Manager," then choose "Edit Templates" and then click on the "<<>>" button to expand all of the templates. With this ACP navigation menu all you have to do is click on "edit Templates" to get to the same menu.

This comes in two versions, which are both included in the .zip file: one for regular vb users, and another for people that have TMS (Template Modification System) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152931) installed. Upload whichever one you want to use. In the pictures above, the one on the left is the TMS version, and the one on the right is the regular (non-TMS) version.

All permissions are set according to vb standards. In the TMS version, canadminstyles is the permission for the TMS settings.

This should work in all 3.6.X vb versions.


Choose which version you wish to upload, and upload the contents of the "upload" folder to your forum directory via ftp. Then login to your Admin Control panel and look in the navigation menu for a new navigation option called "Easy Access." No file edits or products to upload - just upload one file.

NOTE: The cpnav_easyaccess.xml file should go to:


Please click "Install" if you find this useful

11-05-2007, 03:31 PM

Michael Biddle
11-05-2007, 03:53 PM
and does this work with permissions? Also i see that it has the TMS. A lot of people dont have that in their by default. Will it be removed?

11-05-2007, 04:12 PM
Downloaded TMS version. Easy install and very handy. Thanks!

11-05-2007, 04:15 PM
and does this work with permissions? Also i see that it has the TMS. A lot of people dont have that in their by default. Will it be removed?

there are two versions of the xml - one for people with TMS, and one for people without - upload the xml of your choice.

The permissions are all set according to vb standards for each setting :)

11-05-2007, 04:29 PM
Thanks yoyoyoyo.
You can modify it to have a fully phrased.

Replace: <text>Edit Settings</text>
By: $vbphrase[edit_settings]

Replace: Edit Templates
By: $vbphrase[edit_templates]

Replace: Add Phrases
By: $vbphrase[add_new_phrase]

Replace: Show All Users
By: $vbphrase[show_all_users]

Replace: Usergroup Manager
By: $vbphrase[usergroup_manager]

Replace: Permissions Quick Editor
By: $vbphrase[permissions_quick_editor]

Replace: Add/Import Products
By: $vbphrase[add_import_product]

Replace: <text>Post New Announcement</text>
By: $vbphrase[post_new_announcement]

11-05-2007, 04:42 PM
Thanks yoyoyoyo.
You can modify it to have a fully phrased.

Replace: <text>Edit Settings</text>
By: $vbphrase[edit_settings]

Replace: Edit Templates
By: $vbphrase[edit_templates]

Replace: Add Phrases
By: $vbphrase[add_new_phrase]

Replace: Show All Users
By: $vbphrase[show_all_users]

Replace: Usergroup Manager
By: $vbphrase[usergroup_manager]

Replace: Permissions Quick Editor
By: $vbphrase[permissions_quick_editor]

Replace: Add/Import Products
By: $vbphrase[add_import_product]

Replace: <text>Post New Announcement</text>
By: $vbphrase[post_new_announcement]

Actually, I tried that, but since those phrases are not ACP navigation phrases they come up like this:


If I try to add the phrase as simply <phrase>edit_settings</phrase> it comes out like this:


So instead, I decided to use:
<text>Edit Settings</text>

for the instances where phrases are not ACP navigation phrases.

When it was possible to use ACP navigation phrases, such as "Rebuild Bitfields" I used them, but they have to be ACP navigation phrases.

I thought about adding a product that added those phrases as ACP navigation phrases, but thought that was overkill for something like this.

11-05-2007, 04:44 PM
ok :'(

11-05-2007, 08:14 PM
Thanks bud :). I am going to think about installing but for right now I am going to click install anyway ;).

11-05-2007, 08:16 PM
I'm so tempted :rolleyes:

11-06-2007, 03:33 AM
I'm so tempted :rolleyes:
is that sarcastic or are you serious? if you are serious - it doesn't hurt to try - just upload one file - if you don't like it you can always delete it... no harm done.

11-06-2007, 03:57 AM
Too easy! Great idea, thanks :up:

11-06-2007, 04:00 AM
I changed the display order in the XML to "-1" so it's right up the top ;)

11-06-2007, 12:29 PM
I changed the display order in the XML to "-1" so it's right up the top ;)

great idea! I will change that with the new version which I will be releasing soon - I will be adding a few more commonly used links that require way too many clicks to access.

11-09-2007, 10:57 AM
nice idea...installed...thanks for this...but how come i got that thing on TMS Version??? and when i clicked it...got error page only or page not found....can you explain it more please...

please view my attachment:

11-09-2007, 11:36 AM
I tnice idea...installed...thanks for this...but how come i got that thing on TMS Version??? and when i clicked it...got error page only or page not found....can you explain it more please...

please view my attachment:
It looks like you do not have TMS installed or those phrases would appear, and you would have those files that they link to. Is that the case?

If you do not have TMS installed, upload the other version

11-11-2007, 06:32 AM
I t
It looks like you do not have TMS installed or those phrases would appear, and you would have those files that they link to. Is that the case?

If you do not have TMS installed, upload the other versionooops...sorry...i got it now...you're right....i don't have the TMS installed....thanks bro...


01-22-2008, 05:50 AM
I like this, nice and easy does it..

01-25-2008, 03:57 PM
Thanks, nice mod, works great!

01-29-2009, 08:54 AM
Hi everybody!

This seems to be a sweet hack, but I would like to have some help on the following:

- What is TMS?
- My board has 2 (two) Admins. Is it possible to enable this hack just for one Admin and not for the two at the same time?

Thank you so very much! :up:

01-30-2009, 11:59 AM
Does this work on vb 3.8.1?