View Full Version : Add-On Releases - vBA CMPS - Enable/Disable Per Style

11-01-2007, 10:00 PM
This is a simple product that will allow you to select via your admincp options which styles vBAdvanced CMPS will be applied to. The product provides improved performance over controlling the display of your CMPS side bar or module content using template edits as it will actually know when to run the CMPS code and when it's not required for each style.

Only Tested With vBAdvanced CMPS v3.0 RC2 - use on anyother version of CMPS is at your own risk!
- Simply download the product file and install via the vBulletin Product Manager in your admincp.

Download the new version and import via your admincp product manager - ensure you set "Allow Overwrite" to yes.

Instructions For Use:
Go to your admincp, vBulletin Options -> Style & Language Settings -> vBAdvanced CMPS Styles (it should be the last option there) - select which styles you want to add CMPS to. Use ctrl+click to select more than one.
Set up Integration as normal via the CMPS admin panel.
Enjoy!A couple of points to note:
This product will alter plugin code belonging to vBA CMPS when installed. Which means that simply disabling this product will not remove it's effects, uninstalling will be required to revert the plugins used.
This product will require reinstalling whenever you upgrade vBAdvanced CMPS.
Check your integration options carefully. When I first tried this out I chose to integrate a page that forced the style to one without integration. It won't work like that...

Can I change which CMPS modules are used for each style?
- No, sorry. I do believe that should be possible with a wee bit more coding but it is currently outwith the scope of this project.

Can I choose to show the CMPS modules based on usergroups rather than styles?
- Yes. This is already built in to CMPS, each module has it's own usergroup permissions via the Edit Module pages!


v1.0 (1st Nov 2007)

Original code releasev1.1 (2nd Nov 2007)

Fixed bug causing improper spacing on postbits after quick reply posting.

11-02-2007, 01:08 AM
i'm going to give it shot.....

11-02-2007, 02:49 AM
thanks , i will test it

11-02-2007, 12:39 PM
ths ! I will test it too ! ;)

11-02-2007, 01:08 PM
This is a great development in CMPS usage. I've wondered for some time how to get a module display for a specific forum - this is the answer. Thank you!

11-02-2007, 05:01 PM
OMG you fulfill my request i made here



11-02-2007, 08:35 PM
Thank you all for the support! :)

I've uploaded a minor cosmetic bug fix release.
In the original version there was a problem with spacing around postbits when using the AJAX quick reply in some cases, fixed in v1.1 though.

11-03-2007, 09:57 AM
thank you!!!!!!!

MV Blackie
11-23-2007, 11:01 AM
sorry, i lost you here :
Set up Integration as normal via the CMPS admin panel.

could you give some more info please?

11-23-2007, 11:20 AM
sorry, i lost you here :

could you give some more info please?
Head to your admincp, find the vBA CMPS menu area in the left navigation pane and choose the "Integration" option from there.

You'll be shown the integration options page, the instructions next to each option give a pretty good description of what each do, but basically to integrate normal vBulletin forum pages you just select the filenames from a list and the CMPS modules will be added to those.

This product allows you to choose or limit which vB styles the integration is applied to :)

MV Blackie
11-23-2007, 11:39 AM
pff, now i feel like a real rookie (again)
if i go to the integration option it says :
You do not currently have any pages that meet the qualifications necessary to be used for integration. Click here to add a new "Module" page to be used for the integration.
if i click next, i have to define pagename, identiefiers & stuff ....
damn, feeling so noob :confused:

11-23-2007, 11:52 AM
heh, everything is complicated if you haven't done it before.

I think you should have a defualt page already set up when installing the CMPS product, try heading to admincp -> CMPS -> Edit Pages. The default page if I remember is called "homepage", click to edit that and there should be lots of options there, the ones you want are to add a Module to the page - try the Welcome Block and Buddy List for example.

After that the page should be suitable to integrate with your forum pages.
Btw: you can integrate with your forums without this product, this just gives you extra control over when to add that integration.

Unfortuantely I have to go catch a train now (well, ten minutes ago...!) and offline for a week, for more help on setting up the CMPS side of things you can ask over at www.vbadvanced.com - they'rea friendly lot :D

01-18-2008, 08:31 AM
I'm running 3.6.8 with vBa CMPS v3.0 RC2.

However, when I go to install your product, I receive the error:
The product adv_cmps must be installed before this product may be installed. (Compatible starting with v3.0 RC2)

Do you know why it would give me this error?

Edit - I tried reinstalling VBA cmps but it did not help, so I simply edited your XML file and removed the dependencies. It works great now, thanks for the excellent mod. :)

05-07-2008, 10:05 AM
Any way to make this work with 3.6.5??

11-17-2008, 02:27 PM
I need something exactly like this for 3.7 and cmps 3.0.1

03-14-2009, 02:37 PM
Me too, i'm on the same boat.