05-06-2001, 10:00 PM
This one is for CJ:
it allows you to select in a usergroup's settings whether the members of this usergroup will show up in the Members List (
For example, on my Bulletin Board members of the "Banned Users" and "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" are excluded and will not show up on the Members List.
Others might find it useful if they want to exclude Administrators or other site personnel.
In any case, it's a very simple hack (I think). It involves runnign one MySQL query and editing two scripts.
1. Run the following MySQL command via phpMyAdmin or Telnet:
ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD showinlist SMALLINT (6) DEFAULT '1' not null
(explanation: the above query will add a column to the usergroup table 'showinlist' with the default value being '1' so that by default, ALL usergroups are included in the Members List (like it is now)).
2. Open admin/usergroup.php.
makeyesnocode("Can modify profile","canmodifyprofile",1);
BELOW it add:
makeyesnocode("Appear in Members List","showinlist",1);
REPLACE it with (change is in red):
candenypmreceipts,maxbuddypm,maxforwardpm,showinli st)
REPLACE it with (change is in red):
makeyesnocode("Can modify profile","canmodifyprofile",$usergroup[canmodifyprofile]);
BELOW it add:
makeyesnocode("Appear in Members List","showinlist",$usergroup[showinlist]);
REPLACE it with (change is in red):
Save the file.
3. Open memberlist.php
$memberlistbit = "";
ABOVE it put:
$showugroup=$DB_site->query("SELECT usergroupid FROM usergroup WHERE showinlist=0");
while($thisgroup=$DB_site->fetch_array($showugroup)) {
$condition.=" AND usergroupid!='$thisgroup[usergroupid]'";
Save and upload both files.
Now, go to the Control Panel -> User Groups and Permissions -> Modify.
Click on "edit" next to the usergroup you want to EXCLUDE from the Members List. (meaning: the members of that usergroup will not appear in the Members List).
Under the "Miscellaneous Permissions" section you will find a yes/no option whether members of this usergroup will show up in the Members List or not.
it allows you to select in a usergroup's settings whether the members of this usergroup will show up in the Members List (
For example, on my Bulletin Board members of the "Banned Users" and "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" are excluded and will not show up on the Members List.
Others might find it useful if they want to exclude Administrators or other site personnel.
In any case, it's a very simple hack (I think). It involves runnign one MySQL query and editing two scripts.
1. Run the following MySQL command via phpMyAdmin or Telnet:
ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD showinlist SMALLINT (6) DEFAULT '1' not null
(explanation: the above query will add a column to the usergroup table 'showinlist' with the default value being '1' so that by default, ALL usergroups are included in the Members List (like it is now)).
2. Open admin/usergroup.php.
makeyesnocode("Can modify profile","canmodifyprofile",1);
BELOW it add:
makeyesnocode("Appear in Members List","showinlist",1);
REPLACE it with (change is in red):
candenypmreceipts,maxbuddypm,maxforwardpm,showinli st)
REPLACE it with (change is in red):
makeyesnocode("Can modify profile","canmodifyprofile",$usergroup[canmodifyprofile]);
BELOW it add:
makeyesnocode("Appear in Members List","showinlist",$usergroup[showinlist]);
REPLACE it with (change is in red):
Save the file.
3. Open memberlist.php
$memberlistbit = "";
ABOVE it put:
$showugroup=$DB_site->query("SELECT usergroupid FROM usergroup WHERE showinlist=0");
while($thisgroup=$DB_site->fetch_array($showugroup)) {
$condition.=" AND usergroupid!='$thisgroup[usergroupid]'";
Save and upload both files.
Now, go to the Control Panel -> User Groups and Permissions -> Modify.
Click on "edit" next to the usergroup you want to EXCLUDE from the Members List. (meaning: the members of that usergroup will not appear in the Members List).
Under the "Miscellaneous Permissions" section you will find a yes/no option whether members of this usergroup will show up in the Members List or not.