View Full Version : Stop annoying thanks posters

10-27-2007, 01:49 PM
I get a lot of people posting nothing but "thanks", "thank you" etc. in replies just to boost their post count. Even though this hack is installed:


and it is mentioned in the rules that they should push the button instead of posting thanks.

So I though it would be great if we had a hack that would stop people from posting and display a warning message that they should push the button if their post contains "thank" and is not longer then 10 characters for example.

Brandon Sheley
10-27-2007, 02:04 PM
Set the minimum post count ;)

10-27-2007, 03:18 PM
Set the minimum post count ;)

Not sure what do you mean by that and how would it help.

ChU v2
10-27-2007, 10:02 PM
He means set the minimum post count before they can post... I don't think that would help much though. My suggestion would be making the rules more clear, meaning make an announcement about that rule specificly or give warnings when the rule is broken.

You could also set it so you have type in lets 10 characters into the reply box before it posts. So that they can't just say "thanks" or "thank you" that option is in vBoptions in the acp somewhere.

10-28-2007, 10:02 AM
He means set the minimum post count before they can post... I don't think that would help much though. My suggestion would be making the rules more clear, meaning make an announcement about that rule specificly or give warnings when the rule is broken.

You could also set it so you have type in lets 10 characters into the reply box before it posts. So that they can't just say "thanks" or "thank you" that option is in vBoptions in the acp somewhere.

Yes I could set character limit lower. They'd probably just write something like "thanks a lot man", I'd like them to get a warning saying that they shouldn't write a message just to say thanks, and thanks for other suggestions as well.
But I still hope few people would find a hack like this useful and that someone would actually make one :)

10-28-2007, 04:57 PM
Well, maybe a plugin can show a warning "Please use thank you button instead of posting it." if "thank" is in the post. But this will also prevent "thanksgiving" etc. :)

10-28-2007, 06:13 PM
Well, maybe a plugin can show a warning "Please use thank you button instead of posting it." if "thank" is in the post. But this will also prevent "thanksgiving" etc. :)

It could be optional to prevent posting completely or just to show warning and "Happy thanksgiving" giving would be out of 10 character limit :)

10-28-2007, 06:23 PM
Just increase the post character count to like 100 characters for that forum. If they're REALLY appreciative, let them post a testimonial. Great advertizing on your front page! ;)

10-28-2007, 07:05 PM
The thing is they are just trying to avoid some restrictions I have for zero posters. That's why some of them just reply with thanks, I guess they are too lazy to write a proper post or something.
But if I am the only one having this issue, never mind then. I thought this would be useful to some of the other admins as well.

10-28-2007, 08:25 PM
Karabaja, the types like that will always slip in. No mod is going to prevent the drive-bys. The trick is to get them to work for you (especially organized attacks). Let them waste their time for your benefit (want to post thank yous? My site can always use testimonials deal). After awhile it'll become too challenging, and they'll move to more softer targets. Wear them down.