View Full Version : Super quick questions about mods/styles

Mr.Danko Jones
10-26-2007, 01:04 AM

i) Is anyone familiar with the skin/style that is being used on the following board?


ii) Is there a good *spoiler* mod out there for vB? I've seen it for another popular mb but not vB yet.

iii) Are there any other must-have mods other than the IPB Arcade? I was looking for a mod that allowed user-chosen name colour mods but came up short.

Thanks in advance! :cool:

10-26-2007, 06:52 AM
i) I'm very positive that style is customized

ii)search for it...

iii) umm lets see.... it depends on what kind of forum you have

i took a look at your board... you might want to upload the images for the skins. just a friendly advice :)