View Full Version : Sports Forums Review

10-24-2007, 04:05 AM
Hi Everyone!

I'm fairly new to the community here. Please let me know what you think of my site.




10-24-2007, 04:20 AM
Seems like you have a lot of activity going on, which is never a bad thing. However, the large amount of forums can be a bit overwhelming. Other than that, your style is nice and simple as well as easy on the eyes, but can use a bit more customizing to steer it away from the default style.

10-24-2007, 08:27 AM
Getting a scrollbar @ 1024x768 resolution, caused by the top ad being about 20px too wide.

Logo color is confusing, and due to it's color, for those with color-blindness (which men have this trait) it won't appear that color at all.

Color scheme needs a little work. Try the free color scheme sites online to help pick colors that will highlight your sports theme (the default vBulletin blue will clash, as it's a mono theme).

10-24-2007, 09:10 AM
Like what the other members said and a little more. Firstly, elaborate on your theme by giving the default stock some appropriate images/icons so guests, members and anyone else know and get a feel for what your forum is all about. I noticed many images have not been changed that are incorrectly not saved for the background they are being applied upon like the collapse icons and the sortasc/sortdesc icons. There maybe other images with redundant backgrounds, I haven't checked so ensure that you have checked for incorrectly saved matted images on your forum.

Like the others have said, colour usage is poor, and like ChrisLM2001 said there are free colour scheme tools to help you in your endeavor to implementing better colour implementation which I have listed below.

Goodluck with your site. :)

1. http://www.defencemechanism.com/color/
2. http://www.steeldolphin.com/color_scheme.html
3. http://www.colorblender.com/
4. http://wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html
5. http://slayeroffice.com/tools/color_palette/
6. http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/color-blend/
7. http://www.mbcomms.net.au/tools/

10-24-2007, 11:43 AM
Thanks for the feedback so far!

I noticed many images have not been changed that are incorrectly not saved for the background they are being applied upon like the collapse icons and the sortasc/sortdesc icons. There maybe other images with redundant backgrounds, I haven't checked so ensure that you have checked for incorrectly saved matted images on your forum.

I must admit that I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean I should just update the images with something different?

10-24-2007, 12:40 PM
Thanks for the feedback so far!

I must admit that I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean I should just update the images with something different?

If you view the collapse icon for example, you'll see a square border surrounding the icon. This is fine if the background of the icon matches the the background to which it's being applied onto but it doesn't.

I guess I'm also saying that custom images (as well as images which are relevant to the theme of your site) are better to use than vbulletin stock images. Maybe find some "sports themed images" which you may find in the vbulletin.org database. Afterall, anything in the image database has got to be better than what you have currently. :up:

10-24-2007, 01:16 PM
Looks like you got a decent base. Some suggestions, a custom skin or two. a CMS for content (Sports scores, Standings, Stats, etc... ) , vBookie (since its a sports site), some fantasy applications (Pickem, Fantasy football, baseball, bascketball, hockey, nascar etc)

10-24-2007, 02:03 PM
If you view the collapse icon for example, you'll see a square border surrounding the icon. This is fine if the background of the icon matches the the background to which it's being applied onto but it doesn't.

I guess I'm also saying that custom images (as well as images which are relevant to the theme of your site) are better to use than vbulletin stock images. Maybe find some "sports themed images" which you may find in the vbulletin.org database. Afterall, anything in the image database has got to be better than what you have currently. :up:

Great... thanks for the insight!

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Looks like you got a decent base. Some suggestions, a custom skin or two. a CMS for content (Sports scores, Standings, Stats, etc... ) , vBookie (since its a sports site), some fantasy applications (Pickem, Fantasy football, baseball, bascketball, hockey, nascar etc)

I haven't seen much that really looks good in the way of CMS or fantasy apps... but then again, I've only been a member here for about a week and haven't had a chance to have a good look around yet.

Thanks for the insight!

10-24-2007, 02:17 PM
I haven't seen much that really looks good in the way of CMS or fantasy apps... but then again, I've only been a member here for about a week and haven't had a chance to have a good look around yet.

Thanks for the insight!

CMS - www.vbadvanced.com This is a decent option and gives you many different ways of delivering content. Check it out when you have time.

Fantasy Apps..

www.phpffl.com (for Fantasy Football). Is the best free option available. Can be ported to vB or use a stand alone.

http://sportsphool.sourceforge.net/ (For Pickem). Easily ported to vB or use as stand alone.

10-24-2007, 02:51 PM
You rock!

Thanks Bob!

--------------- Added 1193289899 at 1193289899 ---------------

heh... don't try to look at my site now, and probably for the rest of the night.

The partition our database sits on keeps filling up, and there is currently only one person that can fix it.

Let's just say I'll be taking care of that problem this weekend...