View Full Version : Recurring Threads

10-23-2007, 01:35 AM
I would like to be able to have recurring threads. Maybe a radio button where you can choose to stick a thread. And I'd like to have basically the same options as if creating a recurring event. Daily, Weekly, and Yearly.

Heres the reason why just to give people some motivation.
I have been working with a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) for several years. Ive also worked with VBulletin for several years. I have always thought about making a VBcmms modification. Really I already have using existing mods but there is just one thing missing. The ability to do Scheduled task. I can do it with Event forums but it just doubles the work load and makes it difficult to manage. Another thing that would be nice is if I could make the thread take the Thread # and put it at the top of the thread as a WO# (work order number).