View Full Version : Music Listing

10-22-2007, 12:09 PM
hey, i would like to add a function to my website where users can upload music on the forum and other users can vote on it. i want them to sign an agreement that the music they upload is their own and we take no responsibility if they get sued etc. i also want that those music clips can be voted on by other members and then the top 10 can show up on the homepage on the right hand side. lemme know how i can accomplish this. thanks a lot.

10-23-2007, 01:13 PM
i am also want some thing like this...

10-23-2007, 10:42 PM
i downloaded the Downloads II add-on from vbulletin.org. is there any way to allow the top 10 uploaded files onto my homepage?

10-27-2007, 10:57 AM
Links and download manager (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=119041) that's great

i use it on musicadigitale (http://www.musicadigitale.net/forum/local_links.php)