View Full Version : Error 02 Has Occured, Please Inform the Administrators

10-21-2007, 08:39 PM
Hello. I am trying to reply to the following topic:


When I hit submit, I get the following error:

Error 02 Has Occured, Please Inform the Administrators

Any ideas?

10-21-2007, 08:45 PM
yes, i wanted to post an article and also got this error

Paul M
10-21-2007, 08:53 PM
A bunch of internal code updates went live tonight, affecting code throughout the site, so please report any problems (like above).

I'll take a look at that one.

10-21-2007, 09:01 PM
Yup, error 02. We'll do so, Paul.

Paul M
10-21-2007, 09:17 PM
That should be fixed now.

10-22-2007, 11:12 AM
seems to be fixed now. Thanks.