View Full Version : hmm

05-05-2001, 08:19 PM
Hi, I am trying to add a text/input box on the editprofile page where you can put your own custom title, then I want that title to show up below that persons name in each post/reply. I know how to put text/input boxes on the edit profile page, but I do not know how to make new variables. So I need help with making a new variable that shows up below the users username. Help would be greatly appreciated :D

05-05-2001, 08:57 PM
If you mean you want to allow your users to have custom titles, that is a simple switch under Options in the Admin CP.

05-05-2001, 09:32 PM
I'd like that, but I am also going to add a few other different kinds of Titles, so im just wondering how to put a field in the edit profile page where users can type something, then it will show under there name at each post... the kind of title is hard to explain since it relates to a game :)