View Full Version : [REQ] Goto Forum

10-08-2007, 05:33 PM

Does anyone know how to create a hack where you enter the forum name and it goes to that particular forum..

Like I have a forum/category "food".

A visitor enters "food" in the field and presses "Go". Upon hitting "Go", he will be redirected to "food" forum.

If the forum doesn't exist, then it will output "Fourm not forum".

I think this requires forum id and forum name.

When people enter "food", it will search for the forumid and go there.

Something like this.

if () {
redirect ("http://DOMAIN/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=".$forumid);


10-08-2007, 06:15 PM
Doesn't the Forum Jump do this only without the need to type anything you just point and click from the list?

10-08-2007, 06:28 PM
The ForumJump is good, but people have to scroll and search for the forum. They might overlook, so I'd think it is better if they just enter the name if they know the name of the forum.

I want to create forum by stock ticker symbol. If people know the ticker symbol, they just need to enter the ticker symber, press enter, and they will go there.