View Full Version : Footnote Modification

10-08-2007, 11:33 AM
Whether it be Wordpress, Drupal, or Joomla, a highly prized hack for all CMS's (and even forums) is the ability to create footnotes on the fly. An anchor and jump bbcode mod has existed for some time (see here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=91896))

While this solution is "workable", it is very tedious. Less sophisticated users will find it difficult to add multiple footnotes as the anchors all need to be placed at the bottom of a post and the jump tags in proper locations throughout the text of a post.

There are several forums that are devoted to academic or other intensive subjects where the ability to easily footnote posts (and especially articles) would be a welcome capability. I'd even be willing to pay for such a product. I'm not sure the financial windfall would be enormous but, at present, you'd have your own niche as nobody seems to have ever considered building a decent footnote system.

It would be ideal to simply be able to surround text like so footnote text and have the footnote text placed at the bottom, auto-numbered, with the numbers linked to/from the footnote. The Wordpress footnote plugin is probably the nicest I've ever seen as it even allows config of the CSS.

Anyhow, if you've got the skill to pull this off, PLEASE consider building this modification. Especially as vBulletin has a blog product now, this feature would be a very welcome addition to forums like mine.