View Full Version : Scuba Diving Forum Review

09-26-2007, 10:01 PM
Okay, I will be 'officially' releasing this to an unsuspecting public on Saturday, but I wanted to get an honest opinion on my forum build from others that live and breathe forums! So let me duck whilst you take aim and fire! ;)

Its a site aimed at UK Divers in its simplicity, and i want to develop it with my already purchased vbadvanced links and dynamics modules, but i dont want to break it just yet ;)

Its at www.scubanetwork.co.uk , and many thanks in advance for your time to look :)

09-26-2007, 10:09 PM
there are alot of forums to start a new site. i would be concerned of overwelming your users and it looking slow.

i would also suggest the hack for sub forums (in the 3.6 mod section on here) . it stacks your sub forums up neatly in rows. i think its by cyber but i dont remember.

09-27-2007, 02:06 AM
hmm , ok well , looks very stock just with different colors, logo not very appealing , you need some good work there, some custom scuba icons , etc, something into the feel of your site's main topic / theme .

i think you'll get the idea , other than that , good site .

09-27-2007, 04:19 AM
I kinda like the logo. Sometimes, especially when creating a new site, to go simple. :)

10-04-2007, 06:52 AM
way too many sub-forums IMO. for example: you should probably start with just an "England" forum, and add sub-forums for all the various areas after you get a bunch of users

10-17-2007, 11:27 AM
I'm a bit confused on what you are trying to do there... it struck me as very strange that there are 250 news posts... all from one person, and then the gear section is just a lot of copy and paste from scuba.com... Is it just some sort of affiliate site for them? If not - it's how it comes off to me.

I've build a VB board for scuba in the states - and it's going through a steady slow growth - but I didn't "seed" it to begin with like yours. I'd also agree that if you only have a few dozen visitors - it's better their posts are packed into a smaller area.