View Full Version : Image in front of each subforum

09-20-2007, 05:50 PM
I was wondering if there is anything available to change the images for each of the subforums. I see www.vbulletinsetup.com does it (the nuclear sign for the first subforum, ...).

One thing I don't see there is that it doesn't make it gray when all threads in a subforum are read (like the original vBulletin style does).

09-21-2007, 08:22 AM
One method is to use the forum ID's as the name of your images for each forum. Example:

You have 3 forums: Announcements (forum ID 1), Feedback (forum ID 2) and General Discussions (forum ID 3). Now do the following:

In forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post add (generally inside the first <td> tag where the statusicon is located):

<img src="/path/to/image/$forum[forumid].gif" alt="" border="0" id="forum_statusicon_$forum[forumid]" />

Now go back to your 3 forums. Each is marked by its forum ID. Find the images you want to use. Rename them to the forum ID (e.g., 1.gif, 2.gif, 3.gif), or whichever image extension you use. Now each forum, including the subforums, will have their unique image.

*It's important to set the path of your images correctly with their respective forum IDs to show up correctly.

09-22-2007, 01:49 PM
Thanks for your help, Freesteyelz!

Any idea how I can use 2 different images, one if the forum has unread messages and one if the forum is completely read?

09-22-2007, 08:41 PM
That I'm not sure whether a conditional will work, if there needs to be a modification in code or both. I've tried several things and so far I didn't get it to work. Hmm...