View Full Version : A question to the Pro's...

07-05-2000, 08:15 PM
Is there a way for me to edit the code so that if one of my posters posts an e-mail address (someone else's) can I make my vbulletin automatically e-mail the person whos e-mail address was posted on my forum. For example if I post something about you and your email address is in the post, I want my Vbulletin to automatically e-mail you. Is this at all possible?


07-06-2000, 11:25 AM
It *might* be possbile, but it would probably add a lot to the system load, having to check all the topics and such.

Actually, I think I have a vague idea how it could be done... Maybe I'll play around with it some more later :)

07-06-2000, 05:03 PM
Thanks you very much Menno, as I will greatly need it. Would it really add so much to the system load? I was thinking that it would be the same thing as when you posted a reply to my topic and I got the automated vbb message. Couldn't we set up the code to do the same thing. Once the e-mail address is written and the post submitted, it will automatically e-mail the person whos e-mail message is displayed. For example if I post your e-mail address in a thread then i would like to edit the vbb code to auto e-mail you. Is that possible. Thanks for the help.


07-08-2000, 07:27 AM
The problem is you'd have to scan the entire message for the mails. This could add alot of system load if users post big messages, or alot of mail.
Not to mention the fact that some people don't want to get those mails.

07-08-2000, 12:04 PM
I'm wondering also what would happen if someone put a long list of email addresses.

Would everyone get an email to check the post?

I don't think this should be automated at all. The moderator could contact the person if needed.

08-30-2000, 07:40 AM
My site is not like that. It would be one e-mail address that would be posted and then the person whos e-mail addy is hyperlinked would get the automated e-mail. So there wouldn't be a list of 5000 e-mail addy's all getting that one automated response. This might sound complicated, but if you would check my forums, you would get a better understanding of what I'm trying to do. Is this at all possible?


08-30-2000, 11:42 AM
Would be simple enough...simply use one of the many string functions that php offers, to a search for the "mailto:" part and send as e-mail to the address that follows. I beleive the variable you would need to do the check on is "$message".


09-03-2000, 08:12 PM
Thanks to everyone for answering my question, as I've come up with a conclusion. I am willing to pay someone to come up with a script that will do as I requested above. If you are interested, please contact me.