View Full Version : GSCentral.org

Mr.Danko Jones
09-14-2007, 01:54 AM
We have over 2.1 million codes and are currently the 'market leader'. Any suggestions? :)

09-14-2007, 04:03 PM
well aside from your coders and 'market leader' , i would really suggest making a new header, and "customizing" your site.

the header isnt pretty at all , you need to spark up good interest with your header, right now it looks very plain and boring.

So try something new , and same thing with your forums.

09-14-2007, 11:02 PM
Style needs something new besides the default vBulletin one. As Xtrato said, the header is plain. The forum looks like a straight out of the box vBulletin install with zero customization besides the logo.

Mr.Danko Jones
09-17-2007, 12:23 AM
I would change up the Default template but I can't seem to fit the ads into the other templates. For a while I was looking for a graphics designer that would be interested in doing banners/headers, but no one was advanced enough to take up the tasks.

Are there any VBulletin add-ons that you guys suggest? Thanks in advance. :)

09-17-2007, 07:58 PM
I would change up the Default template but I can't seem to fit the ads into the other templates. For a while I was looking for a graphics designer that would be interested in doing banners/headers, but no one was advanced enough to take up the tasks.

Are there any VBulletin add-ons that you guys suggest? Thanks in advance. :)

What do you want the add ons to do exactly? Because this place has gallery, money, arcade, shop, etc modifications and others for basically any possible purpose. Galleries are always a popular idea. Arcades are as well.

My general advice is:

Boost activity a little in certain forums

Please, please get a new style for the forum. Or at least change the colours. It needs something to look cool. If you need help putting in the ads, just post and ask for help on how to blend in the ads.

Add some new smilies and BB code, maybe at least video embedding or something? If you need BB code, I can be of assistance.

Oh, and by the way, is this THE gscentral.org, that AR code site which went through some unfortuanate circumstances in the past and used to have an easier to navigate code database until a security flaw was found, etc? If so, must say it has been a very useful site in the past for Action Replay codes.

Mr.Danko Jones
09-19-2007, 01:44 AM
I'm considering a shop and/or arcade system. We definitely need to revamp the whole smiley system but I have yet to find a batch of smileys that are unique. (The basic ones also got messed up from the conversion from SMF!)

Indeed, it is the GSCentral that has been around for almost ten years now. I'd like to shake things up a bit, and by adding the VBulletin messageboard system just like .com had in our "golden age", I think we have a good chance of making the website better than ever.

If you have any further suggestions or wish to help, please do not hesitate and contact me for my e-mail address.

Thanks for the positive word. It's always nice to hear positive feedback. :)