View Full Version : Rearranging parts of the profile

09-13-2007, 02:45 PM
There's something wrong with the way the four main boxes of the profile are arranged, at least on many sites I see. Take a look at the attached one (nothing wrong with your profile Paul M but it fits the example I'm about to give).


Many sites don't use public usegroups, so that's commonly empty. The box above it is usually pretty small too. Just IM, email, and PM info for the most part. The other side is a whole different story. The top left box is commonly longer than the top right, even if only by a small bit. Then the bottom left box, what, with all of those custom fields, is way longer than the usually empty bottom right.

See what I mean? It's stacked to one side with alot of wasted space. I was hoping someone would know how to rearrange them to make better use of the space. I was hoping to switch the "Additional Information" and the "Contact Information" boxes around with each other (this part I could do), and then remove the "Public Usergroups" box entirely. To clarify, not this...


...(which would be worse), but this...


Look at the room it clears up. I have no idea how to do that. I know how to switch the two boxes around, but that's it. Can anyone help me?

09-14-2007, 04:32 PM
Does anyone who knows how to do this want to offer some help? I've got what I think (or hope) is the bulk of it done, so I hope someone can help me with the rest, because try as I might, I can't get it any closer myself. I tried for a few hours and it only got worse. I couldn't get the table at the very bottom to move to the upper right. adding "align=left" to the two on top and "align=right" to the one on bottom made a huge mess. Apparently what makes sense isn't what will happen in HTML.

Attached is the MEMBERINFO template for it (vBulletin 3.5.8). I've put alot of attempt into this and it seems close, and I really would like to get it finished, so I'd appreciate any help.