View Full Version : Plugin that switches vBulletin styles automatically based on a set period of time?

09-10-2007, 02:55 PM
Is there a plugin that switches vBulletin styles automatically based on a set period of time? As an example, I'd like to just make several different styles for my vBulletin forum (only with changes to the advertising) so that after having one style displayed for about 3 days, it will switch to a different advertising program.

This way, I can take advantage of Adsense, YPN and other CPC programs without getting tons of repeat ads and help to avoid smartpricing.

Is there a plugin that does this?

Paul M
09-10-2007, 05:08 PM
Nope, I've never seen anything that does such a thing.

09-22-2007, 06:20 AM
Dang. I'd love to see something like that because then you could have a wide variety of styles with various advertisements so that after every two days or so it could switch to the different style with different ads (since forum users are very adept at developing ad blindness).

Anyone consider making it perhaps? Would it be hard?