View Full Version : Reading vBulletins cookies

05-02-2001, 12:31 AM
Can anyone show me some simple code to read vBulletins cookies? I want to use vBulletins membership list and cookies for my entire site(e.g. for site news commenting) so users dont have to register twice.

I just need code to tell if they are logged in and read the username into $user and password in $password.

If they are not logged in I will display a form pointing to user.php and set there username as anonymous.

I looked around vb's code for a while before posting this but just got confused. Any help appreciated!

(this is for vb 2.0 rc 2 btw)

05-25-2001, 01:46 AM
Sorry for bumping this thread but can anyone help me out? Must be simple for anyone whos done a bit of php/cookie programming.

Using vb version 2.0 now btw.

Most grateful for any help.

Wayne Luke
05-25-2001, 03:06 AM
Require global.php in your pages and all they will be read automatically.

06-07-2001, 01:26 AM
Thanks I will try that :)