View Full Version : Poll Change

09-08-2007, 05:20 PM
Dunno if this has been done or not, but how come there isn't a mod that allows users to change there vote by themselves, and in doing so have it pull the information or vote off there original vote?

Meaning like, User A votes and then 2 days into the poll he wants to change his mind, how come he can't vote again and there be a mod that auto pulls off his previous vote?

I don't want to open any doors of mind changers but at the same time I don't know how much changing even admins can do in the cp in regards to polls. We can edit scores, but I don't think when I checked if I could take away my own vote at one point. Or when I did, it wouldn't let me "vote again" to put my vote in the spot I wanted. I had to numerically edit it, which isn't that big of a deal I guess.

Just wondering if there is a way that the system could auto update with changes by members.

Paul M
09-08-2007, 09:27 PM
I'm pretty sure a mod to change your vote exists.

09-09-2007, 03:32 AM
Thank you very much guvnah. That is exactly what I wanted and needed.

Muchos gracias el hombre del fuego.