View Full Version : its that time agian

09-07-2007, 10:57 AM
We've been running over a year now, and were doing ok but i'd like a review.

I've been playing around for a bit now and would like your opinions, if you wouldnt mind but please be gentle lol

if you want the guest account is

username: swn guest
password: 123456

other styles are available to choose, the one you are greeted with is dark but its what the majority of members liked anyways the link is


thanks for looking

09-08-2007, 10:27 PM

Chris M
09-09-2007, 12:14 AM
I'd work on the style a bit...

And you could animate the banner and have the moped doing a rolling burnout ;)


09-10-2007, 06:52 AM
when you say work on the style, what do you mean?

what part should i work on??
your feed back is appreciated

Chris M
09-10-2007, 07:10 AM
Theres no defined boxes or borders, it's just colour onto a black surface which hurts your eyes and makes it look like a cheap proboard IMO...

And your banner and style don't match in content or even in a colour sense... It just doesn't look like a vB :/


09-10-2007, 07:51 AM
I'd agree with chris. Visually it looks like it's vbulletin wanting to look like proboards and to me that is a step in the wrong direction. There's nothing about this style you can focus on due to the bad colour implementation and (as chris stated) no defined boxes or borders.

Also, some of the vbulletin stock images (which I think you ought to change) are incorrectly saved out and should have been placed on a light matted background. Go with something custom an ensure it's saved out to the appropriate background colour it's being applied onto. Example: Take a look at your announcements icon and the images in your navigation menu.

I won't lie, I don't believe in it and think you deserve nothing short of the truth and that is the style is poor and images are incorrectly saved and not to mention it's far to busy with all the scrolling/flashing text.

I'd suggest either a re-design or pick one of your other styles as the default. :)