View Full Version : Pending legal action against vbulletin.org unless the needed actions are taken

09-05-2007, 08:48 PM
Well since you guys want to ignore me and lock my account down so that I cant even post at all now thanks to me asking questions about my license status being revoked.

So let me post a quote real fast to make sure you guys read it that I just sent to vbulletin.com staff in the support ticket where my license status was being reviewed.

I dont care about your best intention. I care about the fact that im being screwed from using vbulletin modifications. Which basically your leaving no reason for me to continue to use vbulletin or support it / recommend it to my clients anymore.

This is bullshit that im locked out of the hacks because of an idiot who I was trying to help out for next to nothing. I should have been contacted and given a chance to prove my case rather then being banned without even being contacted and the idiot should have been professional and just asked for a refund instead of flipping out like this. Its the least that could have been done compared of my status around the community. (being a release lvl 7 coder in the top 15 coders on the site)

With that being said I now formally request that all my released modifications be moved to the modification graveyard and that either A) the main post is updated to tell the users that my work can still be found at extremewebtech.com/forums/ or B) else a new post made at the end of the thread with that information.

I am making the request here since vbulletin.org staff seems to be completely ignoring me. Im sure I dont need to remind you that I still own the copyright on all my work and that failure to comply with my request will leave you open to legal action. You have 24 hours to comply before I contact my lawyer.


09-05-2007, 08:52 PM

09-05-2007, 08:54 PM
Im sorry to have to do this to all you people in the community who used my mods and loved them but as of right now there is no way for me to work with them on here update, maintain or even provide support in the threads.

09-05-2007, 08:56 PM
"I'm not a crook!"



Colin F
09-05-2007, 09:09 PM
Please have your lawyer forward all legal correspondence to:
Jelsoft Enterprises Limited
Howarth Lodge
7 Reading Road
United Kingdom

09-05-2007, 09:11 PM
omg that the funniest sh*t.
tim man u screwed so many people can you blame them for locking you out. and as for contacting a lawyer, general concensus around here is that there should be a team of lawyers after YOU.

Marco van Herwaarden
09-06-2007, 07:08 AM
Thank you for letting us know also here on the forums. A response will however only be given in the ticket you have in the support system on this topic, and not here on the forums.