View Full Version : Signup Sheet / Form mod?

09-05-2007, 05:55 PM
I've searched but not found anything yet...

Does anyone know if there's a mod that lets you post a sign-up sheet?

For example: You're having an event and need people to sign up to bring and/or do things. You could post a form (like a poll) listing all the items/tasks needed (including number of items, where appropriate), then members could sign up, and everyone can see who's doing what, and what still needs to be done. Multiple people should be able to sign up for the same thing, of course, if appropriate.

Could also work for gaming, if a certain number of each class and ability is needed for an adventure party or such.

Does anything like this exist?


09-16-2007, 06:46 AM
I would love to have a feature like this.