04-30-2001, 10:00 PM
As promised a few weeks ago, I finally found some time to make the much needed addition to allow users to change their votes in a poll. After examining the code a bit, I ended up reusing some of the vB code for this ... I hope this isn't a violation of the hacks rules. I read through them, and I think the code re-use is so small and specialized that it will be ok for redistribution via this forum. If it's not, please feel free to edit/lock this thread, I just ask that a moderator let me know what parts are unacceptable.
Here is the hack, it's fairly simple:
Open up poll.php:
At the bottom of the file, find ?>
Just above this, insert this code:
// #################################### Change Vote ##########################################
if ($action=="changevote")
// other permissions?
if (!$permissions[canview] or !$permissions[canvote]) {
$pollinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM poll WHERE pollid='$pollid'");
$voteinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM pollvote WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND pollid='$pollid'");
$threadinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM thread WHERE pollid='$pollid' AND open<>10");
//check if poll is closed
if (!$pollinfo[active] or !$threadinfo[open] or ($pollinfo[dateline]+($pollinfo[timeout]*86400)<time() and $pollinfo[timeout]!=0)){ //poll closed
//check if a user has already voted - abuse management
if (!$uservoteinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid FROM pollvote WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] AND pollid='$pollid'"))
//the user has not voted yet
//Error checking complete, lets get the options
$timenow = time();
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM pollvote WHERE pollid='$pollid' AND userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' LIMIT 1");
while ($counter<$pollinfo[numberoptions]) {
if (substr($votesstring,0,3)=="|||") {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE poll SET votes='".addslashes($votesstring)."' WHERE pollid='$pollid'");
//make last reply date == last vote date
if ($updatelastpost){ //option selected in CP
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET lastpost=$timenow WHERE threadid=$threadinfo[threadid]");
// redirect
Save poll.php and upload it.
In your templates, you will need to add two templates and modify 1 existing one.
Add template " error_userhasnotvoted "
The text of the template should be:
You have not voted on this thread, so you can not change your vote.
Add template " redirect_pollchange "
The text of the template should be:
You have deleted your vote. You will be taken to the poll, where you will be allowed to revote.
Edit your "showthread_pollresults_voted" template.
Change the text to:
You have already voted on this poll!
<BR>If you wish to change your vote, click <a href="poll.php?action=changevote&pollid=$pollinfo[pollid]">here</a>.
That's it...
Now your users will have the option to erase thier vote and revote. Not <i>quite</i> as elegant as allowing them to actually revote, but it will suffice for now ... at least for me. Someone feel free to expand on this if they want something a bit more robust.
Thanks, and good luck!
Here is the hack, it's fairly simple:
Open up poll.php:
At the bottom of the file, find ?>
Just above this, insert this code:
// #################################### Change Vote ##########################################
if ($action=="changevote")
// other permissions?
if (!$permissions[canview] or !$permissions[canvote]) {
$pollinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM poll WHERE pollid='$pollid'");
$voteinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM pollvote WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND pollid='$pollid'");
$threadinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM thread WHERE pollid='$pollid' AND open<>10");
//check if poll is closed
if (!$pollinfo[active] or !$threadinfo[open] or ($pollinfo[dateline]+($pollinfo[timeout]*86400)<time() and $pollinfo[timeout]!=0)){ //poll closed
//check if a user has already voted - abuse management
if (!$uservoteinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid FROM pollvote WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] AND pollid='$pollid'"))
//the user has not voted yet
//Error checking complete, lets get the options
$timenow = time();
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM pollvote WHERE pollid='$pollid' AND userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' LIMIT 1");
while ($counter<$pollinfo[numberoptions]) {
if (substr($votesstring,0,3)=="|||") {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE poll SET votes='".addslashes($votesstring)."' WHERE pollid='$pollid'");
//make last reply date == last vote date
if ($updatelastpost){ //option selected in CP
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET lastpost=$timenow WHERE threadid=$threadinfo[threadid]");
// redirect
Save poll.php and upload it.
In your templates, you will need to add two templates and modify 1 existing one.
Add template " error_userhasnotvoted "
The text of the template should be:
You have not voted on this thread, so you can not change your vote.
Add template " redirect_pollchange "
The text of the template should be:
You have deleted your vote. You will be taken to the poll, where you will be allowed to revote.
Edit your "showthread_pollresults_voted" template.
Change the text to:
You have already voted on this poll!
<BR>If you wish to change your vote, click <a href="poll.php?action=changevote&pollid=$pollinfo[pollid]">here</a>.
That's it...
Now your users will have the option to erase thier vote and revote. Not <i>quite</i> as elegant as allowing them to actually revote, but it will suffice for now ... at least for me. Someone feel free to expand on this if they want something a bit more robust.
Thanks, and good luck!