09-01-2007, 05:03 PM
I have a question. I have my banner on the top of forum which shows fine for me under IE7.I also have my screen resolution at 1024 x 768. For other users who are using firefox it does not show the banner strechting like it does for me. Also some other users dont see it period. Is their a code I need to add to it?
My code is like this..
<!-- logo -->
<a name="top"></a>
<table border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<td align="center"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]"><img src="" border="0" alt="$vboptions[bbtitle]" /></a></td>
<!-- /logo -->
My code is like this..
<!-- logo -->
<a name="top"></a>
<table border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<td align="center"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]"><img src="" border="0" alt="$vboptions[bbtitle]" /></a></td>
<!-- /logo -->