View Full Version : Looking for a Unique RSS Mod

Digital Jedi
08-26-2007, 08:28 AM
I see there are quite a lot of RSS modifications here, but I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for. What I'd like to do is pull the posts from another forum that has RSS in individual threads, but do so automatically.

For example, this site here (http://entertainment.upperdeck.com/op/community/forums/thread/798086.aspx) is devoted to official rulings on some TCGs. But as you can see by the example, the answer to posted questions is made in the next post. The individual threads have their own RSS feeds, thankfully, but I can't benefit from that unless I make add a new feed for every thread. Which is not at all practical.

What I've been searching for is a mod that will not only pull those feeds, but post the entire thread of that forum, as a singular thread in our forum. Is there one that does this already, or comes close?

08-27-2007, 07:11 AM
Ours will do all that and then some:


If we are lacking anything there, do request it and we will build it!