View Full Version : The-Legion.net Gaming Clan

08-23-2007, 10:49 PM
This project was moved to a vBulletin format Nov 18 2006

Im looking for reviews and suggestions for improvement. If you are experienced with clans, feel free to offer more detailed suggestions on how we can improve.


08-24-2007, 07:26 PM
Clean look :)

Arcade Idea:

Use the other skin on the arcade (arcade setting).
There are a few tables that stretch out of your style depending on the dynamic content.


Make the games use 3 columns vs. 4 wide when listing.


I use to run 170 member clan and hosted a forum (http://www.gzhq.net/forums/) for 75 other clans many moons ago ... 2001-2005, now just 1 clan with 2 - 400 members and a VB Hack demo site . .... I got busy doing VB stuff :D

What do you need clan help on ?
What are you trying to do ?

08-24-2007, 11:18 PM
Our basic goal is to make this the largest online gaming community we can possibly make it. One thing we hope to get done in the future is a roster that lists by rank rather than alphabetically, as far as programming that is the only thing we need to do, at least that I can think of right now. Im sure there is a whole list of things we could kink around to make things more functional. For example, we need to make a promotion system that is easy so that our super mods can just click a button that sais "promote" and be quickly directed to a place where they can change that users usergroup. Same with "demote" etc.

Lets see...

We are getting about 5 membership applications a day, and only our super mods can accept those applications into the clan. Once a member is in the clan they need to log in at least once every 10 days before they are disabled. Members start out as recruits and are not displayed on the members page untill they become privates. Members are auto-promoted to private after making 5 posts and being in the clan 5 days. they continue to be auto promoted depending on posts/days in clan up to the rank Sergeant. To get promoted past that one of our super mods needs to manually promote you. The membership application system may work better if we can program something that enables our super mods to just click a button that sais "accept" and the usergroup gets changed that way...im not sure if that can happen.

We seem to have leveled off at about 80 active members, and that spikes and declines every day but never seems to go over 100. We are registered to GameSites top 200, and members vote every day, but we really dont get hardly any traffic from there. So, we are hoping to find some gaming websites that we can affiliate with.

The main thing im looking for help with, is how am I going to get this community to grow faster, and reach my goal of 1000+ members. Registration rates are strong, and we have over 1000 non-members. Here are our stats since Nov 2006

Non-Member: 1,120
Threads: 3,198
Posts: 22,279

With our membership requirements though, it seems more people are interested in playing on our server and just looking at our website then actually becoming members. We almost always have more guests on our website then members. Sometimes the ratio is something like 2 members/35 guests.

We are looking for staff. People to Join our High Council (group of administrators/leaders), and help moderate and administrate as well as improve things. You are qualified but I doubt have the time or motivation for the job. Anyway your help and any ideas you have is very much appreciated.