View Full Version : Newbie question about colors and icons

08-23-2007, 02:59 PM

I am a newbie here. I just want to know how to change some features of the default Vbulletin skin:

1.- Banner
2.- Background and menu colors
3.- Icons (just the ugly ones...)

Could someone please point me out to a thread or tutorial? I just want simple changes, as I am fairly happy with the default theme.



08-23-2007, 04:04 PM
1) the banner location is specified in Admin CP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager, pick your style and select StyleVars from the dropdown, under Image Paths is Title Image and you may put the path to your banner there.

2) Admin CP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager, pick your style and select Main CSS from the dropdown. All your colors are listed there. Just try changing one at a time and you can see how it affects your page.

3) Icons are in images/icons . Find the ones you don't like and just replace them.

08-23-2007, 05:24 PM
Thank you very much!

08-24-2007, 08:57 PM
There are two more questions:

1.- How do I separate the different sections of my forum with a bar with the title of every section on it?, something like this:


2.-What is the best way to put a sticky?. I want to post the rules of my forum in a closed thread (meaning that I don't want anyone replying).



08-24-2007, 09:31 PM
1) Each of those 'bars' are actually forums also, except when you create the forum, you check the No option next to "Act as Forum". That makes is a category and then you can put the forums you want under that category into it by changing the option "Parent Forum" for the other forums.

2) Make the thread and on the bottom of the page, if you are an Admin or have the correct permissions, you will see these two options, just check both of them. Or, if you already created the three, you may Sticky it or Close it using the Thread Tools in the thread menu bar.

Thread Management
Close this thread after you submit your message
Stick this thread after you submit your message

08-25-2007, 02:12 AM
Well, thanks!!!

As soon as I have my forum ready, I'll show it to you. :)
