View Full Version : Real Time Read Messages

07-04-2000, 04:33 AM
Has anyone ever written a hack to keep track of read messages in real time for each individual registrant (via mySQL database records, most likely)? WWWThreads (http://www.wwwthreads.com) has this feature, and it's something I really need, although I'd rather go with vBulletin because it's written in PHP.

07-04-2000, 01:50 PM
WWWThreads will choke on a big board, though.

07-04-2000, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Shaman
WWWThreads will choke on a big board, though.

WWWThreads uses mySQL also, so it should be able to handle large loads. Take a look at some of the websites that use it. Are you saying that because it is written in PERL? I'm not trying to start a WWWThreads/vBulletin debate. Like I said, I'd rather go with vBulletin if I can get better new message updating. Most of the users on my board are very active, and they need to be made aware of new/read posts very quickly.

07-04-2000, 04:57 PM
Yeah, it's Perl. Compared to PHP, Perl is heavyweight.