08-18-2007, 08:31 PM
I'm trying to clean up my database. I bought Emall Extractor ( to pull out all email addresses from bounced email. So here is how this works:
1) I send out a message.
2) I get the bounces through Outlook, which automatically puts bounces in a separate folder.
3) I export that folder with the bounced emails to a csv file.
4) I use Email Extractor to extract all of the bad email addresses into a text file.
5) I use the mass_delete.php script to delete the users attached to those emails.
So now I have a text file with like 7500 emails in it -- one on each line. I want to upload this file using my script and have it delete the users that have those email address. My code skills are really bad right now due to some cognitive problems, so I could use some help to de-bug it. Although I'm not putting this in the paid hacks section, you can expect a donation for your help.
I've attached the script. Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm really close. My query just isn't right. What am I missing?
/*================================================= =====================*\
|| ################################################## ################## ||
|| # ChurchMedia Text File Import -- Mass Delete v.1.0 # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
\*================================================ ======================*/
// ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// ##################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################
define('CVS_REVISION', '$RCSfile: importadmin.php,v $ - $Revision: 1.0 $');
// #################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
$phrasegroups = array();
$specialtemplates = array();
// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
// You will need to edit this line below for the server path to your forum directory.
$path = "/home/cmn/public_html/CMN/";
// ################################################## ######################
// ######################### START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// ################################################## ######################
$fd= fopen("/home/cmn/public_html/CMN/admincp/test.txt", "r") or die ('Cannot find file');
while (!feof($fd))
$delemail = fgets($fd, 4096);
$user_info = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE email = '$delemail'");
$user = $db->fetch_array($user_info);
//user doesn't exist
if ($username == '')
print ("$username does not exist....<br />");
//user is a Pro Member
elseif ($usergroup == '20')
print ("$username is a Pro Member... skipping...<br />");
//user is a NOT a Pro Member -- Delete Account
elseif ($useremail == '$delemail' AND $usergroup != '20')
$userdm =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_CP);
print ("$useremail has been deleted....<br />");
$total = $total+1;
print ("Total users deleted: $total. \n You should update your counters now.");
I'm trying to clean up my database. I bought Emall Extractor ( to pull out all email addresses from bounced email. So here is how this works:
1) I send out a message.
2) I get the bounces through Outlook, which automatically puts bounces in a separate folder.
3) I export that folder with the bounced emails to a csv file.
4) I use Email Extractor to extract all of the bad email addresses into a text file.
5) I use the mass_delete.php script to delete the users attached to those emails.
So now I have a text file with like 7500 emails in it -- one on each line. I want to upload this file using my script and have it delete the users that have those email address. My code skills are really bad right now due to some cognitive problems, so I could use some help to de-bug it. Although I'm not putting this in the paid hacks section, you can expect a donation for your help.
I've attached the script. Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm really close. My query just isn't right. What am I missing?
/*================================================= =====================*\
|| ################################################## ################## ||
|| # ChurchMedia Text File Import -- Mass Delete v.1.0 # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
\*================================================ ======================*/
// ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// ##################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################
define('CVS_REVISION', '$RCSfile: importadmin.php,v $ - $Revision: 1.0 $');
// #################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
$phrasegroups = array();
$specialtemplates = array();
// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
// You will need to edit this line below for the server path to your forum directory.
$path = "/home/cmn/public_html/CMN/";
// ################################################## ######################
// ######################### START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// ################################################## ######################
$fd= fopen("/home/cmn/public_html/CMN/admincp/test.txt", "r") or die ('Cannot find file');
while (!feof($fd))
$delemail = fgets($fd, 4096);
$user_info = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE email = '$delemail'");
$user = $db->fetch_array($user_info);
//user doesn't exist
if ($username == '')
print ("$username does not exist....<br />");
//user is a Pro Member
elseif ($usergroup == '20')
print ("$username is a Pro Member... skipping...<br />");
//user is a NOT a Pro Member -- Delete Account
elseif ($useremail == '$delemail' AND $usergroup != '20')
$userdm =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_CP);
print ("$useremail has been deleted....<br />");
$total = $total+1;
print ("Total users deleted: $total. \n You should update your counters now.");