View Full Version : Cross posting on calendars

08-15-2007, 06:53 PM
I have two calendars on my forums. The first is a general interest events sort of calendar with information about public events (meetings, rallies, festivals, etc). The other is a private users calendar where people can post events that only they will be able to see (family obligations, work vacations, etc).

In order for a user to see if there's a conflict between events on the two calendars, they have to view each calendar. Not hard with tabbed browsing but still not as clean as what I'm asking...

Therefore, I'm requesting a mod where users can have the public events crossposted or whatever onto their private calendars. This way if they have a family reunion on a particular weekend, they can see that the beer festival that they wanted to attend is in conflict.

01-18-2008, 01:31 AM
Me too.

But I want a 3 level hierarchy calendar.

I want a GENERAL top level calendar as is, all calendars feed from this one so these are shared community interest.

Second level is USERGROUP based so admin (or mods) can set events relevant to usergroup.
At this level you view all the top level events PLUS your usergroup events.

[ If a high quality mod, then admin option to allow users who have access, or perhaps selected users among these, to post to this group calendar.]

Third level is USER calendar.
At this level you view all the top level events, all the usergroup events.
You can add your own commitments and reminders.

[If a high quality mod, then admin option to allow users to delete.
You can soft delete higher level events (in case you need them later) marked by icon.
You can optionally soft delete or hard delete your own events.]

01-24-2008, 05:07 PM
I also need something similar to this. I can semi-work around it, but it isn't clean. Basically I want

1) Event Categories, with the ability to filter & permission by category.

Rather than separate Calendars, I would like to show, for my guild, the following things

- Private Guild Raids - only postable by certain usergroups, and viewable by certain usergroups
- Public RetroRaids - moderated, but publically viewable
- Private, member events that they can share, for 5 mans, pvp, small roleplaying events
- Public Roleplaying Events
- Private Guild RP events

I'd be happy with separate calenders if there could be one master calender that shows all events from all calenders a user has permissions to view.