View Full Version : Online Users Hack

07-04-2000, 02:22 AM
I've been working on an online users hack -- well, really it's what is in index.php but with support to show where the user is online... However, there are several different forms that it can have -- mostly they are looking at threads but sometimes they are creating messages, etc. So, I'm kinda looking for some help (either if it has been done before that'd be great if I could snag that code) on it -- basically on intelligently parsing the many options that the user can be doing at one time -- if they are looking at a forum display the forum name (i.e. "bob, Forum Display"), or a thread ("Bob, C++ Owns You Part 3!"), or composing some sort of message ("Bob, Composing Post") etc.

Any thoughts?


07-04-2000, 05:14 AM
sounds like massive invasion of privacy to me. I wouldn't dare make a move on a BB that could monitor and show the entire "world" my every move.

07-04-2000, 10:23 AM
Agreed, many would not like this at all.

07-04-2000, 04:25 PM
Hmm, the goal wasn't to "monitor" users -- I was thinking it was sort of a way for the community to see who's chatting (both in a java-based chatroom and the vb boards) where online and go and keep the conversation flowing. Nothing big-brother-ish about it -- at least not in my mind. Anyway, I took that portion out and just showed a userlist since I didn't see that angle before! Thanks for bringing that to my attention before my users caught it! :)

(Also, there *is* a flag for the user that they can set to *not* be shown on the logged in users list -- doesn't seem like anyone could complain about it if they left it off, but I don't want to risk anything.)


07-04-2000, 05:01 PM
On my board you can see who is in chat - take a look

07-04-2000, 05:09 PM
Wow, that is exactly what I want! Did you just say "everyone who is not at http://www.hedgehogwheels.com/forums/chat/ must be on the forums"? I think that would be a good option for me -- if you're at forums/chat.php then you're chatting, otherwise you're buried in the forums somewhere.

Thanks for the info rangersfan!


07-04-2000, 05:50 PM
Users are not required to be registered on the Forums to use the chat. That is certainly possible but it will require me to change the User Options of myPhpChat as they are different than vBulletin. It simply scans the active user table of the chat and displays it along with the active users of vBulletin. So a user can actually show up on both if they have 2 windows open.

[Edited by rangersfan on 07-04-2000 at 02:50 PM]

07-04-2000, 05:58 PM
Ah, okay then.. I was thinking more along the lines of an integrated chat (which I'm working on) -- something that would appear in the "Session" table along with the others. Still, what you have is far easier so I might just go along with that :).
