View Full Version : Myspace music player in profile?

08-15-2007, 12:58 AM
I tried searching and couldn't find anything similar to this. Great for any boards with lots of aspiring musicians, and non musicians could add the player of their favourite artist. So they don't have to stay in the profile it could also pop-up?

Example player (http://lads.myspace.com/music/musicplayer.swf?n=aHR0cDovL211c2ljLm15c3BhY2UuY29t&t=ynCcDvzG3pmFf/5KHkNYRhJoWTARpSBBMj8OxMg5zuLmLi8XrTIPcmvPZLHa3fOP BZXuZ33iwexntPp8b4maqg==&u=LTE=&a=0&d=MjU0NTM0NzdeMTE3MzkxMTE5NQ)

Similar to the youtube video in profile, so hopefully it would be possible. What does anybody think? :)
If this has already been done I apolagize for the useless thread.

08-15-2007, 01:34 AM
I tried searching and couldn't find anything similar to this. Great for any boards with lots of aspiring musicians, and non musicians could add the player of their favourite artist. So they don't have to stay in the profile it could also pop-up?

Example player (http://lads.myspace.com/music/musicplayer.swf?n=aHR0cDovL211c2ljLm15c3BhY2UuY29t&t=ynCcDvzG3pmFf/5KHkNYRhJoWTARpSBBMj8OxMg5zuLmLi8XrTIPcmvPZLHa3fOP BZXuZ33iwexntPp8b4maqg==&u=LTE=&a=0&d=MjU0NTM0NzdeMTE3MzkxMTE5NQ)

Similar to the youtube video in profile, so hopefully it would be possible. What does anybody think? :)
If this has already been done I apolagize for the useless thread.

Anything is doable when it comes to the internet... I don't recall this option as a hack on the forums here and didn't find anything relevant to what you are asking so I think it would be a great hack.

So my question is this:

So they don't have to stay in the profile it could also pop-up?

Can you elaborate a bit more on this, so I can see what you are saying, because you said to have it in their profile, then they don't have to stay in the profile, it could also pop-up... How do you envision this happening as a pop-up, and where will it pop-up from?

Best regards,

08-15-2007, 11:16 AM
Hi, erm i'm unsure, I guess the youtube video profile hack has the same problem, you have to stay inside that persons profile to watch the video?

But I was thinking a simple 'pop-up' button/link underneath the music player that opened the player in a new window, then the music could player and they would continue browsing the forum. :)

However that could be a problem, as these things are sometimes set on myspace to automatically play, so then you'd result in two players playing at the same time, sending the user crazy. If a pop up would not be suitable, the player in the profile with no pop-up would still be fantastic in my opinion.

Thanks for your reply. :)

08-15-2007, 08:33 PM
Hi, erm i'm unsure, I guess the youtube video profile hack has the same problem, you have to stay inside that persons profile to watch the video?

But I was thinking a simple 'pop-up' button/link underneath the music player that opened the player in a new window, then the music could player and they would continue browsing the forum. :)

However that could be a problem, as these things are sometimes set on myspace to automatically play, so then you'd result in two players playing at the same time, sending the user crazy. If a pop up would not be suitable, the player in the profile with no pop-up would still be fantastic in my opinion.

Thanks for your reply. :)

Overall, yes I think just having the MySpace Player in a profile is more suitable overall. Not sure if I would want to do this, but surely I know there are a lot of music player coders on here that would probably love to make something like this. Not sure if we would, but I'll run it through our office here to see if this is something we would like to accomplish for the community here on vb.org.

Just that pop-up would be nerve racking, because 85% of online users that we run across dislike any kind of pop-up in general.

08-15-2007, 11:55 PM
In that case forget the pop-up, it was only a solution to continue browsing the board with the music playing but it's not essential.

Sounds great thanks blogtorank :cool:

08-16-2007, 12:22 AM
In that case forget the pop-up, it was only a solution to continue browsing the board with the music playing but it's not essential.

Sounds great thanks blogtorank :cool:

You know thinking outside the box here in the wide open, why not make the player work via profile, then after viewing the profile to have something like a radio within the Navbar that syndicates everyone's music to this one radio, where it'll rotate through the whole forums perhaps... You know something in a random basis...


1. You have the profile on your forums, you see his/her player there, it starts after a user clicks start.

2. Then you navigate away from the member's profile. Then you look up top in the Navbar and see MySpace Player, you click it, opens in a "New Window" then it'll cycle through everyone's profile on the forums that has a music account on MySpace, where this will give a overall change of "more plays" to the Music Artist.

I know how it feels to have more plays on MySpace :) because I have a Music account on there, but that's only in free time!

So as many do know on MySpace, the more plays = record companies do look at is the old rumor. So yes I'm a think of a way to tackle this, because this thread you posted caught my eye because of the MySpace Music player and hence the MySpace Music account that I do have.

Best regards,

08-16-2007, 11:37 AM
Yeah well I have alot of people on my forums with myspace music players and they love to gain more plays as you mentioned, and I thought this would have been done by now tbh.

I'm no coder and im a complete n00b to vbulletin tbh, only set up my vbulletin not long ago (www.applyimage.co.uk/forum) ;) but what Im saying is my knowledge is limited as to what is possible and what isn't.

So what you are suggesting is aswell as individual players in profiles, also a link on the navbar whiich leads to ALL the myspaces players ina huge long page? that sounds fantastic to me and i'm sure any aspiring musicians would agree, shame none have taken a look at this thread yet.

I have seen radio type hacks all over here, but being a designer I find all the skins for the radios disgustingly designed and ugly, the myspace player is very neat and more 'official' in my opinion.

It's just a great solution so displaying their music! they can edit it from their myspace which updates the music player wherever it is placed(Im sure you already know this)

Hopefully this can be done, wish I had the ability to do it myself., but I suck :(

08-17-2007, 04:32 PM
Sounds like a viable idea for a hack.

I'll have a look at the myspace mp3 player, which probably uses flashvars to call the mp3's. It would require the memberinfo template to be modified to enable the player to show within a persons profile, whether this can be done using vbulletin's hook system I wouldn't know, since hook locations have changed in the past few updates. The postbit, does offer an hook, which would mean we could easily add details using the product XML system.

I only looked at this thread because I designed a flash-based profile and that uses its own mp3 player. It looks a bit out-dated now since I haven't had the time to update it. You can check it out at www.myspace.com/syrusxl

I'll look into this and give some feedback.:)

08-18-2007, 10:40 PM
Sounds like a viable idea for a hack.

I'll have a look at the myspace mp3 player, which probably uses flashvars to call the mp3's. It would require the memberinfo template to be modified to enable the player to show within a persons profile, whether this can be done using vbulletin's hook system I wouldn't know, since hook locations have changed in the past few updates. The postbit, does offer an hook, which would mean we could easily add details using the product XML system.

I only looked at this thread because I designed a flash-based profile and that uses its own mp3 player. It looks a bit out-dated now since I haven't had the time to update it. You can check it out at www.myspace.com/syrusxl

I'll look into this and give some feedback.:)
You're talking chinese to me now :)

But thanks for your reply. So can I ask what would be the 'next stage' to this mod idea, simply gathering the interest of a good coder to make it? or do hacks require some sort of approval by vbulletin representatives? :confused: Even though I cant do this mod myself, I'd love on of my idea to be used, I know for a fact every Hip-Hop site would LOVE this hack, aswell as most other sites no matter the music genre. If there's musicians this hack is perfect, and because everybody 'n' their mother got a myspace page.

08-20-2007, 11:10 AM
Let me get this correct first... :) Sorry about the techie talk! lol ;)

You want the myspace player to show up in the memberinfo template (Members Profile Page), a link in the postbit of a message?

This can be done quite easily, without too much coding involved. I code mods for video and audio within vbulletin, but these are not linked to places like myspace, etc. All the mod would require is just a few hook locations setup (if they don't already exist within vBulletin) and a simple product XML import. Mods don't need approval, they are just released by coders on here for members to use.

An Mp3 Player hack I coded for vBulletin is already used on many music related websites, you can view the hack here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=129641).

08-20-2007, 12:47 PM
Exactly! a link in the postbit wasn't discussed but that would be a great idea! If you'd like a little image created for the postbit let me know, I'm a graphic designer (www.applyimage.co.uk) so that could be my contribution! lol

blogtorank also mentioned expanding the idea into having a page accessable through the nav bar with ALL the music players visable to display the music, acting as a gallery of their audio. But I believe this would be a little too much, although a very good idea it may put people off using the mod??? or if possible have the option to have the 'audio gallery' appear on the nav bar through the admin cp. I'm afraid I may be talking Chinese to you now :)

I've come across your audio player before when looking for the myspace player hack which I found didn't excist lol, the only problem is have with these audio players is not how they work, but how the skins are designed.

08-23-2007, 10:51 AM
EPC MySpace Music Player to Profile.

No how about this... It's done doing the final touches, so go check it out here later on! However you get the first screenshot since you asked for it!

Also, do check out our other hacks also!

08-23-2007, 11:05 AM
Here you go, feel free to go and have fun:



08-24-2007, 12:57 PM
'Pwned myspace player to profile' lmaooo :cool:

Having trouble installing right now, but will give you proper feed once I have it fully working!!!! :)