View Full Version : Poll hack

07-03-2000, 03:13 PM
For those of you interested in the poll hack it is almost to the stage where I would let others use it. If you would like to see what it looks like feel free to check out my site. It isn't finished yet and still has some rough edges, but it's mostly functional. The link to the poll is in the website forum.

07-03-2000, 07:00 PM
I don't see it anywhere. Well, you have a link to some phpSlash project or something, and there's a poll on that page, but what does it have to do with vB?

07-03-2000, 07:05 PM
That is the poll that I am going to be integrating into vB. (Just like it is integrated into slash right now)

07-05-2000, 04:34 PM
A few people have contacted me saying that they could not find the poll. Here is a direct URL: