View Full Version : Integration with vBulletin - vbDrupal 5

07-26-2007, 10:00 PM
vbDrupal (http://vbdrupal.org) is a fork of the CMS Drupal (http://drupal.org). It integrates Drupal into the forum software vBulletin.
vbDrupal is a close fork of Drupal, it has only be forked to modify some of the core files of Drupal for better interoperability. All changes made to the Drupal code will be merged with vbDrupal. Therefore a vbDrupal 5.x.y release is more or less identical to a Drupal 5.x release.

Drupal and vBulletin are tightly connected with each other, user accounts and sessions are shared between the two systems. vbDrupal tries to offer the best of both worlds. vbDrupal should be compatible with all user contributed modules and themes that can be found on the Drupal site.

Besides user and session integration vbDrupal also offers various modules to bring vBulletin content into the Drupal space.:

Latest threads/posts blocks
Import any vBulletin post as content
Use vBulletin for content comments
Latest poll block
Event and birthday blocks
Use vBulletin code for formatting in Drupal content

vbDrupal 5 makes used of the Drupal 5.x series and is only compatible with the vBulletin 3.6 series. vBulletin 3.5 users can use the vbDrupal 4.7 series.

Examples of sites using vbDrupal can be found here (http://www.vbdrupal.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=3).

For support and latest updates please go to the vbDrupal forums (http://vbdrupal.org/forum)

07-27-2007, 12:01 PM
Changelog (https://vbdrupal.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vbdrupal/trunk/vbdrupal-ng/CHANGELOG.VBDRUPAL.txt)

07-27-2007, 12:07 PM
Great THX for this plugin it is very nice INSTALLED!!! 4 sure :) and nominated

07-27-2007, 12:33 PM
very nice hack


07-27-2007, 12:56 PM
Very nice, Thanx

07-27-2007, 02:45 PM
Very nice, this looks like a viable alternative to vBulletin's blog product. I love Drupal and the plugins available for it.

07-27-2007, 03:01 PM
Looks very nice actually, I am going to give it a quick try.

07-27-2007, 03:07 PM
Thanks I always needed something like this

07-27-2007, 04:03 PM
Thank you

07-27-2007, 05:48 PM
How easy is updating from vBDrupal 4.*?

07-27-2007, 06:42 PM
been using vbdrupal version 4..will wait for the final to be out for 5 before I upgrade, but happy with this integration so far.

07-27-2007, 08:01 PM
great.*installed* and nominated for hack of the month!Great work.Thx!

07-27-2007, 09:05 PM
How hard is this to install? looks like something I could used...

07-28-2007, 12:17 AM
Is there supposed to be a product .xml file in the download? I may have missed it.

07-28-2007, 06:50 AM
Very very cool!

* projectego clicks install :D

07-28-2007, 01:59 PM
For proper support please go to the vbDrupal forums (http://vbdrupal.org/forum). Also take note that this product is still beta. Try it on a test installation first (and, of course, make backups), specially when you are already using vbDrupal 4.7.
It only had some minor testing, mostly done by me.
Personally I wouldn't use the vbDrupal 5 series on a production server until it hits RC (=Release Candidate).
Of course, more people testing this software will most likely result in better software.
So report anything that isn't correct (including documentation errors) on the vbDrupal forums.

How easy is updating from vBDrupal 4.*?

Upgrading from vbDrupal 4.7 should be painless, assuming you don't have any 3rd party modules and themes. If you do, you of course, should update them to Drupal 5 versions.
Upgrading from vbDrupal 4.6 should be possible, but it's not something I've tested, it's probably best to first upgrade to the latest 4.7 release.

Is there supposed to be a product .xml file in the download? I may have missed it.
Starting with vbDrupal 5 there is no longer a need to manually install the product .xml, this will all be done automatically during installation/update.
But if you really need to manually (re)install the vBulletin plugins and what not, the product.xml can be found in: drupal/modules/vbcore/xml

07-29-2007, 06:18 AM
Ok This appears to be useful but I'm a little confused on what it looks like on someone's site in a "production environment". I run a World Of Warcraft Guild site and I was thinking I might be able to use this, but my thinking is a bit foggy on it's relationship to Vbulletin. Can anyone fill in the blanks for me?

Thanks much,

07-29-2007, 10:36 AM
The default theme of vbDrupal uses the vBulletin template engine and tries to make it look as much like vBulletin as possible.
Examples of sites using the default theme (all currently run on 4.7, but for 'looks' nothing changes with 5):
http://www.unrealadmin.org/ (this one also uses vbDrupal in the forum environment for the left side menu bar)

But of course you can also decide to use a more customized theme for the drupal side.

(non-support questions can be asked here, but preferably on the vbdrupal forums because I don't monitor this thread as much as the vbdrupal forums are monitored).

07-30-2007, 03:15 PM
The default theme of vbDrupal uses the vBulletin template engine and tries to make it look as much like vBulletin as possible.
Examples of sites using the default theme (all currently run on 4.7, but for 'looks' nothing changes with 5):
http://www.unrealadmin.org/ (this one also uses vbDrupal in the forum environment for the left side menu bar)

But of course you can also decide to use a more customized theme for the drupal side.

(non-support questions can be asked here, but preferably on the vbdrupal forums because I don't monitor this thread as much as the vbdrupal forums are monitored).

The unrealadmin.org site really almost looks like a portal, good job on that. This is running well on my system right now, and I'm working on including some plugins to improve functionality.

08-05-2007, 05:40 PM
vbDrupal 5.2.0 RC 1 has been released (http://vbdrupal.org/forum/showthread.php?p=5349#post5349)

For support and latest updates please go to the vbDrupal forums (http://vbdrupal.org/forum)

08-06-2007, 12:46 PM
Thanks for this release.

08-10-2007, 11:35 AM
Well, there were a few annoying bugs in the last RC release. So here is a second release candidate. No new features, just bug fixes and performance improvements.

08-10-2007, 11:59 AM
Got it.Thanks for this mod!

08-12-2007, 09:23 PM
Is there any way to get vbdrupal to work with vBadvanced CMS?

I have two sets of nav bars! How do I eliminate one of them?

http://www.fabsboards.com/portal to see what I mean.

08-14-2007, 09:33 PM
Vbadvanced and Vbdrupal are both CMS systems. I would not recomend running the both.

08-15-2007, 01:08 AM
I started playing around with a few templates and other Drupal addons. Everything I've tried works with this addon and it seems to function just like Drupal with the addition of of a few modules that integrate it with the forum. Really nice.

09-02-2007, 06:54 PM
Version 5.2.0 has been released, the first non-beta, non-RC release.

Change log

some sessionid in url changes
registered vBulletin pages as a $_REQUEST['q'] value. This way blocks will
be properly filters. All vBulletin pages register itself as:
<forum>/[script name]
where [script name] is the name of the script, for example:
fixed some issues with drupal bootstrapping and vBulletin's AJAX
fixed &quot; in created threads by comment_vb
updated .htaccess_new to not add a 2 weeks epiration to php files
please update you .htaccess file according to these changes

09-02-2007, 07:57 PM
Thank you! The latest release is running very smoothly for me and I appreciate all the hard work that's evident.

09-04-2007, 11:07 PM
I recently uninstalled vbDrupal 4.7 (using VBulletins Manage Plugins within the AdminCP) -- if I installed this, would I follow the same instructions as a fresh installation? Or as an update? Does using the "uninstall" revert the DB changes that occured on the original installation?

09-05-2007, 06:46 PM
if you uninstalled vbDrupal 4.7 all tables should have been removed, so it would be a clean install.
anyway, it should be more or less failsafe, the installer will notify you when it already detects an installed vbDrupal (even if it's a previous release).

09-05-2007, 09:48 PM
Thanks I installed vbDrupal and vbulletin in the same directory and encountered one small problem ...

vBulletin's home page is "index.php" as is vbDrupal's home page.

So now I have 2 index.php pages -- vBulletin's main forum home and vbDrupal's home.

Is there a way to set vbDrupal's main home page to be something other than index.php? I renamed it and that did not work as all the links in the administration control panel are index.php?q=admin/build/themes etc. Is there a config setting to change the main drupal page to "default.php" or "main.php" or something other than index.php?


09-20-2007, 07:07 PM
put the vbdrupal files in a directory like blogs, main, home, etc so the file names don't conflict.

Also, you will get much faster support responses by posting your issues and questions here:


09-21-2007, 11:29 PM
The best mod out for vbulletin. I love drupal and I love VB, and vbDrupal rocks.

Time to upgrade from 4.7 to 5.2 ;_; I hope its much better.

10-11-2007, 04:26 PM
Thx for this mod.... :up::up::up:

10-28-2007, 02:17 AM
Been a long-time user of vbDrupal, back when Tamarian was the main maintainer, wouldn't recommend any other CMS solution for vBulletin.

Finally upgraded from vbDrupal 4.7 to 5.3, clicking install. :D

11-02-2007, 01:55 PM
Do all additional modules have to be reprogrammed by you in order to work with vbdrupal, or can one just use any drupal modifications, once they've installed vdrupal?

11-04-2007, 01:10 PM
Do all additional modules have to be reprogrammed by you in order to work with vbdrupal, or can one just use any drupal modifications, once they've installed vdrupal?

almost all drupal mods will work without issue (pretty much all i've tried). i would expect those that work with login functions to be most likely not to work out of the box. in practice, since vbdrupal stays close to the core drupal, incompatibile mods are few and far between.

11-12-2007, 08:31 AM
Vbadvanced and Vbdrupal are both CMS systems. I would not recomend running the both.

this couldn't be further from the truth

vbAdvanced is not a CMS .. plain and simple

vbDrupal is much much more

and yes, you can use vbadvanced with vbdrupal

I see vbadvanced more as a SKIN (imo) which u can add blocks to and then vbDrupal can be used for content, blogs and even more

12-09-2007, 06:55 AM
Installed fast and easy without problems.

I am very happy in the way it works with vbulletin. And Drupal
has won a lot of prizes as THE best CMS software.

12-15-2007, 11:51 PM
Hi just a quick question..... Will it chance my forums? I mean will it put the drupal side bar on my forums like in the demo site? If so is there a way i can make it where it wont do that when i install it?

12-23-2007, 05:58 PM
550 is out, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=158575&package_id=228684

01-15-2008, 12:36 PM
I have a Question...

Does Multilingual Translation work with this ???

for example, i18n

01-26-2008, 09:04 PM
I am trying vbdrupal now. So far installation looks fine, however how can I publish the vbulletin user's posts into drupal as a news article?


01-30-2008, 05:50 AM
re-copying vbulletin database
I am trying to move my old domain with only vbulletin forum to a new domain
with vbulletin forum plus vbdrupal. This way I can do some experiment with druapl
without disturbing users at the old domain.

I did the following steps:

1. created a new blank mysql database called newdatbase, and
copied the vbulletin forum database olddatabase to newdatabase
(first use mysqldump ... olddatabase > output.backup
and then mysql ... newdatabase < output.backup
2. then I installed vbdrupal
everything is fine with installation.
I then added some modules to drupal part, and customized the drupal.

3. by the time I finished step 2, a few days already passed by, users at
the old domain already updated the forum database. I thought I could just
copy the database from the old domain to the new domain again, however
after the database copying:
mysql -u xx -p xx newdatabase < output.backup
the drupal part is no longer working, I got a blank page. It does not
matter whether I sync the users, or update vbdrupal, or redo settings.php
I always get a blank page.

What is my solutions? Do I have to delete the newdatabase (I am not sure
what is the command to empty the newdatabase) and lose all the drupal
changes or there is a way that I save my work ?


01-30-2008, 06:05 AM
I am trying vbdrupal now. So far installation looks fine, however how can I publish the vbulletin user's posts into drupal as a news article?


cache I think you would have better results asking the questions on www.vbdrupal.org


02-15-2008, 07:27 PM
Definitely has a much steeper learning curve than other CMS add-ons, but in the end it also seems to work the best. Installed and thanks!

02-21-2008, 12:14 PM
i installed it but i dont have anything to show ...



02-22-2008, 06:13 PM
is there anyone here?

i need a portal for vb ?

who can answer me?

03-22-2008, 06:12 PM
But you are using joomla not this hack or am I wrong?

03-30-2008, 11:50 AM
would this be ported to vbulletin 3.7 version as well?

04-01-2008, 10:31 AM
would this be ported to vbulletin 3.7 version as well?

Yes, according to this post,

Also, the vbdrupal in this thread is out of date, the one on vbdrupal.org is newer.

04-06-2008, 04:10 PM
several folks have reported using 3.7 versions with no issue.

sub ubi is also correct in pointing out that vbdrupal.org is the best place to check in for updates and support. :)

04-15-2008, 11:45 PM
No matter what happens on 3.7, I get this error:
The following errors occurred with your submission:
Validation error, please try again. If this error persists, please contact the site administrator.

04-16-2008, 03:26 PM
Cranky-I suggest going over the the vbdrupal forums (vbdrupal.org), where support will be a little faster, and giving more specific info about the error. (As in, what are you trying to do, does it occur on the drupal side only, were you running it successfully with an older version of vb, etc.)

You can also google that particular drupal error, as there are a number of issues that can cause it to help troubleshoot. but without knowing more about it, if it's a clean install, etc. etc. there isn't much i can suggest to you.

08-01-2008, 02:48 AM
it this working with 3.7.2?

08-01-2008, 03:54 AM
Yes, it does work with 3.72,

12-13-2008, 08:43 PM
I'm trying to figure out what cookie path I need in order to be able to run vbdrupal. I been trying for what seems like hours and I can get it to work. vbdrupal is located at http://www.gamerzcreed.com and the forums are at http://www.gamerzcreed.com/forums HELP! Thank you for your time.

12-15-2008, 09:10 AM
is there a plan to update to drpal 6 ? waiting for that since month.

04-30-2009, 10:27 PM
Along with me, some users of my site (http://www.cyburbia.org) are reporting that they get occasional "page not found" errors when posting a message. Reloading the thread and reposting doesn't help, but sometimes removing a paragraph or sentence does. it seems to happen with random threads; try to post in one thread and consistently get the error, post in another and there's no error.

These errors started after I installed the most recent version of vbDrupal. I use vBulletin 3.8.2.

Anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas about a solution?

Sean James
05-11-2009, 05:49 PM
Along with me, some users of my site (http://www.cyburbia.org) are reporting that they get occasional "page not found" errors when posting a message. Reloading the thread and reposting doesn't help, but sometimes removing a paragraph or sentence does. it seems to happen with random threads; try to post in one thread and consistently get the error, post in another and there's no error.

These errors started after I installed the most recent version of vbDrupal. I use vBulletin 3.8.2.

Anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas about a solution?

Did u get your problem sorted?

Im thinking about using this mod to bridge my drupal installation and vbulletin but dont want to take any risks if there is major bugs

03-08-2010, 07:55 AM
vbDrupal updated, and is looking for developers:
