View Full Version : vbulletin.org design?

07-25-2007, 10:45 AM
The vBulettin.org design?

I was wondering, as i am redesigning my forum, what coding for the background vbulletin.org used, because i want something like that, with the darker shadings around the sides and with the whole main bit of it going from top to bottom with no spaces.

As you can tell, i'm not the master of css so i hope you could help me a little bit :D.


07-25-2007, 01:00 PM
Their bg is "1" image that uses gradients and repeats in the Y direction (look up the css coding for repeating if need be).

All you have to do is right click and view bg image. Here's their image:

Open that up on photoshop and apply gradients to it.

Anything else, you can prolly view their source code and search for what it is you want. It won't be exact since vbulletin uses a lot of replacements but you should get the idea and just experiment.

07-25-2007, 05:26 PM
thaks alot