View Full Version : how to change radio button to checkbox in group membership form on profile page?

07-24-2007, 02:26 PM

on my forum, i want to have a lot of usergroups that people are free to join. as such, i want them to be able to fill out the group membership form (the form located at /profile.php?do=editusergroups) so that it uses checkboxes instead of radio buttons -- thus allowing users to select all the groups they want to join quickly and easily (rather than selecting just one radio button, hitting submit, and then repeating the process indefinitely).

i edited the HTML for the form code in the modifyusergroups_nonmemberbit template, and that changes the appearance of the form on the front end -- but it does not totally work. if i select multiple checkboxes and then hit submit, only one of the groups i selected will be added to the list of groups i've joined. the other groups will remain the same.

i am assuming there is another spot where i have to edit and specify that this is a checkbox form and not a radio form, although i'm not sure where that would be. any ideas on how i can solve this problem?

thanks a lot for your time and consideration.

10-28-2007, 02:47 PM
I'm interested in the same feature. Anyone got an idea how to realize this?

Paul M
10-28-2007, 03:05 PM
It's not a case of editing a template, you would need to edit the vbulletin code - it's only designed to process one group at a time.