07-21-2007, 09:26 PM
On my friends forum, he wants it so in the post bit it shows all of these in the postbit below the activity/longevity modifcation.
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He runs a Graphics forum and I'm assuming that the Rank, Battles won and lost would need to be admin set. But he wants the mood to be editble by the user, but in text. So they could type that they are "very bored," or something similer. Any help with this, or any info that leads me in the right direction is appreciated.
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He runs a Graphics forum and I'm assuming that the Rank, Battles won and lost would need to be admin set. But he wants the mood to be editble by the user, but in text. So they could type that they are "very bored," or something similer. Any help with this, or any info that leads me in the right direction is appreciated.