View Full Version : Please provide your valuable inputs on my site www.meracarforum.com

07-19-2007, 02:53 PM
Hi All,
I have a forum which I set up about 5 days ago.

My set of issues
1) I have about 50 members - But 70% of them have zero posts:confused:
2) So far, I have received around 2800 hits, but only 50 members.
Is this too low?

How do I encourage participation from those who are only lurking or signed in once
and never came back?

Should I set the forum such that they have to register inorder to read posts?

How do I promote the site?
This is just as a hobby (for now) - Hence can't afford to pay for advertising.

As of now I am just relying on friends to spread the word - Which I know is not effective.

Any advice would be highly appreciated.

07-19-2007, 03:10 PM
1- you can't have new members if you do not advertise your site.
2- you can't force people to post if they are not interested... most of them waits for interested topics... maybe it is time to find real friends to post and populate your forums.
3- your forum is 5 days old, don't expect to have it populated by interesting people before the first month is done... remember that you need to advertise and make it visited by search engines...

no mods
07-19-2007, 09:05 PM
You have been up 5 days and you allready have 50 members? Id say your doing pretty good.:)

07-20-2007, 02:40 PM
I am kind of ok with the number of members - ?It's just that there are very few contributing members.