View Full Version : Force footer to bottom

07-18-2007, 03:28 PM
How can I force the footer to the bottom on small pages like http://arteea.com/demo/search.php?do=getnew It only occurs on pages with a low height.


07-18-2007, 09:45 PM
This was a real headache for me once. I found a few methods one being;

But in the end it just ended up looking bad one way or another. In the end I went with 'wrapping' (if you get me) the page rather than just a repeating background image (http://www.frombasics.com/forum/)

All depends how much work you want to put into getting it to look right :)


07-18-2007, 11:34 PM
Can you please explain your second suggestion further? It sounds a lot better but I am not all following your words. Alternatively, I could give you Admin access, however, you made it sound like it took time so perhaps it'd better if you just explained.

07-19-2007, 04:02 PM
The second method I mention can be a little complicated if your new to html / css yes. I could do it for you true, but teach a man to fish and all of that..

I would do it through the use of tables if your not to comfortable with html. You want to create one big table that in cases the whole site. 3 td's with the side bars in the first and third td and the main body going in the second td. Hope that’s clear(ish) it’s going to be a lot of trial and error but I find it the best way to learn :)


07-19-2007, 04:18 PM
actually, 99% of the webpages with low content will end up that way... until everybody use pure CSS to build their designs, this will be a problem. there is no solution, because the tables are built to be filled, not to fill.

07-19-2007, 04:26 PM
Thanks, I will try. :) I can't understand though, how I can force it to the bottom just because I've split the site in 3 columns of a table?

07-19-2007, 04:56 PM
It won't. The idea is that the background image would only spread as far as the site content. To force the footer to the bottom see the link I provided in my fist reply :) but I wouldn't recommend doing that anyhow it would leave great voids of white space.

The other method I mentioned aims to limit the design height to that of the content.. for example here is your site with the background image filling the page even with no content:

And an example of limiting the style to the content:
