View Full Version : Edit Post -- Graphical or Coding Error

Masked Crusader
07-10-2007, 03:32 PM
Hey guys.

I bought a skin from vbulletinbox.com a couple months ago. The skin is buggy as hell and the community over there has gone to crap since Chris sold it.

Well, I have noticed one major problem and I was hoping you guys would be so great as to help me out with it.

Whenever a user posts a thread and goes back and clicks the "edit post" at a later date, this is the result:


I have no idea what is causing the skin to do this.

I have attached the vbulletin style and hope that someone may be able to look at this and figure out what is going on.

It would be greatly appreciated.

Masked Crusader
07-10-2007, 03:35 PM
Also wanted to add:

If you click "Go Advanced" after you click "Edit Post" button, the page goes back to normal...it is JUST in the regular "Edit" phase that there is an issue.