View Full Version : Xplicit-Studios, GFX site

07-06-2007, 07:28 PM
Well basically I love GFX, and I wanted to learn more on different techniqes and such, I know of a 3 realy good artists, so with my familiarity of VB and their GFX skill we created Xplicit-Studios.

There are a bunch of tutorials and recourses like stocks, brushes, things of that nature.

Unfortunatly you have to register to view the recourse for photoshop, but it only takes a few seconds,

www.xplicit-studios.com (http://www.xplicit-studios.com)


Yours Truly
07-06-2007, 07:35 PM
Sorry but it's no different to the other 100+ gfx sites out there

07-06-2007, 08:17 PM
too skinny and too dark.