View Full Version : most users ever online prob

04-25-2001, 12:01 PM
Check it out at :http://www.futureff.com/forums/index.php

And look at the most users ever online was:
it has gone strange...anyone know whats wrong?

Oh and one more thing, how do you publically display the total number of thread views your page has had?
Example here : http://animeboards.com/index.php

Thanks ppl

04-25-2001, 02:51 PM

Steve Machol
04-25-2001, 03:54 PM
It looks like you customized this template (forumhome_display?) and messed a few things up. Take a look at the original template and copy the relevant code into your customized one. Either that or just revert to the original template and reapply (carefully!) your customization. Good luck!

04-25-2001, 04:11 PM
Total thread views:


04-25-2001, 05:12 PM
do you just post : $totalviews anywhere in the index.php thread yeah? after you have instered :

// Total Thread Views

$boardviews = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT SUM(views) AS threadviews FROM thread");
$totalviews = number_format($boardviews[threadviews]);


This is for the total viewed threads

04-25-2001, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by smachol
It looks like you customized this template (forumhome_display?) and messed a few things up. Take a look at the original template and copy the relevant code into your customized one. Either that or just revert to the original template and reapply (carefully!) your customization. Good luck!

oh...and thanks for the help mate, but i still cant figure it out, and my hacks have screwed the board up before! lol, so i think i'll just leave it ;)