View Full Version : Major Additions - Email Integration (New threads/replies by email)

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11-27-2007, 08:34 PM
I've got 2.3 wrapped up. I'm workin up a quick script to try to help people determine their connection settings they should use. Hopefully this version will smash a few more lingering bugs while adding some things like a forum subscription manager and such.

Anyway, I'll release it tomorrow evening, with or without the connection assistance thinga magig :)

11-29-2007, 12:04 AM
Well... here's to hoping 2.3 goes off well! :)

New version is up...

* Cyricx braces for impact!

11-29-2007, 01:11 AM
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ei_folder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Thursday, November 29th 2007 @ 10:11:31 AM
Script : /vb/admincp/forum.php?do=update

11-29-2007, 01:19 AM
everything Perfect ..
also Gmail and google apps working very very well ...

just the issue that i canot update boards anymore .... after hit update in any forum i get a sql error page and a admin email about the error above ...

in admincp .. the menu shows a new entry (atttachment (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=72752))
links going to admincp/admin_ei_search_settings.php
where the output is quite strange .. see attachment 2 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=72753)

11-29-2007, 05:36 AM
besides the problem mentioned by dot2slash -

I am still getting

[1677] EACCELERATOR: PHP crashed on opline 174 of imap_open() at /home/userdir/public_html/includes/cron/emailintegration.php:83
[25625] EACCELERATOR: PHP crashed on opline 174 of imap_open() at /home/userdi/public_html/includes/cron/emailintegration.php:83
[958] EACCELERATOR: PHP crashed on opline 174 of imap_open() at /home/userdir/public_html/includes/cron/emailintegration.php:83

11-29-2007, 05:58 AM

you have php running with --with-imap ?

11-29-2007, 07:55 AM

cool, works great!

Smilies seems to be a problem in mails, I have got just a link to the smilie!



11-29-2007, 12:02 PM
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ei_folder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Thursday, November 29th 2007 @ 10:11:31 AM
Script : /vb/admincp/forum.php?do=update

Did you reupload the xml file via the admincp and select overwrite?

11-29-2007, 12:09 PM
besides the problem mentioned by dot2slash -

I am still getting

[1677] EACCELERATOR: PHP crashed on opline 174 of imap_open() at /home/userdir/public_html/includes/cron/emailintegration.php:83
[25625] EACCELERATOR: PHP crashed on opline 174 of imap_open() at /home/userdi/public_html/includes/cron/emailintegration.php:83
[958] EACCELERATOR: PHP crashed on opline 174 of imap_open() at /home/userdir/public_html/includes/cron/emailintegration.php:83

I'm starting to think you need to verify the version of eaccelerator. The issue your experiencing is not unique to the modification I wrote.


I did a google search for eaccelerator: php crashed and got a buncha hits. Most of the resolutions involved upgrading the eaccelerator.

The true test would be to see if the script runs without eaccelerator.

I'll try to do some comparisons on our two sites to determine what differences you may have :)

11-29-2007, 12:11 PM

cool, works great!

Smilies seems to be a problem in mails, I have got just a link to the smilie!



Can you forward me the email? to testforums(at)campgaea(dot)org?

I would like to see the header info on the email to try to determine what may have happened :)

Also, was the email from a post that was made from the forums or from email? :)


11-29-2007, 01:58 PM
in admincp .. the menu shows a new entry (atttachment (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=72752))
links going to admincp/admin_ei_search_settings.php
where the output is quite strange .. see attachment 2 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=72753)I got this as well.. :(

seems to be working though

11-29-2007, 03:45 PM
Ah crap! The phrases didn't carry over :)

I'll update this first thing when I get home tonight :)

I added a buncha new phrases for that script to help people figure out their settings.

11-29-2007, 03:58 PM
So we need to wait for the phrases to be fixed before downloading then really?

11-29-2007, 04:56 PM
Yeah :(

I'm at work now.. so gotta wait til I can get home to get it all fixed up.

I'll get home about 6pm central :) Won't take me long at all to get it up :)

11-29-2007, 05:55 PM
Go Cyricx go! Thanks again, man, for the updates and great support!

As I mentioned earlier, I'm moving my server this weekend to accommodate this mod. I'd like to also reiterate the request for cooperation with vBulletin's thread moderation system. (I'd like for moderators to have to approve a thread before it goes out to my entire usergroup via email if possible.)

Lastly, expect a PayPal donation from me soon... I'm very appreciative of your work and you deserve the kudos!

11-29-2007, 07:15 PM
I'm starting to think you need to verify the version of eaccelerator. The issue your experiencing is not unique to the modification I wrote.


I did a google search for eaccelerator: php crashed and got a buncha hits. Most of the resolutions involved upgrading the eaccelerator.

The true test would be to see if the script runs without eaccelerator.

I'll try to do some comparisons on our two sites to determine what differences you may have :)

Hey Chris,

I sent you a PM regarding how to check my server's environment.


11-29-2007, 07:22 PM
Can you forward me the email? to testforums(at)campgaea(dot)org?

I would like to see the header info on the email to try to determine what may have happened :)

Also, was the email from a post that was made from the forums or from email? :)
I sure can. I am on tuesday back to the office and will then forward the mail to you.

It is an HTML Mail send from the forum to my mailbox.



11-29-2007, 10:24 PM
Damn export didn't pull the phrases...

If you've already installed 2.3 all you need to do is reimport the xml file and select overwrite :)

Tralala - Thanks!! I'll get this mod to superb greatness if it kills me!!

JC - I'll check it out! :)

Tobi - Thanks!!

11-30-2007, 06:38 AM
Did you reupload the xml file via the admincp and select overwrite?

yes i did ...
1 try update (with overwrite)
2. uninstall and install new

no problem or error while doing this ...
same effect

all the rest is working great .. (very good piece of work)

11-30-2007, 11:42 AM
Dot2slash -
Try using the new 2.3.1 xml :)

While I was working on the large number of changes from 2.2 to 2.3 I was using letters in the versions. It seems that it is not supported in vbulletin. 2.2c is what was in the old xml to do the ei_folder changes to the database. Everyone who went from 2.2 to 2.3, vbulletin ignored that code. Note to programers.. only use .'s and numerics in your versions :) Something I didn't know about :(

FYI to all - Justchecking's main problems seem to have revolved around bugs in eaccelerators version. After upgradin to there was no longer a conflict error. It seems that other programs like drupal were also affected by that bad version of eaccelerator.

11-30-2007, 12:16 PM
In and loaded Chris looking good apart from the known issue with the BBCode Table Mod.

11-30-2007, 01:04 PM

11-30-2007, 07:46 PM
Thanks guys!!!

BBcode mod is definately on my todo list.

12-01-2007, 02:28 AM
question: is this just a one way email??

I send email from my account to the forum, it imported just fine, but
when i replied, or even post a new thread, nothing was sent back??
any reason why...

and concerning the multiple email accounts, so if i have 50 categories,
well thats a lot more then what i would want to do as a user, save
all those emails...


12-01-2007, 04:50 AM
Dot2slash -
Try using the new 2.3.1 xml :)


works great ... phrases read and shown in the admincp .. forums can be saved (but all email-settings where gone ... not so dramatic) ...

Donation (small one) on the way ;-) .... really good piece of work !

anyway why the options in a seperate tree instead of vboptions ?
makes no diffrence, im just courious

12-01-2007, 01:11 PM
question: is this just a one way email??

I send email from my account to the forum, it imported just fine, but
when i replied, or even post a new thread, nothing was sent back??
any reason why...

and concerning the multiple email accounts, so if i have 50 categories,
well thats a lot more then what i would want to do as a user, save
all those emails...

You need to be subscribed to the forum :) Go to your user cp and under subscriptions there is a "Forum Subscription Manager".

Yes, if you have 50 forums that allow posting from email, you would need 50 different email accounts. Just like yahoo groups :)


works great ... phrases read and shown in the admincp .. forums can be saved (but all email-settings where gone ... not so dramatic) ...

Donation (small one) on the way ;-) .... really good piece of work !

anyway why the options in a seperate tree instead of vboptions ?
makes no diffrence, im just courious

Thank you for the donation!!!

You mean the forum settings help thinga machig? That's just a test script. People input their base settings there, then it scrolls through trying all the possible combinations and spits back out a page telling them what options to use in their forum manager to connect to the box. :)

Eliminates everyone having to manually try localhost and mydomain.com and the 6 different connection types etc :)

Does it for them :)

12-01-2007, 02:05 PM
You need to be subscribed to the forum :) Go to your user cp and under subscriptions there is a "Forum Subscription Manager".

Yes, if you have 50 forums that allow posting from email, you would need 50 different email accounts. Just like yahoo groups :)

Im not sure if you have this option or not, how would i be able to strip
out links from emails coming into the forum? It would not hurt either to be
able to strip out words, terms, sentences also.

another option is to ban individual users from sending email into the forum,
for those that may take advantage of the email system, sending emails
that should not be sent...


12-01-2007, 05:56 PM
I really like this new feature. I had previously tried to tell my users what to do to get instant email notification for each forum ... and it was a pain. This new feature in 2.3.1 is concise and self-explanatory and the "Set All None" and "Set All Instant" are exactly what I needed. Thanks!

12-01-2007, 07:38 PM
Any idea when you'll have attachments working? If you post a message with an attachment via email, the post is generated properly and has a "1" in the vb_post column "attach". There's also an entry created in the vb_attachment table for the attachment. Most of the fields in this table entry are correct (postid, userid, dateline). But there's no data at all stored in the "filedata" column for this entry. So the attachment is effectively discarded even though the post shows that it has an attachment. In my case, I've got attachment processing enabled, but didn't make any of the changes to allow unknown type attachments. The attachment type I am using to test with is a small .jpg file. Posting with this attachment via the forums webpage works fine. But via email it doesn't. This problem isn't new to 2.3.1. It hasn't worked in any previous rev I've tested either. 2.3.1 looks functional enough for me to deploy on my live board if attachments work.

12-02-2007, 02:44 AM
attachments... work fine here .. with just the issue that picture-thumbnails not crerated.
its annoying start maintance scripts manually ... to get this updated ...
but thats okay for now ... a not finished feature with a solution ;-)

hope later this will be runns automaticly.

12-02-2007, 04:12 PM
Any idea when you'll have attachments working? If you post a message with an attachment via email, the post is generated properly and has a "1" in the vb_post column "attach". There's also an entry created in the vb_attachment table for the attachment. Most of the fields in this table entry are correct (postid, userid, dateline). But there's no data at all stored in the "filedata" column for this entry. So the attachment is effectively discarded even though the post shows that it has an attachment. In my case, I've got attachment processing enabled, but didn't make any of the changes to allow unknown type attachments. The attachment type I am using to test with is a small .jpg file. Posting with this attachment via the forums webpage works fine. But via email it doesn't. This problem isn't new to 2.3.1. It hasn't worked in any previous rev I've tested either. 2.3.1 looks functional enough for me to deploy on my live board if attachments work.

Capsize, can you send the email you tried to send to testforums(at)campgaea(dot)org? Also please go to your admincp -> attachments -> attachment manager and tell me if you have it set to store attachments in the database or file system.

Im not sure if you have this option or not, how would i be able to strip
out links from emails coming into the forum? It would not hurt either to be
able to strip out words, terms, sentences also.

another option is to ban individual users from sending email into the forum,
for those that may take advantage of the email system, sending emails
that should not be sent...

On the stripping words, links etc topic. I'll take some look into this. It shouldn't be too hard to do a quick regex with a global option. I'll add that to my list :)

On the second topic, you can easily control who's emails are processed. When you go to the forum manager and input the settings for the mailbox there is also a setting there for what usergroups can post messages from emails. This also handles secondary usergroups. So you only put those that can post to the forum in that usergroup and add that usergroup to that setting and your good to go :)

12-02-2007, 04:14 PM
attachments... work fine here .. with just the issue that picture-thumbnails not crerated.
its annoying start maintance scripts manually ... to get this updated ...
but thats okay for now ... a not finished feature with a solution ;-)

hope later this will be runns automaticly.

The email script should be running automatically now... albeit vbulletin's cron system only runs when the site has traffic.. but I have not had any reports yet of the script not running when ther is traffic accessing the footer template.

Are you have issues on your site with this?

The thumbnails in pictures is definately an annoyance to me too. There's sooo much I still want to do with this. :) But some of it, I get it functional, then I pretty it up. Unfortunately there are still a few things I need to get function, hence the beta, before I go back and pretty things up like the thumbnails :)

12-03-2007, 10:21 PM
Capsize, can you send the email you tried to send to testforums(at)campgaea(dot)org? Also please go to your admincp -> attachments -> attachment manager and tell me if you have it set to store attachments in the database or file system.

I sent you a simple test post that doesn't work on my installation of 2.3.1. I've got attachments currently getting stored in the database (vb default). I'll try switching this to filesystem storage and see if that makes a difference.

12-03-2007, 10:28 PM
Capsize, can you send the email you tried to send to testforums(at)campgaea(dot)org? Also please go to your admincp -> attachments -> attachment manager and tell me if you have it set to store attachments in the database or file system.

I have the same problem with vb set for filesystem attachment storage. In the directory where the attachments get stored, a zero-byte file gets created.

12-04-2007, 06:56 AM
I think I've figured this one out.

Line 451 of emailintegration.php is wrong. It has this:

$filedata = base64_decode($attach['data']);

But this trashes the attachment data since mimeDecode has already done a base64 decode of the contents. This line always sets $filedata to 0 length for my attachments.

If I change it to

$filedata = $attach['data'];

then attachments seem to work.

Scanning through the rest of the file, I see this comment ... perhaps the code on line 451 should check this variable and decode it conditionally.

$mime_class = new Mail_mimeDecode;
// decodes attachments if true, turn off base64 in the files section below
$mime_class->_decode_bodies = true;

12-04-2007, 11:47 AM
Bug verified. I'll get on a fix. It must have occured during the huge regex rewrite.

12-06-2007, 04:04 PM
Just noticed a potential bug.

At the bottom of each email it has links:

Unsubscribe from ForumName
View thread in forum (1 replies) | Reply via forum | Start a new thread via forum
View Forums

For me, the link to "Reply via forum" goes nowhere. The format does not specify a thread ID:


12-10-2007, 04:28 AM
The mod worked great on a test forum, but I just can't seem to automatically subscribe everyone to the forums and default everyone to "Instant notification by email" on my live forum.

I've created separate email accounts for each forum and enabled Email Integration for the forum. I've entered the usergroup ID's that can post and reply by email. What am I doing wrong?

I was also wondering whether under the Usergroup Manager-->Email Reply Intergration Settings, whether I have to list ALL of the forumids, or whether it defaults to all if I don't enter a value.

At this time I would basically like to have all of my current registered users to be defaulted to Instant Email Notification of all forums, as well as any new members.

12-10-2007, 04:53 AM
When runing Auto Subscriptions I get a Database error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Monday, December 10th 2007 @ 01:51:01 AM
Script : http://www.ambersight.com/forums/admincp/admin_ei.php
Referrer : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1398363
IP Address :
Username : lbernstein
Classname : vb_database

I'm not quite sure what the error means. Can anyone help?

12-10-2007, 08:51 PM
I'm kinda new to this, so bear with me.

Was able to get the mod working this morning and the emails are coming through. I am having some problems with out of office and other auto replies. How are others dealing with those beyond adding more terms to the filter?

Still with a database error. Any suggestions on where to start on that problem???

L. Bernstein, MD
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a coder!

12-10-2007, 09:42 PM
don't most out of office replies have that in the subject? It can only be so perfect. Maybe put in an out of office setting for users to check/use when they are out of office. You can only do so much without human intervention.

12-10-2007, 11:46 PM
The email script should be running automatically now... albeit vbulletin's cron system only runs when the site has traffic.. but I have not had any reports yet of the script not running when ther is traffic accessing the footer template.

Are you have issues on your site with this?

all cronjobs running usally as planned (i have some little traffic to ensure this)

the emailed posts with attachments are show the postbit_attachment or postbit_thumb templates
but the graphics are not shown ...

this remains so ... even after days .. nothing changed ...

if i start maintance (admincp) and let the board create the thumbs its apears.

storage is DB driven ... (but i can switch this if needed)

12-12-2007, 11:25 AM
Probably to early to answer; but what's the likelihood that this email integration will work with 3.7 right out of the box?

(still running this as a trial in 3.6.7....but want to release it forum-wide when upgrading to 3.7....)

12-14-2007, 01:21 AM
Is there any way to make Email Integration check an IMAP mail box but not delete messages it finds? I'd prefer to keep a record of all messages received and at present it is deleting the messages whenever the cron job runs.

Enhancement suggestion - it might be nice to have a configuration option to transfer messages from INBOX to another box after they have been processed (perhaps even two boxes, one for accepted another for rejected)


~ Rodney

12-15-2007, 07:20 PM
I'm kinda new to this, so bear with me.

Was able to get the mod working this morning and the emails are coming through. I am having some problems with out of office and other auto replies. How are others dealing with those beyond adding more terms to the filter?

Still with a database error. Any suggestions on where to start on that problem???

L. Bernstein, MD
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a coder!

I am a coder, but haven't found a way to get this to work yet... cyricx? any insight on how to fix this yet?

12-15-2007, 07:22 PM
When runing Auto Subscriptions I get a Database error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Monday, December 10th 2007 @ 01:51:01 AM
Script : http://www.ambersight.com/forums/admincp/admin_ei.php
Referrer : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1398363
IP Address :
Username : lbernstein
Classname : vb_database

I'm not quite sure what the error means. Can anyone help?

Cyricx? This is the same problem that i'm having with auto subscriptions... haven't found a way to fix it yet.. any insight from you?

12-15-2007, 09:29 PM
Cyricx? This is the same problem that i'm having with auto subscriptions... haven't found a way to fix it yet.. any insight from you?

Regarding the problem with "Auto Subscriptions", if you know enough about working 'under the hood', here's a hack to get this working:

The problem when trying to load auto subscriptions is:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid =;

Here's what I did to 'fix' it so it would at least function...

1) Open up file admin_ei.php in the admincp folder.
Around line 52, it reads: $getforuminfo = $db->query_read("SELECT title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum WHERE forumid = $forumupdateid");
-- just hardcode (i.e. replace) $forumupdateid with the actual # of the forum you want to subscribe all users to (I had 7 different forums, so had to do one at a time:( )

2) You also need to update the table 'usergroup' in your forum's dB... if you have phpmyadmin you can use this query to pull up the info you need to update:

SELECT usergroupid, title, ei_forumid
FROM usergroup
WHERE ei_auto =1
ORDER BY `usergroupid`

Find the row that has 'registered users' in the title column Now change the value for 'ei_forumid' in that row to be the forum # that you are subscribing all users to (same # as in the first step)....

Now you should be able to subscribe all users by going to admincp and clicking "Auto Subscription" again, but will still need to repeat steps 1 and 2 until you get all forums subscribed...:cool:

Mad Dog
12-16-2007, 02:44 AM
No, you won't need a new host :)

Most hosts will not have any issues at all with enabling IMAP :) Like I said, I have yet to encounter a host that didn't have it enabled. :)

All they have to do is uncomment one line and recompile the php. Pretty quick and painless :)Talked to GoDaddy today about getting IMAP enabled. Not gonna happen unless I start using a virtual dedicated server solution. Then supposedly, I would be able to configure the server myself so that IMAP is enabled. I really don't understand GoDaddy's rationale behind this policy.

12-17-2007, 05:22 PM
Talked to GoDaddy today about getting IMAP enabled. Not gonna happen unless I start using a virtual dedicated server solution. Then supposedly, I would be able to configure the server myself so that IMAP is enabled. I really don't understand GoDaddy's rationale behind this policy.

I switched from GoDaddy to another hosting provider because of this. GoDaddy's problems are worse than just their lack of imap support in php. You cannot connect to their email servers from your shared hosting server at all. They block all network connections to their email servers from their own network. And they refuse to fix this. They claim it's "a limitation of the shared hosting environment" and push you to their VPS products. I had tried to code my own POP3 client to use this mod since their php server does not have IMAP support and then noticed that connections would simply fail. So there's no way for a GoDaddy shared hosting website to do any sort of automatic email processing, php or otherwise. PM me if you want a hosting recommendation. You're gonna have to leave GoDaddy shared hosting or at least use an email server other than GoDaddy's to use this mod.

Mad Dog
12-18-2007, 04:55 AM
Well, mod is installed and working beautifully with the exception of being able to post replies or new threads from email. Without a doubt, the ability to receive instant email notification (as well as daily/weekly digest mode) of ALL new posts and threads should be a part of the core vBulletin application.

Given that I convinced a client to transition to vBulletin so that we could use this mod and have Yahoo group forum functionality with an improved and more flexible interface, I am now in search of changing web hosts. If anyone has any recommendations, by all means PM and let me know.

12-20-2007, 02:03 AM
Despite having installed quite a few mods to my forum, I seem to be running into a bit of an issue wit this.

I can post via email to my forum quite well, and I can subscribe to regular threads fine, but when I subscribe to the entire forum, I never get any emails. I have:

- Enabled the prodcut via vBulletin Options
- Setup the email accounts
- Plopped my forumids in the "If joining this usergroup opens access to any Email Integrated Forums, please enter the forumids here separated by a comma." box in my usergroup.
- Entered the settings in my "Email Reply Integration Settings" section of the forum
- Subscribed to the forum via instant notifications

What am I missing here? Why isn't this working correctly for me?

12-26-2007, 01:59 AM
Despite having installed quite a few mods to my forum, I seem to be running into a bit of an issue with this.

Ok - I'm absolutely at my wits end with this -- it just wont generate subscription emails!! I've tried damn near everything to get this to roll, but it appears as not be triggering the plugin to send out the email.

Someone help! :(

(and Merry Christmas!)

12-26-2007, 11:26 AM
I'll be catching up on this, this week and I have a few ideas on how to redo the format of the emails to clean things up a bit.

*glancing at some of the above posts*

RWerksman, if you would like to PM me a temporary admin login with access to the forum manager, plugin manager and scheduled tasks and let me know which forums you have enabled I'll jump in and see if I can figure out what may be going on.

12-26-2007, 01:07 PM
RWerksman, if you would like to PM me a temporary admin login with access to the forum manager, plugin manager and scheduled tasks and let me know which forums you have enabled I'll jump in and see if I can figure out what may be going on.
Done! Thank you sir! :D

12-28-2007, 03:02 PM
Thanks Cyricx,

This is the one mod that many vb sites have been dying for. Like many others, I can now get my group off of Yahoo. :D

Just sent a contribution your way. Hope everyone else does the same and that it encourages you to continue updating and supporting this killer mod!!!

Mike I.

12-28-2007, 08:01 PM
How do I update existing users, as opposed to new users, to be subscribed to a specific forum.

12-28-2007, 09:50 PM
Hey guys,
everything works :) except... I don't get emails sent out for replies to the original thread...

12-29-2007, 12:20 AM
.. I get an error
- unable to open the stream. So basically cron script has trouble logging into the mail system and downloading the emails. I tried all 6 settings but no luck.

-Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {mail.mysite.com:993/pop3/ssl}INBOX in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 111

I ran into same issue. Here is what I found that might help others out.

For username login I entered the username of the email account I created, which is:
Nothing was working until I went to my sites admincp for email where it told me the sytem userid is:
(yes, literally with the plus sign).
Once I changed that I had working IMAP, Pop, etc.

I also have to give a plug to my host asmallorange. IMAP was not installed on PHP. I submitted a support ticket and in 5 minutes had a reply to give them 15 minutes and they would recompile php with this setting enabled. Like evry other thing I have ever asked them, boom it is done!

Love this mod. Just need to know how, as admin, I can subscribe existing users.

12-29-2007, 12:32 AM
Hey guys,
everything works :) except... I don't get emails sent out for replies to the original thread...
Same deal with me :(

12-29-2007, 05:31 AM
Ok, it sends emails only if they subscribe in usercp...cant automatically add users.

Also works on 3.7 except get errors on registration:

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_read() on a non-object in /forum/includes/class_dm_user.php(2652) : eval()'d code on line 30

12-29-2007, 08:30 AM
Hello, i just tried this one, but the e-mails I receive from forum do not show the right way. Somehow the e-mail-Header breaks after the Date:-Header and the rest of e-mail ist shown in plain-text, not HTML, as the Content-Type Flag is not inside of header.

How can i fix this?

Would be a nice thing also to have the choice of getting text-mail instead of HTML...


Edit : As I have tested now, this only happens, if I write an Post directly in Forum. The posts getting into the forum via mail will be processed correct and work fine...
I think, i messed up something by the template changes...

David Bott
01-04-2008, 01:41 PM
Greetings all...

This looks like it will be wonderful. I do have a question that maybe someone can answer efore I install it.

What I am looking to do is setup an e-mail address for Press Releases. Thus companies can e-mail in their press releases to the site.

So the question is, if they do not have an account on the site, how can I handle this?

I need it to come in from ANY address to the press release address and then be added as a NEW THERAD into a given forum. This forum will be closed for new posts as I do not want people replying to the releases and also do not want then to start new threads directly.

Can this be done as the software is now?

Thank you.

01-07-2008, 02:26 AM

Pretty sure that it could do that. I'd setup two addresses on the email server - one for the 'posting' address via this mod, and another that actually gets the email. (a dump address)

Setup a press release user and make their email the dump address. Make the dump address forward onto the posting address, and boom, the post should be made under the press release user. I'm not sure how secure it would be though. Maybe a form with some front end checking would help...

Love the sites BTW.

David Bott
01-07-2008, 12:08 PM

Sounds interesting. Not sure of the result of a forward for based on how it is done, it could add > or what have you to the start of each line. ;)

Yes, security of the use of this did come to mind. Not sure about that one yet either. I am now thinking that maybe anyone with a press releases to publish needs to register for AVS and alert us. Then I give that account some sort of rights or something.

Thanks for the comment on the site. :) Very busy these days.

01-08-2008, 03:00 PM
How do I update existing users, as opposed to new users, to be subscribed to a specific forum.

not sure if you found this, but my hack did work and is described one page back (subject: made a hack to do this) - posted on dec 15th

Cyrix, my hack is only a work around and takes a little time and work, and I wonder if you found that the Auto Subscriptions is not working properly, as I did, before I made the hack. Might want to make sure current code is working for this...

01-08-2008, 03:23 PM
I am killing myself over this one for far too long. The funny part is I read over this thread and wondered how something as simple as email was goofing up everybody.

anyhow, I am getting the dreaded

Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {pop.jooxter.com:110/pop3/notls}INBOX in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 83

Failed to connect to the mailbox for forum...

Seems pretty obvious I have a email setting wrong.

Does anybody have a example of their settings for google apps? I have diddling with this most of the morning and still continue to miss something somewhere.

01-08-2008, 03:26 PM

Has anyone had the problem of getting the same email posting over and over? All subscibers are getting the same email 2-3 times a day. I first disabled task scheduler for email integration, then turn the particular forum off of email integration... same email keeps cycling in.

I've deleted the email (forum) address that the posting is coming from. Hopefully this will resolve the issue, but still wonder how this may have occurred. Any ideas?

01-08-2008, 05:48 PM
I do have some problems with the design of te email I get sent from the board when someone opens a thead or is answering inside.
All is plain text.

If I answer via Email I get a Email with a notification and all is fine.
Wheres the problem?!

I do have the problems with thunderbid also as outlook professional.
Other emails with html are showed correctly.

Please help me out there :erm:

01-08-2008, 06:17 PM
Hello, i just tried this one, but the e-mails I receive from forum do not show the right way. Somehow the e-mail-Header breaks after the Date:-Header and the rest of e-mail ist shown in plain-text, not HTML, as the Content-Type Flag is not inside of header.

I have that issue as well. Let me know if your figure your mistake out.

01-08-2008, 08:17 PM
Does your email looks like that?!

From: Postbot <postit@fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de>
Reply-To: postit@fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de
MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/html

Content-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding

Message-Id: <165.377@emailintegration>

References: <165.367@emailintegration> <165.367@emailintegration>

X-Priority: 3

X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">





body {

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif;


table {

margin-top: 1em;


td {

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 80%;


th {

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 80%;


alt2 {

background-color: #FFFFFF;

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 80%;





<body><div id="ei_body">ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha<br />


<div id="ei_sig"><br />

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br />


<div id="ei_links">



<td align="center"><a href="http://www.fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de/home/subscription.php?do=addsubscription&f=16">Unsubscribe from Coaches Corner</a></td>



<td align="left">

<a href="http://www.fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de/home/showthread.php?t=165">View thread in forum (4 replies)</a> |

<a href="http://www.fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de/home/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=0&p="> Reply via forum</a> |

<a href="http://www.fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de/home/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=16">Start a new thread via forum</a>



<tr><td align="center"><a href="http://www.fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de">View Homepage</a> | <a href="http://www.fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de/home">View Forums</a> | <a href="http://www.fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de/home/calendar.php">Calendar</a> | <a href="http://www.fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de/home/memberlist.php">Memberlist</a> | <a href="http://www.fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de/home/search.php">Search Forums</a></td></tr>


<td align="center">You may reply to this email to post a reply to the forum.<br>You can also begin a new thread by sending an email to <a href="mailto:buchung@fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de">buchung@fellbach-cheerleadersquads.de</a>!</td>







It seems to be, at the first lines are out of the senteader.

I apologize for my bad language skill and that I didn't hailed to the MOD its an awesome one! Thnx fort the great MOD

01-08-2008, 08:34 PM
No mine is more smushed.

Dear matt, Erwin has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Broken formatting - in the bla blah blah This thread is located at: http://blahblahblah.com/forum/showthread.php?t=919&goto=newpost Here is the message that has just been posted: *************** This has been corrected. *************** There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again. All the best, jooXter forums ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unsubscription information: To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit this page: http://blhablahblah.com/forum/subscription.php?do=removesubscription&type=thread&subscriptionid=629&auth=3a9c63bc6e81a01842981db98a354f26 To unsubscribe from ALL threads, please visit this page: http://blahblahblah.com/forum/subscription.php?do=viewsubscription&folderid=all

looks like a different issue then.

for the record I could not edit this code to my bbcode_quote, since my template did not have this line.


BBCode Layout Templates -> bbcode_quote




<table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">




<table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="0" border="0">

01-08-2008, 10:45 PM
Hm...yeah it seems so. Wish you good luck for a solution of your problem. Why don`t you have anymore this line in your template? A hack?!

01-08-2008, 10:53 PM
No its about the same content. Not sure why this forum is stuffing it into one giant code line though.

01-09-2008, 09:25 PM
Is there any help out there?!
Mr Cyricx!? Please help me out.

01-10-2008, 02:34 PM
This html email stuff just isn't working out well.

I'm working now on a next version to address several of the bugs mentioned.

As well as I think what I'm going to do here is go with a more vbulletin friendly formatted plain text email. And then down the road I can add a html format one back for those that want it and it would be user selectable.

Anyway, bear with me, I'm digging into the code this week. :)

Sorry for the delay in responding, I had to write a huge interface this last two weeks :(

I do have the test site back up. PM me for details if you like :) Those of you who were on the old test site, have the details still. It's the same, though everything was reset :)

01-10-2008, 05:36 PM
Good news Chris, keep us posted on how it is going!

01-11-2008, 02:19 PM
This html email stuff just isn't working out well.

I'm working now on a next version to address several of the bugs mentioned.

As well as I think what I'm going to do here is go with a more vbulletin friendly formatted plain text email. And then down the road I can add a html format one back for those that want it and it would be user selectable.

Anyway, bear with me, I'm digging into the code this week. :)

Sorry for the delay in responding, I had to write a huge interface this last two weeks :(

I do have the test site back up. PM me for details if you like :) Those of you who were on the old test site, have the details still. It's the same, though everything was reset :)

Thank you very much and sorry If I might had forced you!
Good to hear you don`t let us alone

01-11-2008, 02:47 PM
Dude, your talking about taking the HTML feature away?

Don'r do that. If it takes you longer to release then fine but don't force us to downgrade. I depend on the HTML feature.

Thank you very much and sorry If I might had forced you!
Good to hear you don`t let us alone

01-13-2008, 05:56 PM
Would this add-on make it possible for me to email a picture from my phone and post a new thread with the picture in it? Or is it solely for replying to threads?

01-13-2008, 08:00 PM
Dude, your talking about taking the HTML feature away?

Don'r do that. If it takes you longer to release then fine but don't force us to downgrade. I depend on the HTML feature.

Noted. I'll see what I can do :)

Would this add-on make it possible for me to email a picture from my phone and post a new thread with the picture in it? Or is it solely for replying to threads?
Hmm.. I'm not sure how possible it would be. Right now, I do not think it would work that way unless your phone was setup as your athorization email account for your username :)

However, there are addons for alot of the galleries like photopost has one that lets people post pictures from their phones.

I would guess it to be a long ways down the line before I would consider adding in any kind of mobile phone tie in. Certainly could be cool though. Messaging from your cellphone to post and receive posts.. gives me chills :), though I couldn't even imagine how long it would be before I got to that point LOL.

I'm still battling with just getting this bastard to go through the 1billion different email browsers cleanly ;)

01-14-2008, 07:06 PM

I wanted to give everyone a peek at the way I'm working on the emails to look. This is the plain text version.

I certainly plan to have a full html version of the email either in this next build or shortly thereafter depending on my luck with vbmail's system. And the html emails would look like a blend of this plain text format and the current emails that are sent out for the current build.

To give a little insight into my thoughts and why I'm going for this format:

As I was dealing with some of the different online businesses I started to notice that more and more were going to an email system where you needed to reply between Line X and Line Y. This let them be sure that they were cutting up the email correctly and getting your reply right.

It kept things from getting messy with previous messages coming through in pieces, ads were gone, etc.

The thing i didn't like about them, is they had like 3 paragraphs of bs text and then the lines and more text. It almost obscured where you needed to put your message.

I tried to address that concern.

The biggest benefit is the regex's for this would be VERY simple. The forum posts will look GREAT! because they won't have the other messages quoted a billion times. AND the emails you get, have the current message AND the message that person was replying too!

Anyway, I'm pretty damn set on this format, but did want to give everyone a chance to peek at it before it rolled out. :)

The open reply format just proved to be almost impossible to keep things even halfway neat lookin :(

01-14-2008, 07:20 PM
Looks great!

01-14-2008, 09:08 PM
The new format looks great! I'm all for a format that keeps posts free of clutter and ads.

In that spirit, I've got a feature request:

Since many of the users of this mod are migrating from Yahoo! groups (like I am), it would be nice to have a way to discard all attachments but keep the text portions. Right now, if attachments are disabled, then a post with an attachment gets rejected and returned to the sender. In addition to the current "reject attachments" and "post attachments" modes of handling incoming emailed posts, it would be nice to add a third "discard attachments" mode. When a message with attachments is mailed to Yahoo! groups, the text portions get posted with the following line appended at the end of the post:
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Thanks for all the good work, Cyricx!

01-14-2008, 10:37 PM

That's an easy one! I've added that in and it will make it to the next version :)

01-14-2008, 10:47 PM
I've been watching this closely as we are also replacing an old email list and want to minimize the impact of the change.

I presume that a new email sent and converted straight to a post would not have any "lines" and would therefore simply post everything.

I personally don't like the idea of having to type between the lines as many users have an email signature that they would have to scroll down below to do a reply... If you only had a single line that said "do not type below this line as nothing under this line will be posted", that would be a simple backup to allow the effective stripping of the previous email information.

BTW : This is all looking really good - great work.

01-15-2008, 01:21 AM
I actually started with that Sorky, unfortunately with almost every email program it left some kinda line like

Cyricx wrote:

At the bottom of each message, that varied by browser by settings :( The only other solution I could come up with that would be 100% reliable, was the inbetween lines thing.

I think that is the most important step that I need to work this towards. 100% reliability.

You are correct though if the post is a new thread it will not do anything more then make sure there isn't any left over html hanging around.

Replies, it will make the email appear like a normal regular post when it hits the forums. :)

Basically, the cron job checks the headers of the email for the message id "in_reply_to". If it has the emailintegration jazz in there, it's a reply and it parses and cleans it up. If it doesn't its a new thread and it just cleans up some html.

All, just a note into where I'm at and what I've done so far :)

Added option to dismiss attachments.
Cleaned the subject line, no more [forumname-91] subject, it's now just [forumname] subject
Completely fixed the code to work for threaded and hybrid mode by correctly setting the parentid
Fixed the bug in the attachment system.Current items I am working on simultaneously are:

reformatted emails (25% done)
enable user selectable plain or html emails, with an admin override (10%)Other things that will make it into the next version?

Have to wait and see what comes up. :) :)

01-15-2008, 02:53 AM
I hate to flog a dead horse, but...

What if a user simply clicks reply and types away without scrolling down and putting the reply in the correct place... Will it post a blank message on the forum? Will it discard his email as empty? Will he be notified that he made a mistake?

That was my last word on this - you are the expert and it's your product, so however you finish up is ok ;-)

01-15-2008, 03:39 AM
I'd like to suggest that if blank, the system disregards the post.

Additionally, if we're only talking text based content, what would the use of sending an HTML based email be? If email application (Outlook, Thunderbird, most web-based deals such as Hotmail & Yahoo!) automagically convert the link in the text based mail to a hyperlink or image, what more is needed?

...or am I being schtupid?

01-15-2008, 03:56 AM
I am excited. I feared this cool idea would die.

01-15-2008, 11:59 AM
I'd like to suggest that if blank, the system disregards the post.

Additionally, if we're only talking text based content, what would the use of sending an HTML based email be? If email application (Outlook, Thunderbird, most web-based deals such as Hotmail & Yahoo!) automagically convert the link in the text based mail to a hyperlink or image, what more is needed?

...or am I being schtupid?
The reason for sending plain text is that some browsers do not like html emails. Using the current code in 2.3.1 I have one user that actually receives blank emails because their settings deny html emails.

Noone will block plain text, many people seem to block html.

I do NOT intend to do away with html. I'm actually trying to work it now so that it is an option.

The admin can choose to let user's decide, or can force the script to use a particular format. If they admin let's user's decide then they will have an option in their messaging & notification options to choose plain text or html. It will default to plain text.

This has been a REAL learning experience to going from, hey it looks great to me.. to... how COULD it look for someone else.. :)

I hate to flog a dead horse, but...

What if a user simply clicks reply and types away without scrolling down and putting the reply in the correct place... Will it post a blank message on the forum? Will it discard his email as empty? Will he be notified that he made a mistake?

That was my last word on this - you are the expert and it's your product, so however you finish up is ok ;-)

The code remains intact to disregard blank messages and sends an error message email to the user. Same as if they sent a blank post. :) I will likely customize the error message for replies to mention the box though.

This is also the reason for the box being SOO close to the top. They can't miss it if they are going to read the message anyway :)

01-15-2008, 06:19 PM
WOW...heres real life going on!
Go Cyricx! Go Cyricx!
Great job you`re doing here!

Can`t wait for your next release!

01-17-2008, 12:10 AM
Realistically how stable is this mod ? Can it be used on a very large forum yet ? I'm DYING for something like this and I'd really like to implement it.

01-17-2008, 12:34 AM
I dont think it's particularly stable in the form that it's currently in. I personally am waiting for a future version that leverages the vb mail system and has a better parsing system.

01-17-2008, 12:56 AM
I'd donate to the development of this project!

01-17-2008, 07:41 AM
Anyway, I'm pretty damn set on this format, but did want to give everyone a chance to peek at it before it rolled out. :)(

It looks e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t! ;) I am all for reliability, so I wouldn't mind the "write between the lines" thingy.

01-17-2008, 05:04 PM
It's not completely stable now. Still has it's burps.

The next version will be SOLID if I have anything to say about it ;)

01-17-2008, 05:15 PM
cyricx > *

Amazing work buddy. Amazing.

01-17-2008, 06:39 PM
Hi Cyricx,

I need your honest evaluation. My organization is about to bolt on vBulletin all together because of the lack of a reliable email system. I have been looking through the threads, and it is clear that there is very strong demand for your work. Thanks for picking up the pieces.

I need to make an evaluation as to whether I should put your beta software on my system now, or whether I need to toss vBulletin completely. To make this decision, I need a high-level summary of the current issues with your implementation. That way I can decide whether the current problems are something we can live with, or whether the timing is not right and we need to find some other solution. Could you please help with this?

Would anone else like to comment?

p.s. - We would definitely pay for a stable solution to this gaping hole in vBulletin.

01-17-2008, 07:07 PM
My honest evaluation...

I would not bolt on vbulletin.

This modification WILL come to pass. And it's very close to being stable enough for a heavy roll out.

Time table? I can't be certain. I'd love to have this rolling out in the next two weeks.

In fact I'm taking next monday off my paying job (using a vacation day) to dump a significant amount of time into this modification to try to finish resolving a few of the problems remaining.

The current version her eon vborg, is "okay". Sometimes the parsing is crappy and it'll show extra = signs, and attachments aren't handled very well.

The version I have built so far is pretty solid.

I can promise a new version in 2 weeks that may not use vbmail.

However, I'm hoping to get one that uses vbmail by that same time frame.

I know this isn't the definitive concrete answer you were hoping for.. but it's an honest one :)

01-17-2008, 08:02 PM

Thanks for your quick response and your frank evaluation. I will download and install your code to see where it stands. It sounds to me as if it is my best bet at the moment.

From what I can see, many people are rooting for you (myself included). Thanks for the great work thus far. I would be happy to report back any issues I may find if that would be helpful to you.


01-17-2008, 11:17 PM
Woohoo! First hurdle down!

The next version will for certain allow both plain text and html emails!

The admin will be able to define which has to be used, or they can let their users decide!

01-18-2008, 02:50 AM
I've gotten alot of support for this mod so I feel like I owe it to ya guys to let you know where I'm at. Sides... hopefully it'll moisten your lips! ;)

So after I made that hurdle, it pretty much snowballed to a few more :)

This is the current status of 2.4 including bugs fixed, new features and still want to accomplish before release.

Bugs Fixed:

Parent IDs are correctly associated so this mod works completely with threaded and hybrid view thread modes.
Double encoding of attachments is fixed.
The "reply via forum" link is fixed. No more missing postids.New Features (Some address and resolve previous bugs):

Email subject lines are cleaned up. They will now appear as "[Forum Name] Subject of Thread". The threadid, postid and parentids are all controlled through the email header "Message ID" field.
Admin option to "dismiss attachments". Admins can now choose to allow attachments, disallow attachments and send an errror, or disallow attachments and permit the post to still be processed.
Emails have been reformated with a "reply box" this has significantly cleaned up the forum messages and made the emails to the users MUCH cleaner!! I'm most excited about this ;)
User selectable HTML or Plain Text format for emails!!MUST DO!:
These are the things I MUST do before I even think about a release..

Option for Admin to override user optional html/plain text. (DONE!)
Confirm and address possible bug when this hack is used with "event forums" modification. (tested and found no issues, will have to examine the case that reported an issue)
Review "table bbcode" mod and resolve issues if they are caused by this modification. (this like glow and shadow doesn't parse) (Not sure I'd classify it as a bug as much as an unsupported feature... at this time ;) the future can change)
Create a mistake catcher for if the ei_folder field is blank it'll default to INBOX - (DONE!)
Get the script to work with pulling emails from gmail - (DONE!)
add an error message in user manager when auto subscribe is turned on, but no forumids are specified (DONE!)
add an admin option to use new format (reply box) or old format for emails - (DONE!)Would like to do before release of 2.4:

vbmail integration (this is the one I want to really really get done, but I'm uncertain of being able to accomplish.. have dumped alot of time on this with little to no luck so far :( )
better way of handling thread prefix mod, try to eliminate need to comment out in the file and want to add the prefix to the email subject line
attachment file edits - want to try to remove these and take them to plugins (DONE!)
admin options to disallow, or allow crossposting
Review the interaction with subscribe forum and subscribe thread in an email integrated forumI'm sure there is something I'm forgetting....

What do I need?

TESTERS!!! I have NO testers right now and I really want to be certain that the regex work for posts :)

Please PM me if you would like to be a tester!

Thank you all for your support!

Now I'm off to stumble to bed :p

01-18-2008, 05:20 AM
vbmail integration (this is the one I want to really really get done, but I'm uncertain of being able to accomplish.. have dumped alot of time on this with little to no luck so far :(

Chris, would you mind to explain in a few words how you'd like to integrate your plugin with vbmail and how this is causing difficulties? Maybe someone else can come up with some ideas to support you... ;)

01-18-2008, 11:54 AM

Right now, I build the email headers myself and use the php mail function to send the mail. If you have 200 emails to go out.. this can really really affect your server.

Vbulletin has a function called vbmail, that sends out the emails in batches.

The problem I'm having, is when I use vbmail, I cannot get the headers to build using the $foruminfo and $threadinfo variables. :)

I dreamed in code last night and had a few more ideas to try LOL! :)

01-18-2008, 03:35 PM
Just a quick update:

I'm going to have an admin option for the format of the emails on if they want to use the "reply section" or the old way.

cgmckeever has some great regex he wrote for quoting that I'm going to add in that will likely handle all the craziness everyone has noticed

This way, everyone will be happy :)

01-18-2008, 07:12 PM
I got this script to work to pull emails from a gmail account to post to a forum. See my second post for what settings to use. Any of the versions of this modification will work provided you use the settings I specify. Remember you MUST enable pop3 connection in your settings section of your gmail account at google.

See the second post for exact how-to :)

01-19-2008, 05:44 AM
Looks like I'm ready to go on the new version.

I'd like to have a few people do a test install first before I launch it out to all.

Please PM me if you'd like to help.

From what I am lookin at right now... this bugger is about to leave the realm of beta in the dust :)

01-19-2008, 05:57 AM
tempting, but my site with VB is going live in a few days, I can't risk it today.

(I am sure I will risk it after 1 or 2 other people install though :p )

01-19-2008, 06:11 AM
The main thing I'm wanting to test is the email integration file uses a php5 function. But if that function doesn't exist, like if you use php4, it'll create a mock up of the function. :)

Unfortunately all my servers run the latest and greatest jazz :)

01-19-2008, 07:59 AM

Right now, I build the email headers myself and use the php mail function to send the mail. If you have 200 emails to go out.. this can really really affect your server.

Vbulletin has a function called vbmail, that sends out the emails in batches.

The problem I'm having, is when I use vbmail, I cannot get the headers to build using the $foruminfo and $threadinfo variables. :)

I dreamed in code last night and had a few more ideas to try LOL! :)

Chris, I haven't had a chance to run Email Integration yet (I am waiting for your updated script), but I looked your code and I assume you refer to the following snippet:

mail($touser['email'], $subject, $message, $eiheaders);
// vbmail($touser['email'], $subject, $message);

Have you tried using this call to vbmail instead:

vbmail($touser['email'], $subject, $message, false, '', $eiheaders);

01-19-2008, 04:53 PM
I've tried sooo many things I'm pretty certain I've tried that, but I'll try it again this weekend. I'm gonna release 2.4 as soon as it goes through a few testers and then I'll work on vbmail for 2.5

If I recall right I believe the headers var just appends it to vbulletins list of headers but I could be wrong. Which I need to create the from header, reply to and message id my own way :)

Anyway, I'll dig into it again this weekend and try the snippet you put above :)

01-19-2008, 05:13 PM
If I recall right I believe the headers var just appends it to vbulletins list of headers but I could be wrong. Which I need to create the from header, reply to and message id my own way :)

Chris, this is correct. If you pass your headers through vbmail(), vB will add your headers, among its own (from, return-path, auto-submitted, message-id, mime-version, content-type, transfer-encoding, x-priority, x-mailer). If this is unwanted, and if you want to avoid patching any native vB code, I suggest you extend the vB_Mail class from includes/class_mail.php.


01-19-2008, 05:16 PM
Alternatively, you may hook mail_send; this, in fact, is the easiest you can do! Simply overwrite the $headers variable with your headers and you are free to go. ;)

Start the hook with
$headers = '';
$headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . $delimiter;

01-19-2008, 09:55 PM
I've tried sooo many things I'm pretty certain I've tried that, but I'll try it again this weekend. I'm gonna release 2.4 as soon as it goes through a few testers and then I'll work on vbmail for 2.5

And now installed we'll see how it goes!

01-19-2008, 10:38 PM
I've got it installed as well. I've sent you some feedback Chris.

01-20-2008, 05:57 AM
Awesome Alex I'll try that for 2.5, thank you!!

Got some feedback on 2.4 and a few things to fix before I release :)

01-20-2008, 06:34 AM
Hello guys, great to hear this is progressing and thanks.

Any ideas on if there will be support for vb 3.7 ?

Right now it still doesnt work with new registrations in 3.7.

01-20-2008, 06:38 AM
I want a solid beta free version for 3.6 out first which will be this one :)

So yes... there will be support for 3.7 :)

Once this version is completed and solid for 3.6, I'll change my test server to the latest 3.7 and start checkin that out :)

*stumbles off for a few hours sleep*

01-20-2008, 09:06 PM
The new version has been released form this busy little bee!!

I took this mod out of beta in anticipation of the number of bugs resolved with this :)

01-20-2008, 09:18 PM
And working well so far Chris!

01-21-2008, 02:55 AM
I have some users on my site that intiate posts throigh the email intergration.

It works perfectly for me... But only me. Some other users (especially the newer ones) cannot create new posts using the module.

Whenever a few of these users attempt to start a new post it just basically sits in the inbox of the email account assigned to that forum.

Whenever I forward a email to the address it is picked up right away and posted. That email is also deleted from the mailbox I sent too.

Just curious if anyone else has had this issue.
The name of my site is http://mymodeltalk.com
the forum board is http://mymodeltalk.com/jobs

Thanks :)

01-21-2008, 05:45 AM
Hi Cyricx,

Email integration has been working great for us.

Is there a way if some user attach a (allowed) file with the message then email integration patch also send out this attachment?

Having this function would be of great help. Thanks.

01-21-2008, 03:23 PM
I have some users on my site that intiate posts throigh the email intergration.

It works perfectly for me... But only me. Some other users (especially the newer ones) cannot create new posts using the module.

Whenever a few of these users attempt to start a new post it just basically sits in the inbox of the email account assigned to that forum.

Whenever I forward a email to the address it is picked up right away and posted. That email is also deleted from the mailbox I sent too.

Just curious if anyone else has had this issue.
The name of my site is http://mymodeltalk.com
the forum board is http://mymodeltalk.com/jobs

Thanks :)

First question would be, is their usergroupid in the list of allowed to post in the Forum Manager?

Specifically this setting:

Please enter the usergroup IDs that can post and reply by email.

Hi Cyricx,

Email integration has been working great for us.

Is there a way if some user attach a (allowed) file with the message then email integration patch also send out this attachment?

Having this function would be of great help. Thanks.

I had considered this but haven't thought about working it in yet as if someone sent outan attachment and you had 200 people setup for the emails. I would tend to think that sending out 200 emails with attachments could be a real stress on the servers.

That was the reason for going with the links to the attachments. :)

I'll have to put some more thought into this one.

01-22-2008, 12:48 PM
Hello guys, great to hear this is progressing and thanks.

Any ideas on if there will be support for vb 3.7 ?

Right now it still doesnt work with new registrations in 3.7.

Now that I have a solid version for 3.6 that I'm happy with I'll work on the version for 3.7 :)

01-22-2008, 01:58 PM
I need some guidance on where to look for the problem I'm having.

Installed version 4.6 and have been able to post to the forum via e-mail perfectly. I tested invalid addresses and those have not posted, as expected, just happy it's working. For all intents and purposes e-mail to forums is working perfectly.

What's not working is e-mail notices going out.

1. Checked the forum and group settings to ensure that they are setup properly.

2. Tested sending e-mail out from vB through Maintenance > Diagnostics and that works just fine.

But when a post is added to the forum, either directly or through this Add-on, zero notifications are going out. I don't know if this is a vB problem, or if this is an Add-on problem, so I thought I'd just post it here and see if anyone has any suggestions. I'm at a loss.

Help! Thanks in advance.

01-22-2008, 02:46 PM
Are the individuals subscribed to the forums?

Go to your admincp -> email integration -> auto subscriptions:

And run the scripts there to ensure all the forum subs are updated :)

Lastly, double check your Vbulletin Options -> vbulletin options -> Email options and verify that you do not use the smtp authentication.

If after following those steps you still have issues, please PM me and admin login and I'll happily check out whats going on :)

01-22-2008, 04:05 PM
Are the individuals subscribed to the forums?


Go to your admincp -> email integration -> auto subscriptions:

And run the scripts there to ensure all the forum subs are updated :)

Done that as well.

Lastly, double check your Vbulletin Options -> vbulletin options -> Email options and verify that you do not use the smtp authentication.

SMTP is not being used.

If after following those steps you still have issues, please PM me and admin login and I'll happily check out whats going on :)

Thank you for the offer! I'm stepping out for lunch at the moment, but I may PM when I get back in a short while. You're definitely going out of your way to help me like this. Thank you.

01-22-2008, 04:55 PM
Not a problem. I am completely devoted to this modification coming across as A+ :)

Only other thing I can think of is to ensure you have enabled Email Integration and have fully filled out the email address user's should reply to as a full email address in the Forum Manager.

Anyway, if you'd like, pm me with an admin login. I'll need access to the vbulletin options (to verify the settings for EI), forum manager (to verify the forum settings), plugin manager (to make sure there isn't any problems with other mods messin each other up) and what forum you have enabled :)

With the problem your describing that should let me resolve this problem and confirm if this is a bug or a issue between two mods. :)

01-22-2008, 07:11 PM

It is fantastic to see so much activity here. Kudos for getting another release out over the weekend. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

I am getting ready to install 2.4 on a backup Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 box (probably tomorrow). I will need to test it before I take it live. If you need to do any testing on my system, or if you have any specific tests you need done, let me know.


01-22-2008, 08:54 PM
Thanks John, but I do believe this one is issue free :)

* Cyricx KNOCKS ON WOOD... HARD...

I had a report with a bug with event forums, but loaded up both mods and tested fully. Found no compatability issues.

The smtp authetication doesn't work, but I haven't had a chance to try Alex's suggested code above :)

Tek put it through the ringer with php 4 so I'm solid on that.

I'm actually very confident on this code :)

The only thing people might experience a burp with is when they install this, if they have been using the old versions, and they start to use the "New Email Layout", the old formatted emails won't go through.

But if your started out on 2.4, or choose to use the old layout for emails. Your set to rock and roll :)

I'll be working with mashby tonight to determine what he's got going on, but I believe that will be a isolated issue :)

01-22-2008, 10:27 PM

Now working on the installation. In step 4 of the installation, it says, "Import the product file "product-emailreplyint.xml" in this zip." "Be sure to select "Overwrite".

This sounds like something I should do through Admincp, but I am not sure. Can you please clarify?


01-22-2008, 10:32 PM
My apologies for not being more clear :)

Yes go to your admincp -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products

Scroll down and click on "Add/Import Product".

Click the browse button and select the xml file. Click the radio button for "Allow Overwrite" and click "Import"

01-22-2008, 10:38 PM
Got it. Thanks for the quick reply. Now on to step 5!

01-23-2008, 12:25 AM
Installation done - fingers crossed, testing begins.

01-23-2008, 07:30 PM
Up and running - initial tests look very good! Thanks again Cyricx. I think this is going to do the trick.

Question - how difficult would it be to disable allowing replies to emails to be directly posted to the forum? I would like people to be able to monitor the forum via email, but I want them to come to the site to post a reply. A switch which turned this off would be handy in this case.


01-23-2008, 08:27 PM
Up and running - initial tests look very good! Thanks again Cyricx. I think this is going to do the trick.

Question - how difficult would it be to disable allowing replies to emails to be directly posted to the forum? I would like people to be able to monitor the forum via email, but I want them to come to the site to post a reply. A switch which turned this off would be handy in this case.


Are you wanting to do this globally? or only from certain forums?

01-23-2008, 11:17 PM

Can the stuff between the [ and ] be placed at the end of the notification topic or does it have to be at the beginning?

Additionally, this addon absolutely ROCKS! It might be one of the best addons every for vBulletin.

01-24-2008, 03:01 AM
It needs to be at the beginning for the current code for it to correctly catch the subject of the email. :)

Alot of this code that revolves around retrieving the emails utilizes regex code like preg_match and preg_replace. So fiddling around with the phrases, can completely break the mod :)

If you modify any of it, I suggest testing it alot.

I'm just waiting on one more response and pending that, I'll likely be zipping out a 2.5 which has just a few small tweaks... that have profound effects :) :)

Alex's suggestion above actually springboarded me into a solution that gets this mod to use vbmail! which solves smtp authentication!!

I have it out with one other tester right now that was having similar probs. If everything comes back great with them, I'll release 2.5 :) :)

After that.. comes the port to 3.7 :)

01-24-2008, 02:06 PM
waiting patiently for 3.7 version :)

Thanks a lot Chris!

01-24-2008, 10:16 PM
Let's keep things simple - being able to make email notifications outgoing-only on a global basis would be fine with me. (Of course, I am sure some time someone would be looking for it to work on a per-forum basis.)

01-25-2008, 12:02 AM
That's easy. :)

Enable email modification in the forum manager and fill out the "reply address" as the admin's email address.

Disable the scheduled task for Email Integration in the scheduled task manager.

Then you can go to Languages & Phrases -> Search in Phrases -> searching for ei_notify in the variables and you'll see all the phrases for the emails. Then you can modify those to your liking.

I do NOT suggest anyone change any of these phrases unless they will be disabling incoming mail!!!

The regex in the scheduled task rely on specific layouts of the -=-=-=-= lines in the emails to correctly parse and interpret the incoming emails!

01-25-2008, 06:54 AM
Pardon, odays update is for what?!
I didn`t get it. Sorry to ask.

01-25-2008, 08:15 AM
The new version uses now the "internal" vbmail function!

01-25-2008, 11:31 AM
Yep yep :)

Complete with handling the mail queue and smtp authetication! :)

01-25-2008, 07:59 PM

Once again, thanks for the greatest mod ever. I do hope everyone is donating some $$ to your effort.

Three quick questions.

1) Under vbulletin - email integration settings it says, "See the "Install File" on how to change the default email type." I do not see this info? How do you set default?

2) Smilies are still showing up in my messages as little red x's. I modified paths, here is one: http://www.amphicar770.com/amphicarforum/images/smilies/012.gif What am I doin wrong here?

3) After upgrade is it now using vbmail automatically or do I have to modify something? Stupid question but what would it be using otherwise?

Thanks again.

01-25-2008, 08:11 PM

Once again, thanks for the greatest mod ever. I do hope everyone is donating some $$ to your effort.

Three quick questions.

1) Under vbulletin - email integration settings it says, "See the "Install File" on how to change the default email type." I do not see this info? How do you set default?

Ah bugger, I forgot to include the query in that.

If you want to change the default way that everyone sees the emails while allowing them to choose what they want, you need to run a query.

Be sure to replace (TABLEPREFIX) with your table prefix or remove that if you do not use one.

This query changes the default value for the field for new users that register from this point on to 1 which is for HTML emails.

ALTER TABLE `(TABLEPREFIX)user` CHANGE `ei_format` `ei_format` INT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';

And this query changes all the current users to using the html format.

UPDATE `(TABLEPREFIX)user` set `ei_format` = '1';

This is assuming your going to leave it so that user's can choose what format they want. From here they can go in and change it to plain text if they want.

If you DO NOT want to let user's choose and want to force html, just use the options in the vbulletin options.

2) Smilies are still showing up in my messages as little red x's. I modified paths, here is one: http://www.amphicar770.com/amphicarforum/images/smilies/012.gif What am I doin wrong here?

This is similiar to what happens with vbadvanced. You'll need to go into your smilies and change the path to them to be the full url to the smilie. For example

3) After upgrade is it now using vbmail automatically or do I have to modify something? Stupid question but what would it be using otherwise?

Thanks again.
You need to do nothing. All emails are now sent through vbmail :) It's automatic :)

Hope this helps!!

01-26-2008, 01:23 AM
You need to do nothing. All emails are now sent through vbmail :) It's automatic :)

Congrats ;)

01-26-2008, 07:24 AM
The new version uses now the "internal" vbmail function!

Thnx Tobi for your helping Hand.
It`s always a pleasure to meet you :D

01-26-2008, 09:28 PM
Wehave a problem with the email integration Mod. On enabled forums around 60% of the time if we quick reply we get:


taking place, if we refresh the post is there. If we use regular reply around the same amount of chances we get (..815), again a refresh fixes.


We?ve also seen: ?This post is a duplicate of a post that you have posted in the last five minutes. You will be redirected to that thread.?


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/windows/public_html/forums/includes/functions_newpost.php on line 908

So some serious issues for us somewhere...

Can give you Admin access if you need it to track this one down.

Have confirmed if we disable the Mod the issue vanishes completely, turn it back on and it returns.

01-27-2008, 07:47 PM
Hi Cyricx,

Everything works very well except I am struggling with being able to have email pulled into the forum. I can see the email sitting in the user's mail box, so I know that it is getting that far. I expect that the issue is the mailbox name. I am running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1. In this system, email is stored in /var/mail/username, not INBOX. Should I enter the full path to the mailbox? Is INBOX some Microsoft server name?


01-27-2008, 08:54 PM
The new version i sup and running.

I did have a problem with the new, "type between the lines format". Myself and some other users did type between the lines but when the message posted the text was not there. I decided I prefer the old format so am using that.

Here is an enhancement request. Might be asking for the moon. A lot of users have asked about having a daily digest email complete with message content (unlike the headers only that VB provides). Any chance we might see something like this in a futre release?

Again, this is the greatest VB Mod of all time!!

01-28-2008, 12:33 PM
Wehave a problem with the email integration Mod. On enabled forums around 60% of the time if we quick reply we get:


taking place, if we refresh the post is there. If we use regular reply around the same amount of chances we get (..815), again a refresh fixes.


We?ve also seen: ?This post is a duplicate of a post that you have posted in the last five minutes. You will be redirected to that thread.?


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/windows/public_html/forums/includes/functions_newpost.php on line 908

So some serious issues for us somewhere...

Can give you Admin access if you need it to track this one down.

Have confirmed if we disable the Mod the issue vanishes completely, turn it back on and it returns.

I'm having the same problem. Specifically, the function on mine is set_parsing_language.

01-28-2008, 03:48 PM
I'm all over these few bugs guys. I'm pretty sure I've got both narrowed down to exactly what is going on.

I should have a fix released tomorrow early.

The duplicate post problem is due to an error occuring that seems to be tied to the user's that have autosubscribe enabled. I'm pretty sure this is focused on the starting queries I run for building the new layout emails.

The call to function I believe is also tied to the plain text parser.

JohnNM, it should still be INBOX. Please check your PMs on a good time to call you tomorrow to resolve this issue and take care of those custom tweaks you were wanting :)

Had a rough weekend helping some friends out with a loss so it pushed my plate back a few days.

Thank you all for your patience on this :)

01-28-2008, 04:46 PM
I had considered this [handling attachments but haven't thought about working it in yet as if someone sent outan attachment and you had 200 people setup for the emails. I would tend to think that sending out 200 emails with attachments could be a real stress on the servers.

That was the reason for going with the links to the attachments. :)

I'll have to put some more thought into this one.I have hacked my individual emails and daily digest to include a link to any attachments, just like on the website. Works great! Note that I am NOT using your email integration system yet. I'm waiting for it to mature a bit more...

01-29-2008, 05:10 PM
Latest version released, all of the above bugs are all resolved.

Please let me know if you have any other issues at ALL. I want to fix every bug I can find... unfortunately my testers are few :(

Thank you all for your support!!

01-29-2008, 06:04 PM
But we care Chris :) Just about to install now...

01-30-2008, 01:32 PM

The email notifications notify you of the post you just made. Is there a way to make that stop or an enhancement that can be made to eliminate that?

Also, what does the portion of the notification message subject between the [ and ] function as? Can we move that to the end of the subject or eliminate (or alter it) so the subject can be smaller?

I'm also getting a "Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/windows/public_html/forums/includes/functions_newpost.php on line 908" as well, but I haven't updated to 2.5.1 yet.


01-30-2008, 01:43 PM

The email notifications notify you of the post you just made. Is there a way to make that stop or an enhancement that can be made to eliminate that?

You want user's to not be notified of their own posts?

Also, what does the portion of the notification message subject between the [ and ] function as? Can we move that to the end of the subject or eliminate (or alter it) so the subject can be smaller?

Unfortunately, this is a nessecity. Some virus scanners change alot of the header information in the emails. So we need a backup method to ensure that we are correctly putting replies in the right spot. If you remove that, this is a HUGE chance that alot of replies will be classified as new threads.

I'm also getting a "Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/windows/public_html/forums/includes/functions_newpost.php on line 908" as well, but I haven't updated to 2.5.1 yet.

Update to 2.5.1 and you'll be good to go! :)

01-30-2008, 02:25 PM
You want user's to not be notified of their own posts?
Right. The standard notification system in VB is to not notify you of your own posts.

Unfortunately, this is a nessecity. Some virus scanners change alot of the header information in the emails. So we need a backup method to ensure that we are correctly putting replies in the right spot. If you remove that, this is a HUGE chance that alot of replies will be classified as new threads.

Can I move it to the end, or can I make it so the message is different? such as:

Reply to thread 'Miscellaneous Hacks - Unread Posts .... [t-1432429]


01-30-2008, 02:42 PM
Right. The standard notification system in VB is to not notify you of your own posts.
True, standard email lists though sends out all of them. :)

I'll add this as an end user option in the next build or two. It'll just need a few if statements :)

Can I move it to the end, or can I make it so the message is different? such as:

Reply to thread 'Miscellaneous Hacks - Unread Posts .... [t-1432429]

Not without modifying the cron file. :(

Let me explain a little bit about the reasoning of the way the subject line is built.

Most places are going to load multiple forums up with this. So the forum name is in the subject line so you know what forum it is going to. This can be very important if you have a public forum and a moderators forum enabled for example.

The t-threadid# is mandatory as the backup for if someone has a good virus scanner going to town on the email headers :)

The last part is the subject of the message :)

The regex in the cron file first checks the "in_reply_to" of the emails. If a virus scanner has replaced that with something else it then scans the subject line and looks for


The first set of paranthesis is the threadid number. The second set is the subject of the post :)

If you switch those around backwords you'll get posts with no subject. :(

I have to becareful not to add in TOO many options though or people will get abundantly confused hehehe :)

01-30-2008, 08:45 PM
Anyone out there using 3.7 that would like to test out the next version? it will be compatable with 3.6.8 and 3.7. I'd like to have a few people test it out on 3.7 though before I release it :)

Send me a PM :)

01-31-2008, 12:28 PM
Added a new bug fix version. 2.5.2 fixed a bug with new user registrations not being autosubscribed when their usergroup is setup to do so.

I also added a regex fix for utf-8 encoding on filenames.

This version will work with 3.6.8 AND 3.7!

01-31-2008, 10:04 PM
Anyone out there using 3.7 that would like to test out the next version? it will be compatable with 3.6.8 and 3.7. I'd like to have a few people test it out on 3.7 though before I release it :)

Send me a PM :)

If I get a chance I will rev my test box to 3.7 and give your latest code a spin.


01-31-2008, 10:53 PM

My users are still reporting 908 errors.


02-01-2008, 12:45 AM
908 errors?

Could you be more specific.. I'm not at all certain what you mean.

Also, are you certain your using the latest version?

02-01-2008, 01:29 AM
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in forum\includes\functions_newpost.php on line 908

I haven't been able to replicate it, but they continue to report it even after upgrading to 2.5.1. Additionally, they are reporting seeing the following error now as well:

http://www.thegoldenrivet.com/Images/misc/error.jpg (http://www.thegoldenrivet.com/Images/misc/error.jpg)

02-01-2008, 11:33 AM
Rwerk, have you upgraded to 2.5.2?

The call to a member function is due to the set parsing language not being devfined in the plugins, that should be there now.

If you'd like to PM me admin login I'll double check.

Please follow the upgrade instructions closely. Be sure that you did the instructions in the reverseedits_upgradesonly.txt

Imported the xml and selected overwrite.

And overwrote all files.

Not following these steps will cause errors!

02-01-2008, 11:44 PM
I have not updated to 2.5.2 yet - I thought that the error that I am describing was corrected in 2.5.1. Is that not the case?

02-03-2008, 10:19 AM
I've just updated to version 2.5.2 and am still getting the 908 error message when trying to validate pending messages in the admin area: forum/includes/functions_newpost.php on line 908

02-04-2008, 08:07 PM
I have now installed 2.5.2 on my production RHEL 5.1 box. All okay so far.

Cyricx, thanks so much for all your help.


02-05-2008, 11:39 AM
I'm probably just missing something, but where do you edit the "Rejection Template"? I want to change what the bounce back e-mail says to someone who's not authorized to send an e-mail and I can't seem to find where that is.


02-05-2008, 01:55 PM
I'm probably just missing something, but where do you edit the "Rejection Template"? I want to change what the bounce back e-mail says to someone who's not authorized to send an e-mail and I can't seem to find where that is.

Look in phrases - there is no template per se, it's all done there.

02-05-2008, 01:56 PM
Hello Cyricx
just installed it and it works like a charm. Thanks for this thing. Only thumbs for attached images are not getting generated yet, but I guess you already knew that ;)

Thanks again

02-05-2008, 06:25 PM
How about using input boxes in the email- that seems like it would encourage replies and new posts even more.

I got this email from amazon, usually they're only text, and I notice how the boxes gave me more motivation to reply:

02-06-2008, 01:04 PM
I've just updated to version 2.5.2 and am still getting the 908 error message when trying to validate pending messages in the admin area: forum/includes/functions_newpost.php on line 908
Working with Attilio to determine what's going on. I suspect it's something being missed in upgrading.

Hello Cyricx
just installed it and it works like a charm. Thanks for this thing. Only thumbs for attached images are not getting generated yet, but I guess you already knew that ;)

Thanks again
Yep aware of this one. Still trying to decode how it builds thumbnails :)

How about using input boxes in the email- that seems like it would encourage replies and new posts even more.

I got this email from amazon, usually they're only text, and I notice how the boxes gave me more motivation to reply:
Interesting idea and something that could be considered for the html formatted emails.
I'll look into this for future versions to determine how feasible it is.


Sorry for my slow replies all... it appears that the geforce 7100 motherboard and windows xp don't like each other a whole lot so battling getting my home pc running :)

02-07-2008, 10:27 AM
One more thing,
if someone adds image code to his email it is not getting displayed correct.

e.g. contained in the email (minus spaces):

[img ]http://www.mtb-news.de/forum/images/ibc/ibclogo_ececec.gif[/img ]

in a forumpost it looks like:

[img ][URL='http://www.mtb-news.de/forum/images/ibc/ibclogo_ececec.gif[/img ]']http://www.mtb-news.de/forum/images/ibc/ibclogo_ececec.gif[/img ][/URL ]

Any advice?

02-08-2008, 12:44 PM

I am a little bit confused. Where is the difference between this script above and this one?:


I am very interested in this hack. I only need a slight modification. I would be willing to pay for this.

I need this mailinglist functionality depending on the usergroup. I do not want that every user can use this feature, only premium members and Moderators shall be allowed to use this feature.

Would that be possible?

Thanks in advance

02-08-2008, 05:14 PM
Now all this hack needs is a simple way for the admin to be able to subscribe groups of users to a specific forum or thread they want to from the admin panel.

This is almost a great hack just one very important key feature missing still! Besides users being able to subscribe... admins need to be able to do this as well from their end!


Any chance this hack will work on vb3.6.4?

02-09-2008, 03:52 AM
By default it seems that users are subscribed via text email instead of HTML. How can I change that without forcing all of them to use HTML ?

02-10-2008, 08:14 AM
I am very interested in this hack. I only need a slight modification. I would be willing to pay for this.

I need this mailinglist functionality depending on the usergroup. I do not want that every user can use this feature, only premium members and Moderators shall be allowed to use this feature.

Would that be possible?

Thanks in advance


Since this is IMHO a very important point, it would help if you state this clearly in the overview text of this Mod at the top of the page. Whether this can be setted in ACP by usergroup or not.

There are 47 pages now with comments about this hack. It does nnot malke sense to read all through that, without knowing whether there will be an answer to it.

There is another mod, that can handle this by usergrpup, although it does not have the reply by e-mail ability. But at least there you get the information, that you can decide to offer this feature by usergroup:


so can anybody make a statement about this for this hack here please?

02-10-2008, 03:23 PM
One more thing,
if someone adds image code to his email it is not getting displayed correct.

e.g. contained in the email (minus spaces):

[img ]http://www.mtb-news.de/forum/images/ibc/ibclogo_ececec.gif[/img ]

in a forumpost it looks like:

[img ]']http://www.mtb-news.de/forum/images/ibc/ibclogo_ececec.gif[/img ][/URL ]

Any advice?
I'll contact you off forums to get a copy of that email to see if I can determine why it did it, and to resolve it :)


I am a little bit confused. Where is the difference between this script above and this one?:

[URL]https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=169247&page=2 ('http://www.mtb-news.de/forum/images/ibc/ibclogo_ececec.gif[/img )

I am very interested in this hack. I only need a slight modification. I would be willing to pay for this.

I need this mailinglist functionality depending on the usergroup. I do not want that every user can use this feature, only premium members and Moderators shall be allowed to use this feature.

Would that be possible?

Thanks in advance
Right now.. no difference in the two mods. As I get things all debugged, I'll begin working on the 3.7 version more and then these two will separate quite a bit.

This is very possible and I'll plan it in for the next version. Right now it allows you to restrict who can reply via email, but ti doesn't restrict who can subscribe to instant email notifications.

Let me check out some of these bugs and get them cleaned up and I'll code that in for the next version as well :)

Sorry for my delay in responding snoopy. As I mentioned, I spent the last week beating a motherboard and cpu that didn't want to get along against the wall... O the joys of build your own system :)

Now all this hack needs is a simple way for the admin to be able to subscribe groups of users to a specific forum or thread they want to from the admin panel.

This is almost a great hack just one very important key feature missing still! Besides users being able to subscribe... admins need to be able to do this as well from their end!


Any chance this hack will work on vb3.6.4?
That is already in! :)

After installation, go to the usergroup manager and turn on auto notification and enter in the forumids you want to set that usergroup to automatically be subscribed to instant notification for. Then under Usergroups is "Auto Subscriptions", or under the heading of "Email Integration" is another link to "Auto Subscriptions".

As far as 3.6.4, I have not tested it on that, though I do not forsee any issues with this not working with 3.6.4. Logically, it should work for any of the 3.6x versions though it has not been tested.

By default it seems that users are subscribed via text email instead of HTML. How can I change that without forcing all of them to use HTML ?
So you want users to get html emails. But they can go into their UserCP and select to receive text messages if they want?

To do that you'll need to change the default value of the field in the usertable.

Go to your Admincp -> Maintence -> Execute SQL Query ->

If you use a table prefix like vb3_ run this query and replace vb3_ with your table prefix.

ALTER TABLE `vb3_user` CHANGE `ei_format` `ei_format` INT( 3 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';

If you do NOT use a table prefix then run this query:

ALTER TABLE `user` CHANGE `ei_format` `ei_format` INT( 3 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';

02-10-2008, 03:59 PM
....Right now it allows you to restrict who can reply via email, but ti doesn't restrict who can subscribe to instant email notifications.


After installation, go to the usergroup manager and turn on auto notification and enter in the forumids you want to set that usergroup to automatically be subscribed to instant notification for. Then under Usergroups is "Auto Subscriptions", or under the heading of "Email Integration" is another link to "Auto Subscriptions".

mmmhh. Maybe I misunderstood this, but for me it sounds like this is already in it.

If you compare the first part of your answer and the second part (marked in red), it seems that it is already the case, that I can set it up in ACP that i.e. only premium members get instant e-mail notification incl. the reply functionality and no other usergroup will have both features.

Or did I misundertand here something?

02-12-2008, 05:22 AM
I'm back. As promised a few months ago, I've now successfully moved my forum to a new host, with the express desire of being compatible with this plugin. :) Now that the move is complete, I've caught up in this thread, I've installed the add-on, and am configuring it.

1) The first thing I've noticed is that the forums under "Edit Forum Subscriptions" don't respect the settings I have in AdminCP's Forum Manager, specifically "Forum is Open" and "Forum is Active." I have some sub-forums that are set to be CLOSED and/or INACTIVE, and yet they still show up in Registered Users' "Edit Forum Subscriptions" settings. My feeling is that if these sub-forum names are not viewable to them in the regular forum, they shouldn't be viewable in that setting, either. Was this an oversight or am I missing something?

2) Until I enabled this for at least one forum, I didn't see "Instant notification" show up as an option in the pulldown menu. Although "Set all Instant" is a button at the bottom. So it was confusing.


If no forums have Instant Notification enabled, that button shouldn't be there, I don't think.

3) This is not showing up for users on "Edit Options:"
Added ability for users to select the email format they would like. Plain Text or HTML, this is on the end users "Edit Options" page.
How can I get this feature?

I'll provide more feedback as I tinker...

02-12-2008, 12:08 PM
mmmhh. Maybe I misunderstood this, but for me it sounds like this is already in it.

If you compare the first part of your answer and the second part (marked in red), it seems that it is already the case, that I can set it up in ACP that i.e. only premium members get instant e-mail notification incl. the reply functionality and no other usergroup will have both features.

Or did I misundertand here something?
Kinda.. :)

There are two different points that the usergroups can be checked. When subscribing to receive the updates (no check beyond forum permissions at this time) and when emails are being processed from the list (controlled by the array of usergroups added in the forum manager).

Right now this modification will allow anyone that you have as allowed to view a forum, to setup for instant notification emails.

However, only the usergroups you allow can reply via email.

I'm going to work some fixes to make that same list of usergroups apply both ways. So that only those you allow to reply via email are the same ones that are only allowed to subscribe to get instant email notifications. It'll be in the next bug fix version as I feel this is a bug that it doesn't cover that already :)

1) The first thing I've noticed is that the forums under "Edit Forum Subscriptions" don't respect the settings I have in AdminCP's Forum Manager, specifically "Forum is Open" and "Forum is Active." I have some sub-forums that are set to be CLOSED and/or INACTIVE, and yet they still show up in Registered Users' "Edit Forum Subscriptions" settings. My feeling is that if these sub-forum names are not viewable to them in the regular forum, they shouldn't be viewable in that setting, either. Was this an oversight or am I missing something?

Bug! *grumble* hehe I'll work on some fixes for this too! :)

2) Until I enabled this for at least one forum, I didn't see "Instant notification" show up as an option in the pulldown menu. Although "Set all Instant" is a button at the bottom. So it was confusing.


If no forums have Instant Notification enabled, that button shouldn't be there, I don't think.
Great point! I'll work on this as well!

3) This is not showing up for users on "Edit Options:"

How can I get this feature?

What specifically are you referring to that is not showing up under edit options?

Keep the bug finds comin guys!!! I've only got a handful of testers prior to release so alot of times they will miss the minor things.

02-12-2008, 01:31 PM
What specifically are you referring to that is not showing up under edit options?

The ability for users to select the email format they would like. (Plain Text or HTML)
I am not seeing that at all in UserCP -> Edit Options.

Also, minor niggle, but on the "Edit Forum Subscriptions" page, why must "Instant Notification by Email is available for this forum!" appear in bold underneath every single (eligible) forum? Why not just have a concise description at the top, which adds "Only some forums have Instant Notification available" or instead, put an asterisk next to the eligible ones, with the "Instant Notification by Email is available for this forum" explanation at the bottom. It's cluttered and confusing the current way (IMHO)


02-12-2008, 01:48 PM
in the admincp under Vbulletin Options -> Vbulletin Options -> Email Integration Settings

You have set "User's can select format?" to No.

Set it to Yes to allow users to select then it will show up :)

02-12-2008, 05:05 PM
How's this?

O and yes... if you do not have access to subscribe to instant email notification for any forums the set all instant and that phrase will not show up :)

02-12-2008, 05:07 PM
in the admincp under Vbulletin Options -> Vbulletin Options -> Email Integration Settings

You have set "User's can select format?" to No.

Set it to Yes to allow users to select then it will show up :)

It was already set to YES, but I'm still not seeing it.

02-12-2008, 05:15 PM
Perhaps you haven't updated your templates.

In the newer versions I believe 3.6.8+, not completely certain which, but they added template hooks.

Check your modifyoptions template for


The plugin looks for that and adds the template modification in to save you all from doing template edits :)

02-12-2008, 05:20 PM
I'm probably just missing something, but where do you edit the "Rejection Template"? I want to change what the bounce back e-mail says to someone who's not authorized to send an e-mail and I can't seem to find where that is.


I'm sorry... I completely missed replying to this. Only found it as I was doing a once over to make sure I had caught all the reported bugs in the newest version I've got ready to roll out.

Anyway -

If your looking for ANY of the email error messages just go to your Admincp -> Languages & Phrases -> Search in Phrases

As the text to search for enter: ei_error
Select to search in Phrase Variable name only.

You'll then see a list of all of the email subject and body messages for any of the errors.

The one your specifically after is: ei_error_nopermission

Hope this helps!! :D

02-12-2008, 07:19 PM

Does the 2.5.3 release address the issues with the line 908 error or the errant double replies?


02-12-2008, 07:41 PM

Changed the field in the Forum Manager for forum['ei_usergroups'] so that it now controls not only who can reply via email. But who can receive instant notification emails. It is now titled "Please enter the usergroup IDs that can use this feature."

Will the usergroup get instant e-mailo notifications only on old threads or also on all new threads within the forum I allowed them to?

Do they need to click again on a link to get more e-mail or is this a real non-stop e-mail notification about everything what is going on in that forum?

Thanks in advance

02-12-2008, 09:18 PM

Does the 2.5.3 release address the issues with the line 908 error or the errant double replies?

I haven't been able to duplicate the 908 error yet. Could you send me a temporary login so I can verify your plugins?

The most common error so far as been forgetting to remove the edits to showpost.php and showthread.php

As for double replies, that's the first I've heard of that, so I'd love to check out your board to verify these bugs which I will then duplicate on my test site and fix :)


Will the usergroup get instant e-mailo notifications only on old threads or also on all new threads within the forum I allowed them to?

Do they need to click again on a link to get more e-mail or is this a real non-stop e-mail notification about everything what is going on in that forum?

Thanks in advance
It will not retroactively email you on all the threads already in the forum.

It will email you from the point you subscribe to the forum going forward. All new threads and new replies in that forum, you will get an email notification.

02-12-2008, 10:56 PM
Perhaps you haven't updated your templates.

In the newer versions I believe 3.6.8+, not completely certain which, but they added template hooks.

Check your modifyoptions template for


The plugin looks for that and adds the template modification in to save you all from doing template edits :)

Ah, that explains it then... I am running 3.6.5 on this particular forum at the moment (unable to upgrade right now.)

Any chance I can get the manual template edits needed so I can put them in there myself?


02-12-2008, 11:12 PM
I'm about 99% certain that if you just add in


Right above


in the modifyoptions template you should be all good to go.

That is the only template_hook I have in the code right now :)

02-12-2008, 11:23 PM
I'm about 99% certain that if you just add in


Right above


in the modifyoptions template you should be all good to go.

That is the only template_hook I have in the code right now :)

Thanks, this did the trick! That preference now appears in UserCP -> Edit Options.

Now if only I can get the rest of the mod to work... :p

I've created two email boxes, I've enabled Email Integration for two forums, double and tripled-checked all the settings -- but it doesn't seem to be working. (I'm creating threads and emailing threads as a separate user, hoping to see them appear in the forum, or get emailed to my other email account. But nothing's happening.)

I've run the Email Integration: Forum Settings Help... but it just results in a blank page?

Wondering what I should be trying next. Happy to give you admin access to my small, private forum if you're available to give me a helping hand. Or available on AOL IM as well, if you'd prefer to chat.

Thanks for any direction you could provide. :)

02-13-2008, 12:06 AM

Threads/posts created on the forum itself are getting sent out, to at least one of the "subscribed" accounts. :) It's not going to the other, however. :confused:

The one account that is receiving notifications is actually getting two emails, formatted slightly different from each other. One from the proper address. and another from "unknown sender."


(...and I'm not sure what the -t-95 in the message title is all about.)

I have chosen the "old layout" for emails by the way, it looks less confusing for my userbase.

Also, most importanltly, new threads/replies sent via email... aren't showing up on the forum. :(

Any assistance appreciated.

02-13-2008, 02:13 AM

Subscribe to a forum through normal route (daily / weekly)
go to one's userCP to show subscribed threads / forums
Collapse forum listing
Go to Forum Subscriptions area (this mod)
no forums will be shown, (because the table's collapsed) and you can't expand the table
Go back to UserCP, expand forum listing, then return to forum subscriptions, and you'll see the list

02-13-2008, 02:29 AM
My group is also getting the 908 posting error.

Has anyone found a solution for it?



02-13-2008, 11:34 AM

Subscribe to a forum through normal route (daily / weekly)
go to one's userCP to show subscribed threads / forums
Collapse forum listing
Go to Forum Subscriptions area (this mod)
no forums will be shown, (because the table's collapsed) and you can't expand the table
Go back to UserCP, expand forum listing, then return to forum subscriptions, and you'll see the list
Oh! Wow, nice find.. never noticed that :) I'll check this out asap!


Threads/posts created on the forum itself are getting sent out, to at least one of the "subscribed" accounts. :) It's not going to the other, however. :confused:

The one account that is receiving notifications is actually getting two emails, formatted slightly different from each other. One from the proper address. and another from "unknown sender."


(...and I'm not sure what the -t-95 in the message title is all about.)

I have chosen the "old layout" for emails by the way, it looks less confusing for my userbase.

Also, most importanltly, new threads/replies sent via email... aren't showing up on the forum. :(

Any assistance appreciated.
The t-95 is the threadid number. Nessecary for some mail browsers that prescan emails and remove/replace the message id and references lines, so we need a backup way to determine the threadid.

Is it possible for you to PM me a temporary admin login? I would guess that the second account is not getting the emails because they do not have a usergroupid that is listed in the forummanager.

The unknown sender email is extremely odd though.. I would like to see the headers on that email :)

My group is also getting the 908 posting error.

Has anyone found a solution for it?


Is this a fresh install? Or upgrade?

If it's an upgrade, please verify you have removed the previous file edits from the showpost.php and showthread.php files and that you did do the file edit to the class_mail.php file.

02-13-2008, 12:16 PM
...Also, minor niggle, but on the "Edit Forum Subscriptions" page, why must "Instant Notification by Email is available for this forum!" appear in bold underneath every single (eligible) forum? Why not just have a concise description at the top, which adds "Only some forums have Instant Notification available" or instead, put an asterisk next to the eligible ones, with the "Instant Notification by Email is available for this forum" explanation at the bottom. It's cluttered and confusing the current way (IMHO)...
personally i don't agree. but the asterisk option isn't bad either.

02-13-2008, 12:21 PM
yeah, I bolded the asterix to make it stand out more :)

02-13-2008, 01:16 PM

Subscribe to a forum through normal route (daily / weekly)
go to one's userCP to show subscribed threads / forums
Collapse forum listing
Go to Forum Subscriptions area (this mod)
no forums will be shown, (because the table's collapsed) and you can't expand the table
Go back to UserCP, expand forum listing, then return to forum subscriptions, and you'll see the list
Fixed for 2.5.4

Thank you for the bug report!

Anyone experiencing this elusive 908 error, please contact me via pm with a temporary admin login. I'm unable to reproduce this bug with the correct file edits in the showpost.php and showthread.php files. But if I can reproduce it.. I can and will fix it :)

02-13-2008, 02:32 PM
Is it possible for you to PM me a temporary admin login?
PM sent. Thanks...

02-13-2008, 04:00 PM
Is this a fresh install? Or upgrade?

If it's an upgrade, please verify you have removed the previous file edits from the showpost.php and showthread.php files and that you did do the file edit to the class_mail.php file.

It is a fresh install.



02-13-2008, 07:27 PM
would like to see this avoid sending e-mails to the poster. esp in the case where the post was made by e-mail.

02-14-2008, 11:41 AM
Tralala, thank you! Please see a reply PM, I've narrowed down the area of occurance.

Heika, PM sent :), also, what version of vbulletin are you running?

bc3tech, Completely agree! Having the user option for html/text really opened up some areas of possibility for me code wise. I want to nail this 908 bug first and then I'm planning to add two user options.

1) receive instant email notification for own posts
2) allow auto subscription for instant email notification

Both will default to yes.

02-14-2008, 01:12 PM
I believe the 908 error is tied to imap extensions not being enabled in php.ini file. If you have your server set to not display errors, you'll then see that error. :)

If you are receiving the 908 error go to your admincp -> Maintence -> View PHP Info

Under the heading of "Configure Command" you should see references to with-imap

If you DO NOT see that, you MUST edit your php.ini file and enable imap_extensions.

If your UNCERTAIN HOW TO EDIT YOUR PHP.INI FILE.... contact your host! Most hosts will have no issues enabling those commands :)

02-14-2008, 06:02 PM
If that isn't the issue, go to Admincp -> Scheduled Task Manager -> and click "Run Now" for Email Integration.

Watch for errors :)

So far the issues I've been able to review regarding 908 has been one of the above. Which is also why I haven't been able to replicate the problem heh.

Either imap not enabled, or the connection settings not right.

02-15-2008, 11:41 AM

Duplicated the 908 error..

It has to do with someone being subscribed to the thread in the email integration forum prior to email integration being turned on that causes the error when a reply is then made in that thread..

Whew... that one was nasty.

Working on a fix now!

02-15-2008, 03:54 PM
Got a fix, once I get it verified on a few of the forums having issues, I'll toss it up :)

02-15-2008, 05:28 PM

Here's the update message I sent out -

As many have noticed I'm on a bug squashing and obliterating mission!

I had hoped to get a few more minor bugs fixed in this version but
finally found the most elusive and meanest one which was causing people to
get errors when replying to some threads.

The criteria to cause this bug was:

A user must be subscribed to the thread, the thread must be in a forum
that email integration has been enabled. That user must not be
subscribed for instant notification to the forum... only the thread.

Then you would get the error.

I've added a quick fix for the error in 2.5.4

Please upgrade.

If you notice any quirks... bugs... or issues... PLEASE let me know.
I'm devoted to making this a solid modification but I rely on your input

Thank you for your support and patience!

~ Chris

02-15-2008, 09:07 PM
Fingers crossed Chrisas we'd noticed the bug creep in the last few days.

02-16-2008, 12:05 AM
Yeah, I definately snagged that puppy :)

I'll start doing some code for 2.6 next which will add in alot of user options and come up with a solution for subscribing to a thread, but not the forum.

02-16-2008, 01:37 AM

As soon as I upgraded to to 2.5.4 and re-enabled this mod, my double posting issues reappeared. I'll PM you.

02-16-2008, 06:59 AM
Well for me it fixed the double post problem we had hit again.

02-20-2008, 12:01 PM
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I hadn't dropped off the planet and I'm working on the bugs that have been reported.

Here is a list of known confirmed bugs.

These are ones that I have NOT been able to duplicate so may actual be due to issues with another modification:

Duplicate replies when posting in a forum that EI is turned on for. - Unable to confirm.
Headers when sent through a forwarder are lost when Gmail receives them. - Resolved, this was a user error. Didn't change the hearders to "\n" to match their server settings.
Occasionally lists a newthread poster as "unregistered" in the email that is sent out. - FIXED in 2.5.5These are ones that I HAVE been able to duplicate in my test board and I'm working on fixes for them now:

Does not correctly decode iso-2022-jp emails.
Does not carry reply title to email. - FIXED in 2.5.5
Subscribeforums.php file shows forums that are links. - FIXED in 2.5.5Please let me know if you are also experiencing any of the unduplicated bugs so that perhaps I can compare your site to the one having the issue to determine what may be the joining factor :)

The few bugs we are down to seem to only affect one site out of 40 LOL. So the criteria for bugs is getting very obscure... but hey... like I said.. I'm committed to making the most solid major addition modification on vb.org :)

02-22-2008, 06:15 PM
Well... I went from 2.5.4 and went straight to a 2.6 release :)

Prolly had something to do with spending 8 hours doing nothing but working on this code hehe :)

2.5.5 was created in the interim and not released as while working on some bugs I made some huge breakthroughs in what I wanted done for 2.6... which is the coexistance with thread subscriptions as well as the user options for not getting their own posts and (if the admin allows them to) users can select to not be autosubscribed.

Check my second post in this thread for details on how the coexistance with thread subscriptions work.

I'm undecided at this time if I'm going to try to work thread subscriptions to let yu reply via email or not. It could require ALOT of file editting in the functions_newpost.php file which I'm trying to avoid as many file edits as possible.

All in all, I'm excited to feel like this may be my final version for awhile with the exception of working on the last confirmed bug of it not handling japanese characters :)

Several have asked for the cron jobs not to depend upon vbulletin traffic to work.

I'm really not up for writing something that intensive... it would involve creating a queue system as well as trying to teach people how to create cron jobs on their server... yeah.. not my piece of the pie :)

Plus I'm very happy with the way that this works with vbulletin. My forums typically have 1-2 visitors on them at a time right now and it's still working great.

The point of this is NOT to replace vbulletin. I want to encourage the users to come to the forums and hopefully eventually weed them off the mailing list lifestyle and into the forum lifestyle so to speak :)

In anycase, I do have a script that could run by cron job, but it still uses vbmail which requires traffic to activate vbmail and send the emails.. so.. hey.

You could modify it to use regular php mail but I would prolly advise against it as it could crash a server if you tried to send off 1000 emails at once!

Enough babble... hope you enjoy the latest version and donations are certainly appreciated :)

Thank you!

02-22-2008, 07:39 PM
props to you for being on top of ish, mang!

just one thing that i've found thus far: you fixed the collapse/expand bug i mentioned, but now when you collapse the listing on the page for this mod, the image that should turn into an expand image, is n/a - i'm guessing a typo in the image name or something.


02-22-2008, 07:44 PM
Try hitting ctrl+f5 to refresh your browers.

I'm betting you have the old image still stored in your temporary files :)

02-22-2008, 08:20 PM
Well done that man :) Downloading now!

02-23-2008, 12:01 AM
seems a very promissing add-on :)

downloaded and will test it when i wake up (its 3.01am here)


02-24-2008, 05:14 PM
I unistalled 2.1 EI,
upgreaded to vbulletin 3.7 BETA 5,
installed EI 2.6

and am still getting all kinds of errors:

Email Integration

Fatal error: Call to a member function set_parsing_language() on a non-object in /home/.junkyard/xxxxx/xxxxxx/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 1093

02-24-2008, 07:21 PM
Did you reupload the new files including the new /includes/cron/emailintegration.php file?

The file will have the version 2.6 listed in the beginning of it.

02-24-2008, 08:37 PM
Yes, I re-uploaded all files.

Funnily enough, it does seem to work for most users (although not for me as admin).

I am immediately getting complaints about too much clutter in the emails.

Does reverting back to "old style" emails (like in version 2.1; I believe I saw a setting somehwre where I can choose which style emails to send/receive) change any functionality?

EDIT I seem to get a lot of double posts....actually more than double...some posts keep showing up over and over again. It's like it's not deleting them off the server...

02-24-2008, 08:49 PM
I've managed to verify the duplication of incoming posts, over and over..... accidently but done by installing the vMail - Verify Mail before registration Mod (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=162642&page=16).

If this is installed as soon as an import cycle takes place instead of a newly posted message comign in an old one comes in over and over and over.

02-24-2008, 08:53 PM
If that Mod is disabled and a the email mailbox which is having the duplication problem is deleted and recreated the problem is fixed for a while- but if the other Mod is left enabels it will return.

For the moment I've disabled the other Mod. Here's hoping both authors can work together to come up with a fix!

02-24-2008, 09:01 PM
Interesting, although at least for me, my repeat posts have nothing to do with vmail, as I don't have that installed.

02-24-2008, 09:23 PM
Another thing: the email SUBJECT is using the FORUM's name as the beginning; this makes the whole email subject EXTREMELY LONG depending on the forum's name. Is there a way to SHORTEN the email subject?

And is there a way to simplify the emails themself. there's a LOT of extra stuff in there that is causing some confusion with our members (who apparently have the whole thing working, despite me getting a error when I run the cron job manually)

02-25-2008, 04:32 AM
Interesting, although at least for me, my repeat posts have nothing to do with vmail, as I don't have that installed.

Interesting as the only other Mod added at the same time was AME - Auto Media Embedding (youtube, Amazon, google, myspace, etc...) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150863&page=71)
and as that does not touch email I thought it unlikely to be the culprit. Do you have that installed by chance?

02-25-2008, 02:00 PM
Piggo, if you don't mind, could you please send me admincp login with access to plugins, options and scheduled tasks?

To your question concerning the subject line. No currently it is configured to use the forum title. However, I'll toss in a tweak to let you set it as something different per forum. That won't be released til I solve these last few bugs that ironically are not happening on my site LOL.

They gotta be conflict errors.. but don't worry... I'll keep at em!

Tek, I'll install that mod on my test site and respond to your pm as well to discover the issue. I really didn't change hardly anything in the script other then adding the function to send emails for subscribed threads, but that was straight outta the functions_newpost.php file so...

I'll figure it out though :)

02-25-2008, 02:29 PM
Thanks Cyricx,
PM sent.

For some reason, some of the issues seem to have resolved themselves, although I haven't run a manual cron job since yesterday.

02-25-2008, 02:33 PM
Most likely they didn't resolve themselves, or it may have been issues with duplicate subscriptions that the script fixed as it went.

I'm betting it's just very obscure criteria that are causing them.

Thank you for sending me the info, I'll fine tooth comb things and see if I can locate a spot where the issues are occuring. :)

Seriously.. thank you all so much for the bug reports. None of these issues are appearing on my site, so without the bug reports.. I'd never know about them. if anyone is experiencing similar issues, please let me know. It can help sometimes to compare sites that are having the problem to be able to see similiarities that will help me narrow down the issue.

Particularly if it involves conflicts with other modifications.

02-25-2008, 03:09 PM
No probs Chris we are bearing with you. Admin access now granted for you on site.

02-25-2008, 03:52 PM
Okay, this seems like it can be molded into what I want for my forum, but I'm not sure.

What I'm looking for is something so people can take a picture with their phone, then text (preferrably) / email it to an address / number (preferrably), and have it start a new thread.

I don't want them to be able to reply to threads via their phone, so that's not necessary.

Also... I would like it to somehow show who is doing the posting, by somehow linking the phone number to the UserID or something.

Anyway, I know this is an odd place for a request, but I was wondering if you think this system can do that? Or if there is another hack anyone has seen similiar?

Also, how does this show the username? From the person's registered email address?


02-25-2008, 05:06 PM
It shows the username from the registered email address. Which means the email address would have to match that of the phone. :(

I'm don't think it would be able to do exactly what you want without alot of tweaking :)

The thing that I've seen closest to what your wanting is Photopost has a modification that lets you upload pics from your phone.

To modify this code to do that, I would think you would have ALOT of loose ends to tie up.

02-25-2008, 07:06 PM
It shows the username from the registered email address. Which means the email address would have to match that of the phone. :(

I'm don't think it would be able to do exactly what you want without alot of tweaking :)

The thing that I've seen closest to what your wanting is Photopost has a modification that lets you upload pics from your phone.

To modify this code to do that, I would think you would have ALOT of loose ends to tie up.

I figured. And I was actually already in the market for PhotoPost anyway. So if that'll do the trick, then I think I'll be set.

But this mod is very tempting for all my users who have "I hate messageboards" in their signatures. :D

02-26-2008, 12:16 AM
That's definately the aim! Now I just gotta get the obscure and/or conflicting bugs resolved :)

02-26-2008, 01:36 AM
Hi Cyricx,
I've just updated to 2.6 today. When I click on Auto Subscriptions in the Admin CP I get a MySQL error in vB.

Any idea what's going on here?


~ Rodney

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Monday, February 25th 2008 @ 07:31:39 PM
Script : http://[removed]/admin_ei.php
Referrer : http://[removed]/index.php?do=nav

02-26-2008, 02:06 AM
One of your usergroups is setup to auto subscribe members to a forum, but you have not defined the forumid :)

I now have a fix coded in that halts the attempt to save a usergroup with those settings with 2.6 So just open up your usergroups and check each, or open and try to save each one and you'll get the error message :)

I'll add an error message into the auto_sub script for 2.7 for if there is not a defined forumid to tell you which usergroup to correct :)

02-26-2008, 03:30 AM
Thanks Cyricx. I have 50 odd forums so I'll have to go hunting .... Am I alone in finding vB admin control panel a mess? When you have a large number of forums many screens become a nightmare to load in the admincp. But I digress... :-)

02-26-2008, 11:52 AM
You should only have to check the usergroups... not the forums :)

Here is a query you can run from Admincp -> Maintence -> Execute SQL Query that will tell you what usergroup you need to fix :)

Replace (TABLEPREFIX) with your table prefix you setup in the config file, or remove it if you do not use one.

select * from (TABLEPREFIX)usergroup where ei_auto = 1 AND ei_forumid = '';

02-26-2008, 01:59 PM
UPDATE: looks like everyting is working as it should now. SWEET!

The only thing I could still imagine would make this PERFECT if there was the ability to RENAME the forums for the purpose of EMAIL SUBJECT only, as discussed earlier.
Would be VERY happy if you can add that ability next update, Cyricx!

02-26-2008, 02:03 PM
It will DEFINATELY be in the next version :)

I gotta solve the bug that Tek is having right now. So far I've narrowed his bug down to admin replying from email causing a duplicate. Trying to narrow down what in his settings could be causing the code to loop twice.

If anyone else experiences this bug please let me know!

Piggo, was the other plugin causing the issue? If so, I'd be happy to look at the code for it and see if I can figure out what was causing them to burp :)

02-26-2008, 02:15 PM
Actually it seemed to just resolve itself; ALTHOUGH: it may well be the "admin replying from email causing a duplicate" thing.
Remember I was saying that members had no problems?
The duplicate emails seem only to have happened from admin email accounts.

No admin has sent any email recently, so not sure if it would still happen.


GREAT about the renaming forum inclusion in new update!
Thanks so much for this mod, and thanks so much for keeping at it, and making it better (almost daily! :))

02-27-2008, 02:24 PM
Duplicated it on my test board.

It's when a user replies twice to the same thread in the same loop of the cron job. :)

This criteria has actually existed since this modification was created! We just haven't seen it yet til now. :)

I'll work on a fix now.

02-27-2008, 02:39 PM
Dang you are good!

Now that you write that, I can remember that the loop posts were indeed more than one, and close together timewise!


02-27-2008, 03:39 PM
For some reason the floodcheck code works for new threads... but not new replies....


Though it all uses the same datamanager.

I'm fighting with it now

02-27-2008, 08:17 PM
the link on the product after installation (in the products listing of adminCP) is FUBAR :D

02-28-2008, 11:17 PM

So far I have this installed. Ran the debug and it passed. Running 3.7 beta 4. However, I still get the regular email. Nothing in the forum email box. Will keep checking...