View Full Version : Hide Post with Profanity w/ Option to Click-to-Show?

06-28-2007, 07:00 PM
I just saw this feature on an MSN message board, and thought it was really neat. Is it available for vBulletin?

Basically if a message has profanity in it (word in the censor list), the message text is 'hidden' by default, and replaced with text that says "This message may contain profanity and has been hidden". Link underneath says "Click here to display this message". Clicking on that link will ... display all of the text of the post!

I'm not sure that this link will work, but here is the example (view message #22):

09-08-2007, 03:20 AM
Had anyone had a chance to look at this?

Unfortuantely the post (above) that I referneced has been removed, but the concept is there.