View Full Version : [RELEASE vB2.0RC1] Copy Templateset

04-23-2001, 10:00 PM
When using other Templates than the default (ie german templates) than it is usefull to copy this set to a new one before altering them.

File to edit: ./admin/template.php

Around line 235 add the following Code before

// ###################### Start Modify #######################
if ($action=="modify") {

// ###################### Start copyset #######################
if ($action=="copyset") {
$oldset=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * from templateset where templatesetid=$templateset");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO templateset (templatesetid,title) VALUES (NULL,'Copy of ".$oldset[title]."')");
$sets=$DB_site->query("SELECT * from template where templatesetid=$templateset and title != 'options'");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO template (templateid,templatesetid,title,template) VALUES (NULL,$newset,'".addslashes($set[title])."','".addslashes($set[template])."')");

echo "<p>copied!</p>";


In action modify around line 357 add



makelinkcode("collapse groups","template.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=modify&expandset=$templateset[templatesetid]").

04-24-2001, 08:02 PM
Nice one! Was planning on making this one myself, but won't bother anymore ;)

Another extra cp-feature I had in mind was 'add template to all template sets' which will add your new template to all sets in one click

And I'm working on a template compare utitility which will check two the same template of two different template sets against eachother and lists the differences of the $var variables.

But first I've to release the vbextern hack :D

04-24-2001, 11:25 PM
Thanks man that's a great hack, would this work for RC2?

04-25-2001, 04:04 AM
Originally posted by conan
Thanks man that's a great hack, would this work for RC2?
Don?t know
But the chance, that it does, looks great. Don?t think, this part of the skript has changed.

04-29-2001, 07:25 PM
Yes, this works in RC2. It will also work if you have Kier's alternate template admin hack installed. For this, simply add the code in step 2 of this mod to the ktemplate.php file instead - around line 140 in between:

makelinkcode("add new template","template.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=add&templatesetid=$templateset[templatesetid]").



05-11-2001, 08:06 PM
That is not working in RC3

Any help SteveK :o

Thanks :rolleyes:

05-11-2001, 11:49 PM
I'll test once I update to RC3 and let you know what I find out.

05-13-2001, 10:19 PM
I didn't have any problem. You didn't, by chance, change:
if ($action=="copyset") {
if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="copyset") {
did you? If so, try changing it back.

05-13-2001, 10:49 PM
Thanks SteveK

It is working now ;)

05-14-2001, 12:35 PM
Hotte or whom ever likes a challenge...

This is a very useful hack for me, love it... Now :D would you be so kind as to create another. Enabling one to make a copy of individual templates. Like a drop down box that would list the template set's then a copy to button or what ever it takes. Sort of like the drop down that move's the template to another set.

07-25-2001, 03:17 PM
WaJones, just saw this good idea.. Any takers :)



08-13-2001, 10:22 PM
Thanx a bunch for this. i was lookin 4 it with the search function here and sooooo glad i found it :D:D
